Speaking of good stats......I found one that, according to the calculator is 80.79% with 5158 intensity...is that good? I have no idea...yeah some tamer I am lol, I always just go for the ones with the most HP before tame but according to the calculator this one is super close to max...Cu that is...
Speaking of good stats......I found one that, according to the calculator is 80.79% with 5158 intensity...is that good? I have no idea...yeah some tamer I am lol,
That can likely be built into a very good Cu. The thing about them is their overcapped resist stats tend to inflate their intensity rating. A Cu with higher intensity but non-over capped energy and cold resist stats can be a *great* pet.
The poison resist is 39, so that means I can overcap is fire and phys then yes?
This is the first time I've ever actually went out and started hunting for a good pet...I think that's why the shard crashed...it was in shock! LOL but the new Cu spawn is nice....don't have to deal with all those other critters in Twisted so I was able to do more.
So, and I know you have this posted somewhere but I can't find it...for Cu's what I want to look for is:
Close to max HP (1200)
Lower Energy and cold and Poison under 41.....anything else? So so the resists drop after taming as well? I never looked.
Yeah those are the ones I was looking for..the ones Paddy Cakes wrote. UO-Cah is more like.....UOGuide? There's good info but not as much in-depth, detailed information that a forum discussion can provide. so it's nice to have so many resources but forums are the best places to get that kind of information.
I'm looking at that one now....thing is I don't want it to be a cookie-cutter Cu so I'm trying to find variations. That one is a good one though, it will help a lot.
I'm looking at that one now....thing is I don't want it to be a cookie-cutter Cu so I'm trying to find variations. That one is a good one though, it will help a lot.
All pets need the same base build to do the most base damage and get the most damage protection and regeneration. You can choose whatever abilties/moves/magic you want. I have a Cu with each magic and each ability that works.
Sorry the fact is AI/chiv does the most single target damage. The revamp has been out four years. Nothing new has appeared.
Call it cookie cutter or call it the best base build for the pet.
Yes I recall your Dog that was burned as Pup and fears fire.
Your next one needs 700 str for max damage, 370 Intel for regen. Only needs 5 stamina regen. Only needs 600 HP but you can add more at the end when done with scrolls.
110 scrolls work great, most of my pets have them.
When possible put 120 in Wrestling and Parry.
Always put 120 in any magic, Magery 110 is fine, pets don't fizzle.
Fire resi left at 38 % is naturally.... the worst you could do when most monster make fire based spells on your Pet. No wonder why he's permantly biting the grass.
Plz keep in Mind to train your Pet first to 125 Dex before you start Pet costumizing. Don't throw points away . And it will also be good to bring Wrestling first to GM (100), than you dont miss parry which is important for a tanking pet later and you can also plan a scroll for that.
This is one of my favorites: a black Cu with Chival and FWW
Template. I love it when they do the Whirlwind - this is also very nice
to see in Champ-Spawns. This is also strong enough in Solo-Fights
against bigger Monsters.
This one is
scrolled 110. My last i did very similiar with 115 scrolls. None of my
pets have 120er scrolls feeded - to that I'm also a poor girl here and I
do have other passions in UO too (Housebuildung and decorating). But
all the Cu's worked fine.
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling
compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a
whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen
gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze
Ecke einfacher)
Fire resi left at 38 % is naturally.... the worst you could do when most monster make fire based spells on your Pet. No wonder why he's permantly biting the grass.
Plz keep in Mind to train your Pet first to 125 Dex before you start Pet costumizing. Don't throw points away . And it will also be good to bring Wrestling first to GM (100), than you dont miss parry which is important for a tanking pet later and you can also plan a scroll for that.
This is one of my favorites: a black Cu with Chival and FWW
Template. I love it when they do the Whirlwind - this is also very nice
to see in Champ-Spawns. This is also strong enough in Solo-Fights
against bigger Monsters.
This one is
scrolled 110. My last i did very similiar with 115 scrolls. None of my
pets have 120er scrolls feeded - to that I'm also a poor girl here and I
do have other passions in UO too (Housebuildung and decorating). But
all the Cu's worked fine.
