Question on "Ultima Online™ Housing and Bank Storage Upgrade Code"....

If an Account is already at 60% Increased Storage for the House and at 175 items for the Bank Box, will purchasing this Upgrade Code again provide "another" additional 20% increase ?

The reason for asking this, comes from reading the Code details....

You've accumulated a mountain of gold and treasure. You've stockpiled scores of weapons, armor, and magic items. And now your Ultima Online character has run out of space to stash all that loot. The solution is the Ultima Online Housing and Bank Storage Upgrade Code.

This code gives you a 20% boost in storage in both your home and your bank, giving you extra space for all of your trophies, treasures, and collectible items. No more making tough decisions on what to keep. Instantly get the extra room you need with the Ultima Online Housing and Bank Storage Upgrade Code.
It says nothing about being a CAP, of any 60% storage increase being the max possible or any of that.

It just says, at least to my understanding, buy this Code and get 20% additional storage....

Which, as I read it, could even mean indefinite increases depending on the many +20% storage upgrade codes that one would be willing to spend money on....

Is that so ?

Anyone can please clarify this ? @Mariah ; perhaps ?


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,396Moderator
    Sorry, no. If you bought that item you would get a message to say it had already been applied to that account.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited January 2020
    Mariah said:
    Sorry, no. If you bought that item you would get a message to say it had already been applied to that account.
    Thanks for the Clarification although, to my opinion, it should be more clear when reviewing such a Code purchase.... I was about to place the order when I thought to come here and ask first....

    It would have been annoying to place the order and only after to find out that I could not apply that code....

    On another note, @Mesanna , @Bleak , @Kyronix , how about players could get a "new" Bank and Storage upgrade Code that they can purchase when already at +60% for Housing Storage and 175 items for the Bank Box?
  • Okay, so could you please provide a little more clarification? If I am looking at my house storage it says 40% increased and gives the max storage as 2206. Is that after the 40% or the base storage count? If it is after the 40%, how do you calculate the additional 20% you purchase? Is it based on the base storage amount or the increased? When trying to find information online of what the base storage is, it's giving me the number I already have on the house sign. I'm just confused. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,396Moderator

    The first storage increase everyone now has, because it was part of Mondains Legacy.  All accounts were upgraded to that level some years ago.
    There are 2 further possible increases, one comes from High Seas, so if you have that booster your houses have 40% increase.
    The final, and optional, increase is that bought from Origin Store. Only those accounts that have purchased that increase have 60%
    As the example on the page linked shows,
    the basic figure of a small house is 489 + 20% = 586
    489 + 40% = 684
    489 + 60% = 782
    Does that help?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Mariah said:

    The first storage increase everyone now has, because it was part of Mondains Legacy.  All accounts were upgraded to that level some years ago.
    There are 2 further possible increases, one comes from High Seas, so if you have that booster your houses have 40% increase.
    The final, and optional, increase is that bought from Origin Store. Only those accounts that have purchased that increase have 60%
    As the example on the page linked shows,
    the basic figure of a small house is 489 + 20% = 586
    489 + 40% = 684
    489 + 60% = 782
    Does that help?
    Oh, I thought, mistakengly it seems, that the increases stacked with one another and were not always applied to the base figure as I seem to understand from your post...

    That is, I thought erroneously, that the +40% applied to the figure already increased of the +20% and that the +60% applied to the figure already increased of the +40%...

    The reason for me thinking this way, was that only in such a way I personally would see it making sense to me to purchase all 3 increases in order to then benefit from their stacking on one another.... otherwise, is my thinking, why would a player joining UO now, want to purchase the first 2 increases (well, the +20% comes as free, I understand...) if by purchasing only the 3rd one, they would still get with 1 purchase the max +60% storage increase that is possible ?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,396Moderator
    That would depend on whether they had purchased High Seas.

    Feel free to check my math
    Each upgrade is 20% I think you'll find that 684 + 20% does not = 782
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,715
    we need another 20% upgrade
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,396Moderator
    Skett said:
    we need another 20% upgrade

    I think maybe it was expected that garden sheds would answer that one?
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,715
    ya i have 10 of those need more i guess. I wish they had options like an out house or tool shed something smaller like 1 or 2 tiles @Mariah
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,396Moderator
    heh sorry, I can't help. Open another account and build another house?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Skett said:
    we need another 20% upgrade
    I agree... Garden Sheds only add a little extra items and they take up space in the House.

    I would much prefer to spend real money to purchase an additional +20% or +30% to the actual entire House storage space rather then add Garden Sheds over Garden Sheds which clutter the House and, depending on the type of House, if too many can make it difficult to find where to place them (let's not forget of all of the other things which we need to place in a House.... furniture, fountains etc. etc. etc.) and can also make the House no longer look nice as one would like...

    So, to my opinion, definitely a new +20% or +30% storage upgrade would be way more preferable, even when costing real money.
  • TrallicTrallic Posts: 11
    Mariah said:
    Skett said:
    we need another 20% upgrade

    I think maybe it was expected that garden sheds would answer that one?

    Unobtainable by a large portion of the players.

    As long as these items are held as sacred cows, untouchable by mere mortals this isn't a viable option. If you take for example a newer player; telling them they either have to buy something on the secondary market (which doesnt benefit the game), buy something through in game gold (priced so high they would realistically need to buy this on the secondary market, not benefiting the game) or wait 14-15yrs of subscription time to redeem it for 'free'. Lets be honest with each other, the game having another 15 years in it isnt a bet I would take.

    The game needs ongoing funding to continue - dare I say, even improve. People would be willing to purchase certain items for cash however these items have been put on a pedestal. These items being locked behind a time wall have served a purpose and would continue to do so, those with picks can still obtain them for free, why prevent a willing party from obtaining it through more honest means?
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    What are you people hoarding to max your storage out?!
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    edited January 2024
    Have to agree with Trallic.  Many of these rewards, like garden sheds, are a great solution for problems players that have been playing for years have, but for newer players with the same problems if these things come up on vendor search at all they are usually far out of reach.  UO’s policy of making these items only available to newer players willing to buy from unauthorized third party vendors has always been the most frustrating aspect of this game for me.  

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    For the first several years that I played you couldn't use a vet reward until you were old enough. I played for 3 years before I was able to ride an ethereal horse. 

    I believe the dev's preferred solution to your storage problems is build another house, which of course requires another regular subscription for an additional account.

    Alternatively, keep less junk.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,715
    ya i remember have to co own my houses to others to place vet rewards bc I was to young and then having to have a gm come and remove them later lol
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,651
    popps said:
    Skett said:
    we need another 20% upgrade
    I agree... Garden Sheds only add a little extra items and they take up space in the House.

    I would much prefer to spend real money to purchase an additional +20% or +30% to the actual entire House storage space rather then add Garden Sheds over Garden Sheds which clutter the House and, depending on the type of House, if too many can make it difficult to find where to place them (let's not forget of all of the other things which we need to place in a House.... furniture, fountains etc. etc. etc.) and can also make the House no longer look nice as one would like...

    So, to my opinion, definitely a new +20% or +30% storage upgrade would be way more preferable, even when costing real money.
    So you favor pay to win when it's something you want (more storage) but against when you don't (pet reset) ??
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Grimbeard said:
    popps said:
    Skett said:
    we need another 20% upgrade
    I agree... Garden Sheds only add a little extra items and they take up space in the House.

    I would much prefer to spend real money to purchase an additional +20% or +30% to the actual entire House storage space rather then add Garden Sheds over Garden Sheds which clutter the House and, depending on the type of House, if too many can make it difficult to find where to place them (let's not forget of all of the other things which we need to place in a House.... furniture, fountains etc. etc. etc.) and can also make the House no longer look nice as one would like...

    So, to my opinion, definitely a new +20% or +30% storage upgrade would be way more preferable, even when costing real money.
    So you favor pay to win when it's something you want (more storage) but against when you don't (pet reset) ??
    Well, I may well be wrong in my thinking but, personally, I see the 2 issues rather differently.

    While pet reset tokens applied over and over would eventually give a set of perfect stats which would actually provide to the player able to afford paying for multiple tokens a very highly capable pet which would provide a significant edge in combat versus other players who cannot afford the same, with House storage I fail to see how being able to afford a storage upgrade would provide a similar high competition edge.

    Also, while in order to force resets on a pet to get those perfect stats a player could, depending on the RNG, have to purchase several tokens and, this, for each and every pet that the player wanted to get perfect stats for (making the overall cost, perhaps, quite a high and thus prohibitive purchase for some UO players...), with a new House storage upgrade it would be a one time purchase which, depending on what the price set for it was to be, could hopefully be affordable by a good number of UO players.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,651
    popps said:
    Grimbeard said:
    popps said:
    Skett said:
    we need another 20% upgrade
    I agree... Garden Sheds only add a little extra items and they take up space in the House.

    I would much prefer to spend real money to purchase an additional +20% or +30% to the actual entire House storage space rather then add Garden Sheds over Garden Sheds which clutter the House and, depending on the type of House, if too many can make it difficult to find where to place them (let's not forget of all of the other things which we need to place in a House.... furniture, fountains etc. etc. etc.) and can also make the House no longer look nice as one would like...

    So, to my opinion, definitely a new +20% or +30% storage upgrade would be way more preferable, even when costing real money.
    So you favor pay to win when it's something you want (more storage) but against when you don't (pet reset) ??
    Well, I may well be wrong in my thinking but, personally, I see the 2 issues rather differently.

    While pet reset tokens applied over and over would eventually give a set of perfect stats which would actually provide to the player able to afford paying for multiple tokens a very highly capable pet which would provide a significant edge in combat versus other players who cannot afford the same, with House storage I fail to see how being able to afford a storage upgrade would provide a similar high competition edge.

    Also, while in order to force resets on a pet to get those perfect stats a player could, depending on the RNG, have to purchase several tokens and, this, for each and every pet that the player wanted to get perfect stats for (making the overall cost, perhaps, quite a high and thus prohibitive purchase for some UO players...), with a new House storage upgrade it would be a one time purchase which, depending on what the price set for it was to be, could hopefully be affordable by a good number of UO players.
    You being able to store more items is a huge advantage much more than resetting a cu...
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,023
    Would be cool to get more storage somewhere.
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  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    For the first several years that I played you couldn't use a vet reward until you were old enough. I played for 3 years before I was able to ride an ethereal horse. 

    I believe the dev's preferred solution to your storage problems is build another house, which of course requires another regular subscription for an additional account.

    Alternatively, keep less junk.
    yep, also played three years before able to ride ethereal. got 5 houses now, most will agree keep less items, sell more on vendors cheap.
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