BODS That have never worked properly

PawainPawain Posts: 10,645

Weapons Large:

Wood Furniture Large:
The Large and all four smalls cant go past normal wood.

Cabinet Large:
The large and the two smalls cant be bribed past 20 exceptional wood.

SE Armoire Large:
The large and the four smalls cant be bribed past 20 exceptional wood.

The large cant be bribed past 20 normal wood.
The smalls cant be bribed past 20 exceptional wood.

Large SE chests:
The large and the five smalls cant be bribed past 20 exceptional wood.

Eleven weapons:
Work but need high level gems


Larges and smalls of gemmed jewelry BODs cant go past 20 normal iron. Gemmed jewelry cant be made exceptional. I have not received a large non gemmed BOD. 

Key Ring: Works

Tools: Large BOD cant be bribed to exceptional. Smalls work.

Dining Set: Works

Nobody notices Carpentry does not work because the rewards are not useful.
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.


  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    On the Carpentry "Elven Weapons": Are you sure it works?

    I thought it was broken like the Fletching Elven Longbow and Magical Shortbow larges, where the base items can be exceptional and colored woods, while none of the gem-requiring smalls could be bribed past 20 normal regular wood.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    @Misk are you going to look at fixing these?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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