The Billing/Account MisManagment System MUST be changed
Otherwise it WILL be the ultimate death of UO. Here is why:
I recently learned a dear friend had quit UO. Fortunately he and I are Facebook friends too.
So I asked him what happened? Why did you leave? I was horrified to learn that he was over charged $3999.99. He had a separate checking account with debit card just for gaming. I am glad for his sake he did. It took him TWO MONTHS! TWO MONTHS!!!!!!! To get the mess straightened out.
He no longer feel comfortable with or trust the EA/Broadsword billing system. Nor do I. However since Jirel is majoring in Forensic Accounting, I know her eagle eye is on it. She has also networked and made contacts that could prove helpful if such an event were to occur.
Not every player is so lucky and I worry for other who might get messed around. Obviously Mesanna is completely helpless and useless in this sort of situation as she herself has said EA told her specifically "Hands Off!".
Under business law Broadsword could nail EA for interfering with their ability to conduct business.
However if Broadsword is a subsidiary or SPE (special purpose entity) then its all moot. Because EA owns it and can do what they like. This would be akin to shooting oneself in the proverbial foot, but it sounds like the way EA conducts business.
If I were Mesanna and Mr. Denton I would having a sit down with TPTB at EA, and try reach some sort of amicable arrangement to fix the the Account MisManagement System.
We can't afford to lose players like my friend for stupid billing errors. He only had something like 20 accounts. Not all were active, but still you don't go pissing away good customers. He's been playing I know 15-16 years. I am going to miss him.
I recently learned a dear friend had quit UO. Fortunately he and I are Facebook friends too.
So I asked him what happened? Why did you leave? I was horrified to learn that he was over charged $3999.99. He had a separate checking account with debit card just for gaming. I am glad for his sake he did. It took him TWO MONTHS! TWO MONTHS!!!!!!! To get the mess straightened out.
He no longer feel comfortable with or trust the EA/Broadsword billing system. Nor do I. However since Jirel is majoring in Forensic Accounting, I know her eagle eye is on it. She has also networked and made contacts that could prove helpful if such an event were to occur.
Not every player is so lucky and I worry for other who might get messed around. Obviously Mesanna is completely helpless and useless in this sort of situation as she herself has said EA told her specifically "Hands Off!".
Under business law Broadsword could nail EA for interfering with their ability to conduct business.
However if Broadsword is a subsidiary or SPE (special purpose entity) then its all moot. Because EA owns it and can do what they like. This would be akin to shooting oneself in the proverbial foot, but it sounds like the way EA conducts business.
If I were Mesanna and Mr. Denton I would having a sit down with TPTB at EA, and try reach some sort of amicable arrangement to fix the the Account MisManagement System.
We can't afford to lose players like my friend for stupid billing errors. He only had something like 20 accounts. Not all were active, but still you don't go pissing away good customers. He's been playing I know 15-16 years. I am going to miss him.
Amen. We do have ours charged to a credit card. I seriously doubt EA would win in a contest of wills against American Express.
Bilbo I know you've been to the meet n greets. Mesanna has said over and over there is nothing she can do regarding subscription billing and the UO store. EA ties her hands. Its not her fault she is powerless.
edited by Mariah
I'm stating what Mesanna herself has repeatedly said. EA sucks, period. I'm sorry if that offends you ears and eyes. After 16 years I think I've EARNED the right to trash EA. I AM NOT TRASHING THE DEV TEAM!