Looking for older/adult players

I am going to transfer from Chesapeake server and looking for mature players and or guild. I have been playing on and off since 1998


  • MalekMalek Posts: 1
    were casual mature players at DOA what do you like to do 
  • PvM, Mining, Alchemy, Tinkering, Blacksmithy. Since people are few and far between at Chesapeake I tend to hunt alone so its Titans, Daemons and Dragons are the most I can handle. Would like to do some treasure maps but I need help.
  • pretty sure 99.9% of the players are older adults, UO doesnt really hold much interest for the younger generation. But if PVM and Events is your thing shoot me a message im in one of the largest PVM guild on atlantic, we do guild hunts 6 nights a week and alot of events and little hunt inbetween.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    If you've gone to Atlantic you're gonna have the opposite problem overcrowding just as bad as unpopulated 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    McDougle said:
    If you've gone to Atlantic you're gonna have the opposite problem overcrowding just as bad as unpopulated 
    You forgot to mention all the "adult" conversation you will enjoy on Gen Chat or when you die to another player.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Agree with Whitewolf, UO’s player base consists mostly of older, but not ancient,  players that have played for years so you should not have trouble finding those.  Spend time at special events like Krampus where you will get a chance to play with other players on the shard.  Also, spent time where players hang out, usually the bank in Britain or Malas. It takes awhile to get to know other players well enough to start doing things together that’s why partcipating in major events that require players to work together is very helpful.  If you have a treasure hunter, you can always invite players you are talking with to do a chest with you.  
  • I would love to join sometimes. I don't play consistently but have been on and off since 1996 as well. I have a treasure hunting mage who can handle stache and supply level chests alone. 
    LMK how, when and where - i usually hang around Britain bank when i play with my characters SOULofDARKNESS.or SOULofLIGHT
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Most of us are older players, some as far back as 1999/2000.  We been running with Epic (A guild of returning players) that are doing stuff like this  on Sonoma.  Sonoma Public Discord is https://discord.gg/2dhY5Zfq ; My Discord is in the signature
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    Treasure Hunters
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