High seas wish list 2022

New ship
 fishing trawler 
Open hold with quadruple storage of Britannia ship
Trap booms that deploy and pick up  lobster traps as you sail 
Get rid of no name lobster and crab
Restore enemy ships fighting back
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    I would like a UO Store or BUCs Pirate reward ramrod that increased cannon reloading by 20% or higher. And of course, the oft requested Jolly Roger flag that can be attached to any ship. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    Yes!  More ship deco.  Like those Pumpkins and custom sails.

    Trap Booms are a neat Idea but I see them designing them so they take longer than manually doing it.

    Very few players use fish pies,  increase the duration and boost from them.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    We definitely need the ship's hold size to be larger. The weight doesn't bother me as much since we can use commodity deeds in it but I'd like more room to organize and spread out all the fish. Not saying I wouldn't mind the holds to be able to hold more weight but first, I want the large bank gump size hold.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2022
    I dream of the reputation system put to good use the more ships you plunder the more wanted you become until you earn the jolly Rogers and are attacked on sight!! Static shipping lanes between each port with random ship traffic included the kings warships...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    McDougle said:
    I dream of the reputation system put to good use the more ships you plunder the more wanted you become until you earn the jolly Rogers and are attacked on sight!! Static shipping lanes between each port with random ship traffic included the kings warships...
    Sounds like a Good idea for Fel.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    I would like to see Fishmonger Reputation to be shown under the Loyalty Menu...

    This way, Fishermen working on the Fishing Quests would be able to keep track of it...

    I would also like to see the Order of the Dragonfish Handbooks to be given Clean Up Britannia points, and a whole lot too, considering that often they come as a Reward for Order which take a lot of time to be filled....

    I would also like to see as added, the ability to hand over to a tillerman a fishing treasure Map and then be able, upon telling the tillerman "start", to have it take the Ship to where the sunken treasure is....
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Pawain said:
    McDougle said:
    I dream of the reputation system put to good use the more ships you plunder the more wanted you become until you earn the jolly Rogers and are attacked on sight!! Static shipping lanes between each port with random ship traffic included the kings warships...
    Sounds like a Good idea for Fel.
    It's perfect for tram no players can attack you but the npc sailors oh yeah it used to be the other ship would fight back there is zero risk for great rewards right now...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Ya know, in the real world of lobster fishing is very territorial. The people who lobster protect their areas from other lobstermen and it can get quite vicious out there. Cutting traps is quite common. That and if an old timer is known to be real good and have that knack of knowing where the lobster are, they younger folk will keep their eyes on where he lobsters and crowd his area. It gets to be really interesting out there on the water sometimes. So this leads to some thoughts on potential Lobster Wars, Territorial ownership based on how much fishing you do in a particular area, an increase in the amount/upgrade of the fish/crab/lobster you catch over time,

    Fishing Trawler for shrimp! Love the idea of a trawler! Maybe the colored nets could be modified for them. And yes, bring back the pumpkin boats and pumpkin cannon!

    I think a better quality world map that is more detailed would be helpful. One that you can plot multiple sets of coordinates, hand off to your tillerman and shove off!

    Also the ability to deco the boat a bit more. I miss the those early days where a gentleman would bring out the table, chairs, some flowers, a couple bottles of wine and some food and we'd spend the night talking and fishing. It would be nice to be able to lock down a table and chair or two.

    And finally, Did I ever tell you the story about the lass I met from Moonglow? Tis Not a dull story...
    We need easter eggs on the stories. complete a story some day!

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited January 2022
    McDougle said:

    Restore enemy ships fighting back

    Before doing that, the fire control system needs to be even better and more arcade-style. 

    When they designed HS 2.0, we requested to have arcade-style fire control system which I will expand on it now since I forgot what I wrote:
    1) Add auto-cannon recharge and reloading function because it is a pain to run up and down to reload each cannon. 

    As we said before, we are supposed to be captain of the ship and we command the reloading and not reload each cannon ourselves! If you agree and do that for firing the cannon, then you should do the same for reloading.

    2) Each ship to have a single Master magazine for reloading the Ammo, and all cannons will "draw" the cannonballs, charges, from it. 

    Ermmm... if the above is accepted, it will then be closer to arcade-style of fire control system... Devs can design enemy ships that fight back!!!  >:)

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    Seth said:
    When they designed HS 2.0, we requested to have arcade-style fire control system which I will expand on it now since I forgot what I wrote:
    1) Add auto-cannon recharge and reloading function because it is a pain to run up and down to reload each cannon. 

