Resisting Spells

I've always been a fan of the skill resisting spells, but I think this is due to thinking it was doing something and perhaps not properly researching it and upon reading Resist Spells – Ultima Online ( it doesn't seem essential at all.

From what I understand there is no benefit from any resisting magic skill under 40. 
Then none of it stacks if you're character is maxed out in nice armour anyway.

What are the benefits exactly? 

Also why does resisting spells show 20 points more with "show real" I've taken off every item and cannot understand my "real" is more and actual is 20 points less.


  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    You still get cursed but for less time less time frozen 120 totally worth it for ranged fighters,mages etc
  • XroseXrose Posts: 61
    edited November 2023
    Firstly I am going to drop it, and see what happens, its not that high anyway and I probably won't suffer as I can handle most mobs.

    Secondly, it is a good skill and its going to depend on a build.

    For players starting out its a great skill to have. For example if I was going to build a sword mage, then I would pick 50 magery and 50 resist, allow decreases in everything else except my combat skills and then train swords, anatomy and tactics and fight for my combat skills. Eventually I would allow resist spells to drop once I could handle mages. Because being paralysed and then being ganked by swarm of mobs is mostly why new players die.

    However once you have the hang of things, resist spells could be forfeited for more damage output or something else to make the character shine. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Xrose said:
    I've always been a fan of the skill resisting spells, but I think this is due to thinking it was doing something and perhaps not properly researching it and upon reading Resist Spells – Ultima Online ( it doesn't seem essential at all.

    From what I understand there is no benefit from any resisting magic skill under 40. 
    Then none of it stacks if you're character is maxed out in nice armour anyway.

    What are the benefits exactly? 

    Also why does resisting spells show 20 points more with "show real" I've taken off every item and cannot understand my "real" is more and actual is 20 points less.

    Do you have protection cast?
  • XroseXrose Posts: 61
    I can, but I usually don't
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    :) I asked because the anomoly you're seeing in resist spells skill.
    description of the protection spell:
    Allows you to cast spells without being interrupted. Lowers physical resistance, resist magic skill and spell casting speed cap (by 2). However casting speed will not go below 0. Lasts until cast again or broken by death.

  • XroseXrose Posts: 61
    Okay thanks Mariah, I will take note and look out for it. Quite possible I overlooked that.
  • looploop Posts: 480
    Resisting Spells may not be “essential,” but I do find that I miss it dearly on templates that can’t fit it.

    Paradoxically, there are offensive gains to being more defensive: Resisting poison means you don’t need to stop what you’re doing to cure. Resisting mana drain means you’ll have mana for special moves and spells. Resisting stay debuffs means you don’t need to have more stats on your gear, which you can devote to other things. Then there’s paralyze, of course.

    It’s harder to fit on mages, for sure, due to needing to offset the penalties of Protection, but I like my warriors with it.
  • XroseXrose Posts: 61
    Good answer
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