Pulling Paragons to entrance
Lets stop bringing the hoard to the main entrance, put a rubber band on them to snap back. In order to claim our body we have to be on top of it where we died, or call it using the staff. Now to use the staff you have to be inside and that kind of hard when facing 4-5 paragons at the steps.
Remove Trap = Bad News
Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

I totally disagree on the rubber banding.
What happens with the Event, is that at some hours there is plenty players, but at some other hours, there is only a few.
Paragon Balrons take several players to deal with them and, therefore, when there is not many players around and they do spawn, the few players around have only the possibility to either bring them to the entrance and leave them there, or into some room and leave them there and keep working the rest of the spawn.
If they get given rubber banding, this would become not possible which it would mean that at "off playing hours", for players it would become way more difficult to work the spawn for drops as the Paragons which they cannot kill would stay there and hurt their ability to work the spawn.
So, no to rubber banding, to my opinion.
Personally, I think it as fine as it is. if Paragons are at the entrance, just use a rune to recall somewhere inside bypassing them. I do not see what the issue is, with Paragons at the Entrance.
Furthermore, this problem only exists, to my viewing, during off playing hours where few players are online. During peak playing hours when many players are around, usually the Paragons at the Entrance are dealt with quite fastly by groups of players.
TL:DR - I see no problem here. It is fine as it is, me think, no changes necessary.
I asked them in general chat if they would stop doing that
because people couldn't get their bodies back.
(I pulled one that I couldn't deal with myself into the top middle room,
until others could be on to help me. And they specifically took them out)
I watched the exact same characters kill 2 paragon balrons on the 4th floor
by themself (while I was a ghost). They can kill them, they just want to grief the
characters that can't kill them by themself. (I am guessing because the event is NOT
availabe on our shard in Fel. If it was, we wouldn't be having this discussion now.)
I don't know if they have been doing this today.
but they have been doing this several days this week
People can probably kill them, but in my opinion it just don't worth the time and effort, and it's definitely not death proof, which is the least thing you want to happen when you are on potion or boosted luck hour.
I would actually suggest (and what I'm doing), is to lock up all the non para balrons before they turn into para, if everyone can resist the temptation to kill the non para one, everyone will be happy.
I'd like to know what type of Template, with what suit and weapon, can permit to kill Paragon Balrons solo...
Did you see that character killing 2 Paragon Balrons on the 4th floor standing right next to them and being able to sustain, somewhow, the Paragon Balron's blows while they were hitting them ?
Or did that character "dance" around the Paragon Balrons with hits and runs and healing in between ?
Was there other spawn around ?
The reason that I am asking, is that Warriors, generally, are quite weak to spells... and since Paragons do not permit Life Leech, if there is spellcaster MoBs around targeting the Warrior during the hits and runs, chances are that it would get killed. Especially, since fighting with hits and runs takes much longer as compared to standing right next to theTarget and keeping hitting it...
Did you by any chance open up the Paperdoll to look at the Weapon and suit ? What was that character using and wearing ?
by themself (while I was a ghost)."
Key words here is characters and themself which both indicates it's more then one char.
Thank you for the info !!
Talking about cross healing, could you please suggest a good macro for the Classic Client for cross healing, which would work with whatever template was to be nearby hitting the same Paragon Balron ?
Something like, if one sees a Paragon Balron being hit by another Warrior, they just get there and start using the Cross Healing macro hoping that the other player does the same...
Thanks !
so there’s these cool things called runes, that allow you to teleport places, skipping unsafe areas, so mark many runes then you can bypass certain areas that are clogged with paragons , don’t blame other people for trying to survive if you lack being prepared.
Maharia grudgingly marks runes for Devious...because Devious is inferior and cannot mark her own due to the fact that she is a lowly sampire (Maharia has issues)
While on Trammel, unless Guilded, this might be harmful, on Felucca it could be cause for more trouble then good...
It sounds odd to me that there is no "command" that would make it possible to heal a random friendly that is nearby....