This is one of my favorites: a black Cu with Chival and FWW Template. I love it when they do the Whirlwind - this is also very nice to see in Champ-Spawns. This is also strong enough in Solo-Fights against bigger Monsters.
A question, if I may....
I was told, that for Frenzied Whirlwind, a Triton would do better then a CU-Sidhe and this, because FWW is heavily dependant on Physical damage which the Triton has at 100%, while the CU-Sidhe has at 0% Physical damage..... it does 50% Cold and 50% Energy damage.....
So, I wonder, if the above holds as valid (that FWW is best with a pet that does Physical damage), how is it possible that a pet that does 0% Physical damage comes out a good pet for FWW ?
You know... you men pretty much make a science out of everything instead of just trying it and seeing what works ...You do know why the banana is crooked, right?
The Costumizing System offered that for the Cu, so that was tried and found to be good. I'm having fun with the dog, and science or not - he's doing damage and doing his thing. I don't know, and I'm not going to worry about it now - other people worry about it enough .
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling
compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a
whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen
gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze
Ecke einfacher)
Yes I know his fire resist is low....and really he doesn't die that often...only when I'm stupid and think he's superdog or something and pit him against multiple paragons
He can handle the smaller ones like gazers and hell hounds 2 at a time as long as I can heal him but for the most part he holds his own pretty well. Yes the para hell hounds hurt him pretty good but I throw a heal or two on him and he's fine.
BUT that's why I asked...I had no idea what I was doing with him...I have been researching and I thank people like Pawain for testing things like this thoroughly. Too much math is involved and my brain shuts down. Give me quests to test, drops to test, riddles to solve and I'm good but when I see numbers my mind takes a vacation, so I have to depend on other players to inform me, so thank you!
Currently I am just trying to get him through his first round of training...and besides dread pirates and shadow ellies...is there anything else that's good to train him on?
Yes I know his fire resist is low....and really he doesn't die that often...only when I'm stupid and think he's superdog or something and pit him against multiple paragons
He can handle the smaller ones like gazers and hell hounds 2 at a time as long as I can heal him but for the most part he holds his own pretty well. Yes the para hell hounds hurt him pretty good but I throw a heal or two on him and he's fine.
BUT that's why I asked...I had no idea what I was doing with him...I have been researching and I thank people like Pawain for testing things like this thoroughly. Too much math is involved and my brain shuts down. Give me quests to test, drops to test, riddles to solve and I'm good but when I see numbers my mind takes a vacation, so I have to depend on other players to inform me, so thank you!
Currently I am just trying to get him through his first round of training...and besides dread pirates and shadow ellies...is there anything else that's good to train him on?
The Spellbinders in Haven, or Liches in your favorite Lich spot for resist.. Eodon dinosaurs or renowned Poison Elemental for healing to 120. Trogs, just because they drop gold and bandages and do the melee skills. could throw some crazed mages in for fun.
Yes I know his fire resist is low....and really he doesn't die that often...only when I'm stupid and think he's superdog or something and pit him against multiple paragons
He can handle the smaller ones like gazers and hell hounds 2 at a time as long as I can heal him but for the most part he holds his own pretty well. Yes the para hell hounds hurt him pretty good but I throw a heal or two on him and he's fine.
BUT that's why I asked...I had no idea what I was doing with him...I have been researching and I thank people like Pawain for testing things like this thoroughly. Too much math is involved and my brain shuts down. Give me quests to test, drops to test, riddles to solve and I'm good but when I see numbers my mind takes a vacation, so I have to depend on other players to inform me, so thank you!
Currently I am just trying to get him through his first round of training...and besides dread pirates and shadow ellies...is there anything else that's good to train him on?
I like the first spawn in Cavern of the Discard. when the courtiers spawn, pull a couple up out of the area by the boulders
If you are doing the spawn by yourself you can level your pet up with a few rounds the only skills that don't get higher is healing (it does raise some, but not as high as you want it to go)
This is where I leveled up the Cu I use on Origin. when I was doing the earlier dungeons over there I was only using a 4 slot Cu & was getting drops with it.
During Treasures of Wildfire I actually trained up a CU while doing the dungeon (I am going to train up another, but not sure I want to try Hythloth)
Yeah Hythloth seems to be a bit too dangerous to train up a fresh Cu. I did cheat and use a pet bonding potion on it just in case but I don't want him to die during training.
The spawn by Cavern of the Discarded sounds good though, never thought of that!
*smiles innocently*
Maybe I hit the hamster by mistake?? It's stats were super low
But yes..it's down.
*waits patiently for the hamster to re-spawn*
The Cu I use now is one a friend gave me before he left the game...he's sentimental which is why I use it.
But I think my new guy is going to be much better....now I just have to find the millions of gold I need to get him scrolled up...*sighs*
So what I want to find is one with as close to 1200 HP pre-tame (This one was 1195) and lower energy and cold?
This is the first time I've ever actually went out and started hunting for a good pet...I think that's why the shard crashed...it was in shock! LOL but the new Cu spawn is nice....don't have to deal with all those other critters in Twisted so I was able to do more.
So, and I know you have this posted somewhere but I can't find it...for Cu's what I want to look for is:
Close to max HP (1200)
Lower Energy and cold and Poison under 41.....anything else? So so the resists drop after taming as well? I never looked.
Sorry the fact is AI/chiv does the most single target damage. The revamp has been out four years. Nothing new has appeared.
Call it cookie cutter or call it the best base build for the pet.
So in that order?
This is my current one that I use...tell me where I messed up..I just threw anything on there and whatever PS's I had at the time lol.
Oh he has AI, Chiv, Healing and bleed
Your next one needs 700 str for max damage, 370 Intel for regen. Only needs 5 stamina regen. Only needs 600 HP but you can add more at the end when done with scrolls.
110 scrolls work great, most of my pets have them.
When possible put 120 in Wrestling and Parry.
Always put 120 in any magic, Magery 110 is fine, pets don't fizzle.
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
A question, if I may....
I was told, that for Frenzied Whirlwind, a Triton would do better then a CU-Sidhe and this, because FWW is heavily dependant on Physical damage which the Triton has at 100%, while the CU-Sidhe has at 0% Physical damage..... it does 50% Cold and 50% Energy damage.....
So, I wonder, if the above holds as valid (that FWW is best with a pet that does Physical damage), how is it possible that a pet that does 0% Physical damage comes out a good pet for FWW ?
The Costumizing System offered that for the Cu, so that was tried and found to be good. I'm having fun with the dog, and science or not - he's doing damage and doing his thing. I don't know, and I'm not going to worry about it now - other people worry about it enough
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
He can handle the smaller ones like gazers and hell hounds 2 at a time as long as I can heal him but for the most part he holds his own pretty well. Yes the para hell hounds hurt him pretty good but I throw a heal or two on him and he's fine.
BUT that's why I asked...I had no idea what I was doing with him...I have been researching and I thank people like Pawain for testing things like this thoroughly. Too much math is involved and my brain shuts down. Give me quests to test, drops to test, riddles to solve and I'm good but when I see numbers my mind takes a vacation, so I have to depend on other players to inform me, so thank you!
Currently I am just trying to get him through his first round of training...and besides dread pirates and shadow ellies...is there anything else that's good to train him on?
when the courtiers spawn, pull a couple up out of the area by the boulders
If you are doing the spawn by yourself
you can level your pet up with a few rounds
the only skills that don't get higher is healing
(it does raise some, but not as high as you want it to go)
This is where I leveled up the Cu I use on Origin.
when I was doing the earlier dungeons over there
I was only using a 4 slot Cu & was getting drops with it.
During Treasures of Wildfire
I actually trained up a CU while doing the dungeon
(I am going to train up another, but not sure I want to try Hythloth)
The spawn by Cavern of the Discarded sounds good though, never thought of that!