Felucca champs are owned by PK's where the good guys at?

I went to three diff champs and all of them are overrun by reds, where are the anti pk's?


  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited April 2018

     Europa Felucca Magincia Mint tonight.

    Team W/TUK annihilated evil DiE and Pro PK guilds. :)

    I am the first, the last, and the best, Anti PK ever, in all of UO history - blues run Felucca on Europa, and always will while we are here. B)

    We did the first Harry at primetime announced publicly in Wrong, took us about 20 minutes, second Harry was in Fire, and we put it in an almost impossible position for us to kill it... took us two hours, but we got to have some insane PvP, where yet again, we were the outright victors. Credit to our PvM team, they had an almost impossible task. So much fun, much love to all our alliance. <3  

    Regarding doing Champ spawns, I put a list of how to approach them on both Stratics and here. Follow it, it works.

    • Join a good team.
    • Do the quiet spawns, unscouted ones.
    • Do them out of prime times.
    • Don't make or leave any evidence - unless you are W and you want to rub it in their faces. :p  

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited April 2018
    2 out of the 5 PRO turned red tonight because your guild were using blues to do walls etc.. 

    Typical trolling game mechanics, and this means you deserve a fc1 bonus and double the powersrolls from justice because?

    How are WE the evil ones because we’re red..?
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I thought this was about PKers not REDs or are you telling that all REDs are nothing but PKers?
  • Luc_of_LegendsLuc_of_Legends Posts: 319
    edited April 2018

  • Luc_of_LegendsLuc_of_Legends Posts: 319
    edited April 2018
    <incoming sarcasm> They didn't become red by standing in a circle and singing Kumbaya. <\end sarcasm> 

    I believe when most people talk about PKers they are talking about the reds that kill blues.  While that is not completely correct as you could be a blue that hunts reds. I believe some people use Red and PKer interchangeably.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Having been here for 20 years I knew a lot of RED PvPers that were not PKers.
  • Bilbo said:
    Having been here for 20 years I knew a lot of RED PvPers that were not PKers.
    *FACEPALM*  Reds are MURDERERS.  Murder is Player killing.
    I can EXPLAIN it to you, But I can't UNDERSTAND it for you!
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    And how long have you played?  Yes PvPers killed other PvPers thus making them RED but they did not go out and kill defenseless players like miners but PKers loved killing the defenseless players and would run from PvPers.  There is a huge difference between a RED PvPers and a slime RED PKer.  Just because you were RED did not mean you were evil and fought without honor.  I guess people forgot that UO had honorable PvPer back in the day.
  • DukarloDukarlo Posts: 50
    I've never understood why they added forged pardons into the game. I've seen more blues pking lately than I have in my 19 years playing uo. At the very least pardons should be one use per 24hrs or something like that. Also I think the whole v v v flagging system is kind of dumb. If your not v v v and you kill someone that is you should get a count. If you heal one you should go grey etc. If you are blue and go red I think all virtues should be re set to the beginning and all city buffs should be turned off until 24 hours since clicking the town stone. I'm all for reds and red pks but it annoys me to no end to see people taking counts on blues and back in trammel  2 minutes later with all their virtues and city buff intact.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Why does it annoy you? Did they not kill you fair and square?
    There are normally a lot more blues than reds. I play a red and often kill people 2 v 1, I don’t really understand why blues get bonuses over reds.

    Its not as if I have done something bad, the blues have come to fel, if they didn’t want to be killed, why are they running around the fel dungeons casting wall of stones trying to trap me? Or they’re killing the champ boss for the opposing orange guild.

    Surely if you accept protection from a VvV player you should turn orange yourself right? As you’ve entered the fight right..nope they stay blue. 

    This whole notion of reds being evil is a joke. 

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    If everyone in the opposing team was red, I would not receive murder counts and would not turn red myself and would be able to get the FC1 bonus. But because the majority on the opposing team play scumbag blues in order to deliberately turn me red, I don’t get the FC1 bonus..

    Hmm yeah I must be evil...
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

     Hehe, poor Mervy sounds upset. :D

    • We deserve the FC1 bonus because we went to the effort of getting our person voted in as Town Sheriff who controls the FC1 bonus. I have no issues reds having town bonuses, although to be fair, being red does imply, and is certainly the case with your guild, negative gameplay - so maybe you should receive some form of penalty. Penalties were far more harsh back in the day, you are getting off lightly now. I personally use no town bonus in PvP, I don't understand players who would gimp their PvP suit that they need all the time, to rely on such a thing. I use the +5SDI bonus, for my PvM suit. Stop using gimped suits.
    • In my case, I deserve the double scrolls, because I am a Knight of all 8 Virtues, including Justice, which I have mostly done the proper way - ie killing reds (In the past, 100% the proper way, these days there are less reds). Again, I've put the effort in. You know it is so easy to go blue, you can do the same.
    • Your guild troll game mechanics far more than we do, you are known for using blues non stop to make us go red, we usually end up with 10 reds after a fight with you, myself included, which is annoying because it prevents me using my entire Virtue set. How come every time we kill you, your mounts vanish and we cannot kill them? I've never logged off after a death to protect my mount. Man up, accept your death.
    • I don't define good/evil by colour of the character, I define it by their actions in-game. Your guild exists to PK blues doing champ spawns, our guild exists to play the entire game content. I exist to kill Reds/PKers whose attitudes I dislike. If we see a blue doing a champ spawn, we are likely to help them/leave them alone (unless they are PK guild related), you are most likely to steal it from them. Our philosophy is we would like to see more Blues in Felucca, and we try and help that to happen. Unfortunately for us, being Red and being a PKer is bad and sexy, so everyone wants to behave like that, hence on most shards the Reds/PKers have won Felucca - even we get swamped by the sheer volume many times. We have responded by creating a nice well organised team of fantastic team-players, that's what keeps us going and having fun. But even we have our downtimes. Swings and Roundabouts as Abba and myself always say.
    • A huge amount of it is Role Play - I am a Role Player as much as anything else, and I create the narrative, get with the narrative. <3  
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited April 2018
    I have no plans to go blue, I wouldn’t give blues the satisfaction of knowing I spent 200k on killing them when receiving only 20k in item insurance.

    I’m a bit sick of your made up “narrative” that makes reds “negative gameplay” 
    you are knight in all virtues but you fight without honor. 

    Boasting of winning a harrower 25+ vs 5.

    as for logging for my mount, I will keep trolling the game mechanics until they fix it, I submitted the bug report. Did you?
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited April 2018
     Mervyn said:
    I have no plans to go blue, I wouldn’t give blues the satisfaction of knowing I spent 200k on killing them when receiving only 20k in item insurance.

    I’m a bit sick of your made up “narrative” that makes reds “negative gameplay” 
    you are knight in all virtues but you fight without honor. 

    Boasting of winning a harrower 25+ vs 5.

    as for logging for my mount, I will keep trolling the game mechanics until they fix it, I submitted the bug report. Did you?

    You do sound bitter this morning. :o

    I know you won't go blue, it's your style - same as me to be an anti pk.

    (ps. I don't spend gold to go blue, I do VvV, which is PvP related, or you can do treasure maps, which are fun).

    However you look at it, if your game-time is spent killing another player, and stealing their stuff, that is pretty negative gameplay - you have lost them time, and maybe they didn't want to participate in that. Now you know me, I've never ever ever said that should be stopped, in fact I've said delete Trammel, move the entire game into Felucca so everyone can enjoy a more realistic, fun, adrenalin packed gamestyle. BUT, you have to accept your game-style is negative for players to be on the receiving end of, and therefore players like myself have a purpose.

    Fight with or without Honour, I fight with enough Honour for me to be happy with. End of the day, the definition of fighting means you have to get down and dirty to a degree. I don't cheat. I was unaware we had blues, but then we did have PvMers, and new EJ returnee's with us, we were giving them a grand day out, and it was fun.

    We had approximately 30. ;)

    I boast, because we didn't just take you on, we took on the whole shard of PKers, that usually includes DiE, Pro, 40% (in the past VP) and all of Atlantic PKers who swarm over just to try and kill us. The game has got like a global village, PKers/PvPers put out calls to all their friends on all shards to come and take down a Harry team - and we publicly announce this, so this can happen, we want the fight ourselves.

    What you guys all seem to forget, is while you are happy to get a few kills here and there, is we put together huge organisation and teamwork, and manage to PvP an entire shard off on one front, and complete a PvM objective behind that. That isn't easy you know, I don't believe any of you give us enough credit for what we achieve.

    Regarding the mount issue, you know I don't even care, I actually think the main purpose behind it is for the good of the game. I just raise you logging out to protect your mounts, to highlight you yourself are happy to use game mechanics when required.

  • DukarloDukarlo Posts: 50
    Being red in the old days had various rules during different eras but were much harsher.
    No going into towns. 
    Stat loss
    40 hours in game to burn a single murder count. 
    If you were really murderous and had a big enough bounty posses would camp your house just waiting for you to log in. For a while I had to make sure the coast was clear before I could even log my stat loss red.
    I've had a red since 99. I never needed to pk on a blue so I could eat a pardon (which are as plentiful as tic tacs) so i could go straight back to the baby lands.
    Pk ing people is fun as he'll but it's not exactly virtuous. Go red lose your virtues.
    I'm sorry but I've been playing uo for a long time. I've seen uo get watered down from a very clever thinkers game to all this geared to the mindless masses crap and over these many years of watering down it has changed the player base to a bunch of sniveling me me me types.
    I played uo before trammel and spend 99 percent of my time in fel nowadays. I've seen uo go from a virtual world to a watered down candyland (tram) and a first person shooter land (fel) with zero in between on either facet.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    you’re making out like we had some sort of Alliance with DiE, 

    You can rest assured I was killed by DiE.

    I will admit last night we tactically prioritised which oranges/blues to kill first however we were also fighting on 2 fronts. 

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    I am only bitter because you’ve referred to us as evil.

    i don’t have anything else to be bitter about, I got 2 * +20s and a +25. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited April 2018

    I know you weren't allied, it matters not a jot to us, you are all against us from our perspective. We have to manage however the dice fall.

    The Evil thing, was as much role-play and fun, I have absolutely no issues with you, apart from wanting to beat you and kill you non stop ingame. :)

    We lose a few scrolls here and there...

    Mostly, we don't even do it for the scrolls, though I like to win them, because it provides an objective and a winning post for me. We were in an unusual position last night, of having new players who needed them, so it mattered a bit more.

    You got the scrolls on your thief I presume?

    You do know that we had a team tracking thieves, and it was so hard to stop them, even in a really confined space? We had a Tracker/Detect hider, Elf Spellweavers with thunderstorm etc etc. We knew exactly where the thieves were at all times but we still could hardly find, reveal and kill the thieves. It was really difficult. I'd say we got most, but it would be no surprise if a couple got through.

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited April 2018
    So next time someone calls *******, they can say it's just roleplay okay.
    edited by Mariah
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited April 2018
     Mervyn said:
    So next time someone calls ********, they can say it's just roleplay okay.
    edited by Mariah

    That's real life, and truly personal towards an individual.

    My actions were purely in-game related and not personal towards anyone.

    The troll factor is high with you this morning, you do know Europa is back up? >:)

    We are planning our next big thing... :D

    I personally, want to get 20 Sampires to solo all 20 spawns simultaneously, and see how many you can raid in time.  :p

  • SyncrosSyncros Posts: 116
    Dukarlo said:
    I've never understood why they added forged pardons into the game. I've seen more blues pking lately than I have in my 19 years playing uo. At the very least pardons should be one use per 24hrs or something like that. Also I think the whole v v v flagging system is kind of dumb.
    Yea Pardons should get a longer timer between uses and more like a week or 2 for the single pardon and 6 months+ for the royal forged pardon.    

  • crunchnastycrunchnasty Posts: 241
    Thank you @Dukarlo finally someone who gets it. Jesus .
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Thank you @ Dukarlo finally someone who gets it. Jesus .
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
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