    As we said before, we are supposed to be captain of the ship and we command the reloading and not reload each cannon ourselves! If you agree and do that for firing the cannon, then you should do the same for reloading.

    2) Each ship to have a single Master magazine for reloading the Ammo, and all cannons will "draw" the cannonballs, charges, from it. 

    Ermmm... if the above is accepted, it will then be closer to arcade-style of fire control system... Devs can design enemy ships that fight back!!!  >:)

    I really disagree here. I do think enemy ships should fire back again for the added danger, but I think the reloading system is actually pretty good, compared to its former complexity. One person shouldn't be steering the ship, reloading, firing, etc without the time handicap. Most of what you're asking for is solved by having friends along to man the guns. Beyond that, having "fire port/starboard broadside" set as macros helps you fire quickly.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Jepeth said:
    Seth said:
    When they designed HS 2.0, we requested to have arcade-style fire control system which I will expand on it now since I forgot what I wrote:
    1) Add auto-cannon recharge and reloading function because it is a pain to run up and down to reload each cannon. 

    As we said before, we are supposed to be captain of the ship and we command the reloading and not reload each cannon ourselves! If you agree and do that for firing the cannon, then you should do the same for reloading.

    2) Each ship to have a single Master magazine for reloading the Ammo, and all cannons will "draw" the cannonballs, charges, from it. 

    Ermmm... if the above is accepted, it will then be closer to arcade-style of fire control system... Devs can design enemy ships that fight back!!!  >:)

    I really disagree here. I do think enemy ships should fire back again for the added danger, but I think the reloading system is actually pretty good, compared to its former complexity. One person shouldn't be steering the ship, reloading, firing, etc without the time handicap. Most of what you're asking for is solved by having friends along to man the guns. Beyond that, having "fire port/starboard broadside" set as macros helps you fire quickly.
    I agree I  stand in spot where i can run 2 guns plus cast and sic my mare plus it's not adding thier ability to fight back it's restoring it
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    new ship dye tubs
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    1 handed fishing pole so we can hold lantern or shield
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Skett said:
    1 handed fishing pole so we can hold lantern or shield

     let us imbue or transmog them !!

    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited January 2022
    Jepeth said:
    I really disagree here. I do think enemy ships should fire back again for the added danger, but I think the reloading system is actually pretty good, compared to its former complexity. One person shouldn't be steering the ship, reloading, firing, etc without the time handicap. Most of what you're asking for is solved by having friends along to man the guns. Beyond that, having "fire port/starboard broadside" set as macros helps you fire quickly.
    Wow, you have friends that can always find the same free time to come along to serve as the cannon man. That is very fortunate.

    One person shouldn't be steering the ship, reloading and firing, etc. Do you know a real full crew ship needs more than "one friend"?

    There is no such thing as "should not be" in a fantasy world where dragons, recalls, teleports can happen.

    Since this is a game, currently I find that its ok with the enemy being passive, but if to fight back then I don't like the idea of running around reloading and trying to steer the ship if playing solo.

    Maybe they can give the Britain ship more firepower and must have 3 players to man. Then the enemy design that fights back must have rewards for all 3 or more players.

    But the smaller ships should have more control by a single player with lesser fire power.

    Btw orc ships do fight back.

    Only merchant ships as they are not designed to fight but mostly defensive - in real life too.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Orc crew attacks they don't but should use the ships cannons. 

    Much as you can hire fighters maybe we should be able to hire gunners or sailors and certainly spellweavers..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    Seth said:
     Wow, you have friends that can always find the same free time to come along to serve as the cannon man. That is very fortunate.

    Thank you, I'm quite blessed.

    Seth said:
    One person shouldn't be steering the ship, reloading and firing, etc. Do you know a real full crew ship needs more than "one friend"?

    There is no such thing as "should not be" in a fantasy world where dragons, recalls, teleports can happen.

    Since this is a game, currently I find that its ok with the enemy being passive, but if to fight back then I don't like the idea of running around reloading and trying to steer the ship if playing solo.

    Maybe they can give the Britain ship more firepower and must have 3 players to man. Then the enemy design that fights back must have rewards for all 3 or more players.

    But the smaller ships should have more control by a single player with lesser fire power.
    I don't believe I said 'one friend?' I said 'friends' plural. I understand your point that in a fantasy world anything is possible. But what I'm arguing for is the 'gameyness' of our game. You, currently, can destroy ships and beacons solo. You can do it much faster, however, with a crew onboard. When publish 110 hit with new rewards on the Pirate vendor, the people who did join up to quickly destroy beacons, and then other ships so as to make beacons respawn faster, did better as a team vs those who did the content solo.

    Beyond that, group crewing on a boat is one of those rare game mechanics that everyone can do together regardless of build or experience level. Anything that removes communal gameplay like that is, I think, a bad idea.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Oh, another High Seas wish list thing, is to PLEASE make being 120 Fisherman truly meaningfull...

    Over time, various threads have lamented the shortcomings of being 120 Fisherman...

    Various Threads in this Forums discuss how, a much needed overhaul of Fishing might be long overdue in Ultima Online....



    The argument being, that Legendary 120 Fishermen also need to be made usefull considering what it takes to get there....

    As of now, it basically only is making some Trophies off of Legendary Fish that 120 Fishermen can catch.

    Instead, if  "other" features where to be given to being a 120 Legendary Fisherman that were not merely cosmetic but of some practical use, then it would help this profession quite some...

    For example, a "starting" point to give some new life and interesting content for Legendary Fishermen could see the Legendary Fish :

    - Abyssal Dragonfish
    - Black Marlin
    - Blue Marlin
    - Dungeon Pike
    - Giant Samurai Fish
    - Golden Tuna
    - Kingfish
    - Lantern Fish
    - Rainbow Fish
    - Seeker Fish
    - Spring Dragonfish
    - Stone Fish
    - Winter Dragonfish
    - Zombie Fish

    Be made possible to yield more then just a Trophy....

    For example, the Developers could make these Fish be made possible to be cut in steaks and pies or other eatables to be made from them (more work for Cooking and other Skills, for example Alchemy if drinks could be made from them distilling the juice from the steaks....) which were to provide good and longer lasting BUFFS for characters and also for pets..... of course, being Legendary "rare" Fish hard to be caught and requiring a Legendary 120 Fisherman skill, they should be significant Buffs for quite lengthy times....

    I think that such an addition would provide some usefullness for Legendary Fishermen to fish them up, for Chefs or Alchemists and perhaps other skills, to prepare those pies, drinks etc. and then for Warriors to benefit from those buffs !!

    As of now, instead, unfortunately, Legendary fish once made into a Trophy its game over...

    How many same Trophies does one need of a given type of Legendary fish ??

    I think that it is necessary to make what Legendary Fishermen can exclusively fish be more usefull and usable as to become mere Trophies....
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Jepeth said:
    Beyond that, group crewing on a boat is one of those rare game mechanics that everyone can do together regardless of build or experience level. Anything that removes communal gameplay like that is, I think, a bad idea.

    It is not rare, group crewing was HS 1.0. Then if your idea of a "manned ship by a group of friendS" work, then we should revert to HS 1.0, the older system where your friends can take their time and enjoy reloading the cannons manually like in real life. Good luck.

    That was not the reason for HS 2.0 and why we are enjoying more automation.

    It is like the cursor following function - some players will continue to press the mouse and run for hours, while the smarter players make use of the game client auto-follow function.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    popps said:
    Oh, another High Seas wish list thing, is to PLEASE make being 120 Fisherman truly meaningfull...

    Over time, various threads have lamented the shortcomings of being 120 Fisherman...

    Various Threads in this Forums discuss how, a much needed overhaul of Fishing might be long overdue in Ultima Online....



    The argument being, that Legendary 120 Fishermen also need to be made usefull considering what it takes to get there....

    As of now, it basically only is making some Trophies off of Legendary Fish that 120 Fishermen can catch.

    Instead, if  "other" features where to be given to being a 120 Legendary Fisherman that were not merely cosmetic but of some practical use, then it would help this profession quite some...

    For example, a "starting" point to give some new life and interesting content for Legendary Fishermen could see the Legendary Fish :

    - Abyssal Dragonfish
    - Black Marlin
    - Blue Marlin
    - Dungeon Pike
    - Giant Samurai Fish
    - Golden Tuna
    - Kingfish
    - Lantern Fish
    - Rainbow Fish
    - Seeker Fish
    - Spring Dragonfish
    - Stone Fish
    - Winter Dragonfish
    - Zombie Fish

    Be made possible to yield more then just a Trophy....

    For example, the Developers could make these Fish be made possible to be cut in steaks and pies or other eatables to be made from them (more work for Cooking and other Skills, for example Alchemy if drinks could be made from them distilling the juice from the steaks....) which were to provide good and longer lasting BUFFS for characters and also for pets..... of course, being Legendary "rare" Fish hard to be caught and requiring a Legendary 120 Fisherman skill, they should be significant Buffs for quite lengthy times....

    I think that such an addition would provide some usefullness for Legendary Fishermen to fish them up, for Chefs or Alchemists and perhaps other skills, to prepare those pies, drinks etc. and then for Warriors to benefit from those buffs !!

    As of now, instead, unfortunately, Legendary fish once made into a Trophy its game over...

    How many same Trophies does one need of a given type of Legendary fish ??

    I think that it is necessary to make what Legendary Fishermen can exclusively fish be more usefull and usable as to become mere Trophies....
    It is so hard to keep track of ideas, isn't it? We spend time writing and all these will go to waste when buried.

    btw, all these requests are probably ticket 10,000, currently they are serving ticket 100 - NLS, after this there are 9,900 other requests to catch up.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Maybe somewhat related to high seas...

    We are in an era where there is abundance of housing space, so some players are fussy about good locations (besides the size).

    Perhaps after the custom castle projects, the next real estate development can look at building new type of beach houses.

    Such houses should sit long the beach line, with part of the structure on land and part sitting on water.

    The idea is allow this only at selected beaches. It can have a launching bay for ships, or even cannon pad for pvp in Fel.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    popps said:
    I would like to see Fishmonger Reputation to be shown under the Loyalty Menu...

    This way, Fishermen working on the Fishing Quests would be able to keep track of it...

    I would also like to see the Order of the Dragonfish Handbooks to be given Clean Up Britannia points, and a whole lot too, considering that often they come as a Reward for Order which take a lot of time to be filled....

    I would also like to see as added, the ability to hand over to a tillerman a fishing treasure Map and then be able, upon telling the tillerman "start", to have it take the Ship to where the sunken treasure is....
    I think the problem with the books and turning them in is players could copy the books and get points. Think that was why all books have no turn in value 

    I think they used the pen of wisdom?  Was a long time ago. When SA came out I think 
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    Now that High Seas is over 10 years old (I think).  It would be great to add more

    appreciate the beacons etc.  but I really enjoy HS contents and even more would be great as long as GM and Legendary fisherman are rewards for the skills they have by NOT catching shoes and boots etc. And at these skill levels they should be good enough to completely avoid worthless lobsters and crabs in pots

    if players want to catch plain lobsters and crabs I think by keeping there fishing skill below GM they can continue to do so  

    this is also my point on the fishing post in the forum 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I think they used the pen of wisdom?  Was a long time ago. When SA came out I think 
    Nope, pen of wisdom only copies rune books or runic atlases. The dragonfish handbooks are ordinary blue books, the same as you can buy from the provisioner, and only regular inscription book copying was needed to create many, many duplicates. Honest players wouldn't think to do it, but as so often happens, unscrupulous, greedy players did. 
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,085
    Ah thanks. I knew there was away they did it to get loads of points 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited March 2022
    popps said:
    I would like to see Fishmonger Reputation to be shown under the Loyalty Menu...

    This way, Fishermen working on the Fishing Quests would be able to keep track of it...

    I would also like to see the Order of the Dragonfish Handbooks to be given Clean Up Britannia points, and a whole lot too, considering that often they come as a Reward for Order which take a lot of time to be filled....

    I would also like to see as added, the ability to hand over to a tillerman a fishing treasure Map and then be able, upon telling the tillerman "start", to have it take the Ship to where the sunken treasure is....
    I think the problem with the books and turning them in is players could copy the books and get points. Think that was why all books have no turn in value 

    I think they used the pen of wisdom?  Was a long time ago. When SA came out I think 
    Well, perhaps the Developers in their wisdom could make the Order of the Dragonfish Handbooks NOT possible to be copied, period ?

    Then, it would be possible to assign to them Clean Up points for turning them is without fear of players copying them to get "free" Clean Up points....

    @Kyronix , please ?
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698

    Me saying this is my wish.
    Mesanna then saying Amber, I've fulfilled your wish. *cackles*.

    Note: above is all in good humor and not meant to offend anyone.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661

    I was offended because you did not want to offend anyone.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    maybe change the Dragon handbooks to look like the books from trade runs.
    And that you can only get one of each book.
    then If people want to trash them for points they want.

    or even change the handbooks to pages of lore
    then you could add them to a book of lore
    which would save on lockdowns.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    maybe change the Dragon handbooks to look like the books from trade runs.
    And that you can only get one of each book.
    then If people want to trash them for points they want.

    or even change the handbooks to pages of lore
    then you could add them to a book of lore
    which would save on lockdowns.
    Changing and updating to the book of lore a fantastic idea!!
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
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