Tips and Hints for Treasures of Die-Loth
Occurs in Hythloth Dungeon. This is only for the Trammel Side.
I only play on Lake Superior so references to spawn may not be the same on other shards.
We have no working doors in the dungeon. Everything is open always.
Green - Entry/Exit
Yellow - Places to mark runes
Purple - Tele pavers
Level 1

Level 3
The other tele paver teleports you into an L shaped room with lots of spawn. You tele to the far end of that room so to go back you have to clear the room and open a door to exit. That door works on LS.
Level 4

Weapons and books
Places to kill.
Have fun and Good Luck!
I only play on Lake Superior so references to spawn may not be the same on other shards.
We have no working doors in the dungeon. Everything is open always.
Green - Entry/Exit
Yellow - Places to mark runes
Purple - Tele pavers
Level 1
- Enter on steps and exit by sparkle pavers.
- The upper crossroad is the only semi safe place to recall to on the first floor.
- The entry steps are a good place to drag Paragons to. We have tamers stationed there during prime time and other times of the day.
- You can lead paragons if you stay close to them. If they change targets it is easy to get them back.
- If you are in the hall when someone is leading them, do not move, do not attack them or they will aggro you. You can use chat to explain how the game mechanics work.
- When you are a tamer in the entry room, stay on the steps, they will rarely target you there unless someone that has aggro leads them up the steps.
- If you are the leader, run out as soon as the para enters the room. That will cause the para to go to the corner and stay there.
- The sparkle pavers go to two spots on level 2.
- The paver closest to the east wall goes to 2nd floor sparkle entry 1. It is also the way back to 1.
- The paver closet to the West wall goes to Entry 2. No return from this spot.
- You begin depending on where you enter. Both spots can be crowded.
- This level has the slippery hall you have to maneuver though to get to the exit @Yoshi posted a pic of it that I cant find.
- The exit is stairs that go to stars on level 3.
- The exit is a safe recall spot. There are usually no paragons dragged here because players don't know how to use the slippery hall. May be a para gargoyle.
- The exit goes to the 3rd floor stairs. You can use these two stairs to sit tamers to res and help kill paragons on the third floor.

Level 3
- Very spawn heavy level. The entry can be made a safe spot to recall to.
- The room behind the exit stairs can be made a recall spot. You may have to clear some mobs.
- This level has two tele pavers that lead to closed rooms.
The other tele paver teleports you into an L shaped room with lots of spawn. You tele to the far end of that room so to go back you have to clear the room and open a door to exit. That door works on LS.
Level 4
- This is a smaller level than the others.
- The entry stairs are very crowded.
- You can mark a rune in the room I have circled, it is kinda safe.
- Running down the stairs from 3 is instant death commonly.

Weapons and books
- A demon slayer weapon that does cold damage works great. Energy would be ok. or use a Demon tali. I use demon weapon with a Flame tali for the hell hounds.
- Use a WW weapon. Double strike is sometimes best because the lesser mobs are very low cold resist, AI would do no extra damage. Can use AI on Balrons and demons.
- There are 2 versions of wisps. one dies in a couple of hits the other takes more.
- I did make a fey slayer weapon but I rarely use it.
- Demon slayer spellbook works great for magic users. Use Energy bolt. Chain lightning or thunderstorm.
- Gazers have no slayer also low in cold/energy resist.
- Tamer - Since the mobs are all low in cold and energy resist a Cu works great. I use Tritons because they have more HP and can be made very tanky. for a solo tamer I would recommend a Cu Sidhe since you can mount and ride away. For paragons walk and invis. Get 3 squares away from the mob and invis as needed. You can run consume. Do not run! Other method is teleport and invis.
- Thrower/Archer - The dungeon is very crowded with mobs on LS. This is not an easy place for a pure archer but it can be done. Use hallways and keep moving. Know where exits are. There are players on LS that use archers daily.
- Melee - Sampires work here very well. You can grab a para and drag it to mobs and WW for Life leech. Look before you run in the crowded rooms. The magic casters will blast you all at once. Sometimes it is best not to rush in and WW it all to death. Take them out a few at a time if there are casters in the room. I use Dexxers with healing instead of necro.
Places to kill.
- You can stay on level one if they are players to kill the paragons that you drag to the steps.
- Level 2 and 3 stairs. I clear both entries and put 2 tamers on one and run my melee toon around and drag paras to them.
- Level 3 and 4 stairs. Only level 3 stairs has low enough spawn to camp a tamer there.
- A couple of tamers that can keep their pets alive can kill the Balrons and Elders.
- A killing squad of at least 2 melee warriors can take out the paragons. 3 works better. Also 2 melee and an archer or tamer. Cross healing works great!
Have fun and Good Luck!
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
I follow the red trail. Down, up to second stairs, down below shield, straight, then up around blood stain.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
The reason for asking, is that usually, Warriors move very fast, sometimes even hit while running, without moving, and using Honor on every single Creature, would slow down the killing quite a lot.
So, in your experience, you did Honor on every single creature or just on some higher ones ?
InvokeVirtue-> Honor
SelectNearest -> Hostile
With this I run up to my target, hit the command, and it invokes honor and starts hitting it all together. You may need to add delays in as necessary.
Pawain reminded about building the luck which I forgot, is that honor perfection luck is the score ^2 / 10. For one hit kills like Imp I am not sure if there is any luck into it.
Based on one luck hour yesterday, this method gives me slightly more, about 17 drops instead of 15. Probably the honor on the elder gazers, hell hound and lesser paragons gives more luck via perfection. The gargoyle and Imp gives less or no honor luck but I think they do seem to drop more minor arties.
But what is more important is Does it affect drop rate?
I will help advise you whenever I can as long as y’all don’t make things worse for the warrior class
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs