Balron Bone Armor : why bother ?



  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    We are talking melee warriors you just said gargoyle = to others how about as a show of solidarity you stable your swampy and ride ethy rest of the event...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    edited October 2021
    McDougle said:
    We are talking melee warriors you just said gargoyle = to others how about as a show of solidarity you stable your swampy and ride ethy rest of the event...
    When my human can fly I will, or when I want to get the Garg sets this round, I will play my Garg warrior.  Hythloth fits in the WW category.  My Garg will do just fine.

    I will not make a tamer Gargoyle because I just do not want one.  They are of lesser minds, they can't really control beasts, They barely control themselves.  Most of them are homeless.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    You can ride a ethy and have flying speed or is it that sweet damage reduction?? How can you even pretend to argue about this?
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    McDougle said:
    You can ride a ethy and have flying speed or is it that sweet damage reduction?? How can you even pretend to argue about this?
    So YOU can not play a Gargoyle Melee toon?  I am just saying I can and I do when I need to.

    I prefer humans and elves,  If my humans had no damage reduction I would still play them.  But they do. I am not going to handicap them for your amusement. And Gabby made me 100 shadow barding deeds during Wildfire. I don't want to offend her.

    But really it does not matter, I do not expect to solo para balrons on any of my melee toons.
    So, in reality the damage reduction is mute, Either one can kill the other stuff the same and die to the para balrons the same.  For me, neither has an advantage over the other. My preference takes top play time.

    I do play my melee garg differently. I dont use Chiv and put mystic on the Garg. You would be surprised about the mobs an RC can handle.  They are far stronger than an EV in these things.
    The garg can fly back and cast cleansing winds which is far superior to Chiv healing.

    My human toon runs in middle of the crowded room and WWs and hopes to live.  My Garg makes an RC at the entry and WWs them 2 to 3 at a time as the mobs exit

    Learn to play and you can play more diverse templates.  Or don't try because they are inferior with your limited playstyle and you get frustrated.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    So you admit humans and elfs have an advantage that gargoyles can not get ? Sugar coat it popps style all you like paddy cakes it's why you see virtually 0 gargoyle sampire or melee in general discrimination..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    edited October 2021
    To sum it up. My drop rate playing a Human, elf or garg warrior has been the same per hour in each event so far.  I see no advantage or disadvantage. I guess I took your advice and ADAPTED.

    I prefer to play my humans and elves.  Not witless Gargs.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I acknowledge and accept your defeat on this matter and will continue to lobby for gargoyle equality 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    McDougle said:
    I acknowledge and accept your defeat on this matter and will continue to lobby for gargoyle equality 
    Too bad you are missing the important part of this subject. AcKnowledge. You have not tried to play one.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    The War Hammer converts directly to Gargoyle. They have the swords whip.

    Move your mace warrior skills to your gargoyle and you have the same character.  You will probably use the same helmet/earring/glasses.  Garg will WW through the mobs like your macer does. 

    I have got every gargoyle suit from each dungeon using macer WW in crowded dungeons or mage/mystic thrower in the sparse dungeons.  Do you realize how long it takes to get 6 garg earrings and necklaces in these things! 

    Gargoyles kill stuff just like the rest.

    A swords garg is also easy to make.

    The difference is the damage reduction for a Mounted Human, but the gargoyle can do hit and fly runs when needed. Gargs have Berserk when in danger.

    Popps next fiction novel will be:

    Why do gargs make lesser melee warriors than others?

    While Garg Macing is the most equivalent to it's Human/Elf form of any Wep skill, it still has disadvantages. While Garg Macers may have an equivalent Warhammer (WW), Maul (DS), and Barbed Whip (1H WW), their Disc Mace (AI+Disarm) is not equivalent to the Hammer Pick (AI+MS). Disc Mace has a faster attack speed and less base damage, so ends up with less HML and less damage per hit (getting enough Stam+SSI on gear for 1.25 Hammer Pick speed is easy with just 150+ Stam and 35%+ SSI). Not to mention the Hammer Pick's MS is more useful in PvM than the Disc Mace's Disarm is. Plus, many of the Gargoyle Macing weps, lack the extra Stamina damage that the Human/Elf Macing weps innately have.

    My Thrower was initially a Swordsman (loved the look of the Gargoyle on the SA cover art, Full Plate+Dread Sword looks awesome). Garg Swordsman don't have a equivalent to the Double Axe (DS+WW). The Talwar (WW+Dismount) lacks the incredibly useful combo of DS+WW (not to mention doesn't benefit from LJ skill). Garg Fencers don't have an equivalent to the Leaf Blade (Feint+AI).

    Garg Warriors cannot use Mace & Shield+Solaria's Secret Poisons at same time, Human/Elf Warriors can. Neither can they use Nocturne Earrings for Night Sight, they're basically pigeon holed into Unicorn Mane Woven Talons for Night Sight (which replaces Talons of Escaping).

    Ethy functions the same as Flight, except for certain Flight Pathways in Ter Mur.
    As already mentioned, Gargoyle Warriors also lack the 20% PvM Damage Reduction that an Exceptional Armored Swampy gives (12% if Paroxy Swampy). A 60 damage Firebreath becoming 48 damage due to Swampy is great.
    Berserk is subject to the 300% Damage Cap, and requires you to be low health.

  • Also, Human/Elf Warriors are able to ride around on a Giant Beetle and protect it from attack as it hauls up to 600 Stones (1,600 if you don't mind mounted walking) worth of stuff for them (i do this when farming Leather). Giant Beetles are vulnerable to attack when following a Gargoyle.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    This thread has strayed somewhat off topic, and since the question in the topic appears to have been answered, time to end it?
This discussion has been closed.