Thanks for the only semi troll like reply pawain why yes i of course go to em Events on my home shards but i seldom stay because they are greed driven lag fest fueled by off sharders thus i was wondering keep the popular drop event and governors meetings then add a non drop just for fun event my original post asked if this was up to the EMs disgression?
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
Great Lakes has a couple of non dropping EM events every month. Oddly the ones with drops are packed with folks. The real answer might be to make these event drops shard only which would take away much of incentive for people to hit as many shards as possible.
Great Lakes has a couple of non dropping EM events every month. Oddly the ones with drops are packed with folks. The real answer might be to make these event drops shard only which would take away much of incentive for people to hit as many shards as possible.
I for one would love em drops to be shard bound but realize it probably won't happen
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
Yes, there are non-drop EM events. They exist, And yes people attend them. So I guess the answer is 'yes, EMs seemingly can have non-drop events.'
The people who really like the items though seem to be good at guessing the pattern. Having said that sometimes there are drops at unpredictable moments and I always kinda giggle when there's a less-populated event, outside the normal "item drop" pattern, and suddenly that one becomes the drop night.
Yes, there are non-drop EM events. They exist, And yes people attend them. So I guess the answer is 'yes, EMs seemingly can have non-drop events.'
The people who really like the items though seem to be good at guessing the pattern. Having said that sometimes there are drops at unpredictable moments and I always kinda giggle when there's a less-populated event, outside the normal "item drop" pattern, and suddenly that one becomes the drop night.
Can EMs run events without drops? Would you attend your shards events without hope of a drop ?
My personal vote is no, I will give it a pass. I am driven by rewards and excitement. If the game is fresh and exciting like a roller coaster ride then I don't mind no rewards but a 20 year old game that repeat the same mechanism lacks thrill. My sincere opinion.
But maybe it is time to be more creative as the usual EM event = lag fest is really getting boring. Maybe an event like Krampus type so everyone is all over the shard. And when the boss pop, there shall be more than one and appear at several locations instead of just 1 location causing a massive jam. Just be more creative to resolve a massive jam + lag that is not fun.
Edit: And let us collect points as well rather than just a lottery drop. Even if we don't get a rare drop, we will get to accumulate points over time where we can exchange for goodies like +10 stats rose for 5 mins.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I like Seths train of thought here. A points system is fantastic. That why blackthorns dungeon is one of my favourite places. You can head down and actually see something useful for your labour. Id love to see a revamp of the rewards for Despise trammel points or Void pool points. Make those things viable again.
Per the original post - Catskills does a monthly “The Family” event, typically no drop and always a great turnout cuz its well done and a fun storyline (we get to be the bad guys instead of the typical hero). Its great fun.
Recently me and my group of friends have not been playing much as we are looking for things that we can do together, which provides instant gratification.We don't like to play for say 2 to 3 hours and going home empty handed.
So our choice in terms that can provide such "rewards":
1) Blackthorn - sure to get minor arties for exchange of rewards.
2) Shadowguard - sure to get some legendary stuff and good chance for a arty.
3) Champspawn - sure get PS provided not Pked.
So for the EM Events, it can do this: 1) All participants who do not get a rare drop will get a "Token of Appreciation" for murdering the bad boss. (instant gratification)
2) After collecting say 10 or 20 tokens, we can get to exchange or ballot for:
a) selected, previous EM event reward from the same shard, or
b) selected previous dynamic event reward, or
c) new EM rewards, that are only available by exchanging EM appreciation tokens.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
1) All participants who do not get a rare drop will get a "Token of Appreciation" for murdering the bad boss. (instant gratification)
2) After collecting say 10 or 20 tokens, we can get to exchange or ballot for:
a) selected, previous EM event reward from the same shard, or
b) selected previous dynamic event reward, or
c) new EM rewards, that are only available by exchanging EM appreciation tokens.
Not a bad idea. I don't do EM events because I don't have much desire for decoration type drops (even if you can wear them) so it wouldn't matter to me if they switched over to a point system or not.
The one thing I would say about switching to the point based system for at least options A & B is that is takes the urgency / need to do content when it's available (which is the reason EM drops are limited to once a week and dynamic events limited to a month or 2).
Additionally all 3 ideas would basically crash the market on prices given that part of the prestige of said items is that you were able to earn (or buy) those things when they were made available. By introducing an unlimited supply of them on basically a weekly occurrence it totally dilutes the market (again I don't do EM events or collect the items so doesn't matter to me). It would be further diluted by the fact that, as it's been well documented in almost every other thread, there will be scripting bots that will inevitability control the market too.
Ok I expected this concern about rarity. So maybe not repeat the same EM reward but at least collectible points to redeem other items. Perhaps a junk that is worth 1000 cleanup point would be good contribution to collect that pet in a crystal.
Back to the OP... it's another personal opinion that "everyone" should be a winner for participating in a contest. Anyone who doesn't get the grand prize at least don't go home empty handed or lost 200,000 insurance gold for nothing.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Kinda wondering if you actually attend EM events.
Probably other shards also.
But maybe it is time to be more creative as the usual EM event = lag fest is really getting boring.
Maybe an event like Krampus type so everyone is all over the shard. And when the boss pop, there shall be more than one and appear at several locations instead of just 1 location causing a massive jam. Just be more creative to resolve a massive jam + lag that is not fun.
Edit: And let us collect points as well rather than just a lottery drop. Even if we don't get a rare drop, we will get to accumulate points over time where we can exchange for goodies like +10 stats rose for 5 mins.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Id love to see a revamp of the rewards for Despise trammel points or Void pool points. Make those things viable again.
1) All participants who do not get a rare drop will get a "Token of Appreciation" for murdering the bad boss. (instant gratification)
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
The one thing I would say about switching to the point based system for at least options A & B is that is takes the urgency / need to do content when it's available (which is the reason EM drops are limited to once a week and dynamic events limited to a month or 2).
Additionally all 3 ideas would basically crash the market on prices given that part of the prestige of said items is that you were able to earn (or buy) those things when they were made available. By introducing an unlimited supply of them on basically a weekly occurrence it totally dilutes the market (again I don't do EM events or collect the items so doesn't matter to me). It would be further diluted by the fact that, as it's been well documented in almost every other thread, there will be scripting bots that will inevitability control the market too.
Back to the OP... it's another personal opinion that "everyone" should be a winner for participating in a contest. Anyone who doesn't get the grand prize at least don't go home empty handed or lost 200,000 insurance gold for nothing.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs