How to Kill Paragon Balrons at Hythloth entry.

Seems like some are having trouble so maybe they do not know how to help each other kill stuff.

There are plenty of Balrons on the first floor.  Lead a Para to the entry. Everyone run out.

Have a designated Tamer outside, Tamer goes inside and puts the pet on the Balron.  Tamer should be running consume and GoR as needed.  For some reason a Balron has not switched agro to my tamer yet.  I am using a FWW/Chiv Triton.  The tamer I am using think Cus are smelly so he does not use them.

The warriors, archers, magic users, etc go back in and kill it.  3 warriors take less than 20 seconds to kill one if they are outfitted correctly.

What if there are 5 there?

A warrior runs in and takes a few away, run around some corners sacred journey out.  Repeat until there is just 1 at the entry.

Good Luck all.
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Another method that works well for sweeping the Dungeon.  Three Melee warriors go together, there are plenty of things to kill finally.  Thanks @Kyronix !  

    Stick together. The three of you can kill a Para Balron in 20 seconds or less.  Back off as needed for HP reasons.

    Archers following Melee toons also make good teams.

    All you need there is a Demon slayer weapon 100% Cold or Energy.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Nice in theory...I have been begging in Gen Chat for people to NOT RUN AWAY FROM THE PARAGONS! I have my pet on it, it's fine...then someone thinks they can help and they get hurt and then they to ME...then my pet dies...then I die....*sighs*

    People just don't listen!

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    That's why the entry works better.  You can pop out as needed.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • DragoDrago Posts: 316
    I've only done 3 events since I returned and I've learned this so far.  There is very little cooperative effort in treasure events.   Majority of PVM has evolved to be solo able content (Not a statement, just an observation).  Its every person for itself.   Sure if you go in with a group / guild, it works but running with strangers?  They usually run and train para balrons on everyone.  I try not to run when I see solo para balron.  With my samp i can evade and hopefully others join in.

  • Larisa said:
    Nice in theory...I have been begging in Gen Chat for people to NOT RUN AWAY FROM THE PARAGONS! I have my pet on it, it's fine...then someone thinks they can help and they get hurt and then they to ME...then my pet dies...then I die....*sighs*

    People just don't listen!
    I’ve seen it, Larisa was arse up on the dungeon floor. Couldn’t grab a pic unfortunately. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Pawain said:
    Another method that works well for sweeping the Dungeon.  Three Melee warriors go together, there are plenty of things to kill finally.  Thanks @ Kyronix !  

    Stick together. The three of you can kill a Para Balron in 20 seconds or less.  Back off as needed for HP reasons.

    Archers following Melee toons also make good teams.

    All you need there is a Demon slayer weapon 100% Cold or Energy.

     The only time I have seen 3 melee going together has been the multi boxers.
  • AaylaAayla Posts: 170
    Allen for President.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Larisa said:
    Nice in theory...I have been begging in Gen Chat for people to NOT RUN AWAY FROM THE PARAGONS! I have my pet on it, it's fine...then someone thinks they can help and they get hurt and then they to ME...then my pet dies...then I die....*sighs*

    People just don't listen!
    I’ve seen it, Larisa was arse up on the dungeon floor. Couldn’t grab a pic unfortunately. 
    Larisa hasn't been down there yet...I don't even want to try on her. But Maharia and Devious? Oh yeah...I've only died 3 times on my tamer....twice from others...once my own stupidity lol. My sampire? Because I run solo it's really hard for her. I kill the non-paragon things quickly so I can't even lure non-paragon critters with me to a paragon so at least I get some life leech. Evade lasts like 4 seconds so really doesn't help much and then you have to wait for the cool down.

    I tend to go on my tamer/mage more because IF people would listen I can help...DONT RUN..let me invis you so my pet doesn't go chasing the darn thing all over the dungeon, then I have to run after it then it re-targets to me.

    Sorry but I give up now...I will just hide in the dark corners of the dungeon and hope to get enough points to get the things I Want and stay away from other people, I'm safer that way lol.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Pawain said:
    Seems like some are having trouble so maybe they do not know how to help each other kill stuff.

    There are plenty of Balrons on the first floor.  Lead a Para to the entry. Everyone run out.

    Have a designated Tamer outside, Tamer goes inside and puts the pet on the Balron.  Tamer should be running consume and GoR as needed.  For some reason a Balron has not switched agro to my tamer yet.  I am using a FWW/Chiv Triton.  The tamer I am using think Cus are smelly so he does not use them.

    The warriors, archers, magic users, etc go back in and kill it.  3 warriors take less than 20 seconds to kill one if they are outfitted correctly.

    What if there are 5 there?

    A warrior runs in and takes a few away, run around some corners sacred journey out.  Repeat until there is just 1 at the entry.

    Good Luck all.
    Well, your Tamer must be a lucky one because, Paragons retarget on my character all the time...

    It happens so frequently, actually, that it makes it no longer funny.... once is OK, twice perhaps "might" still be acceptable, but continuously ?

    No way, that makes it annoying, no longer fun.

    @Kyronix , any chance to tone down both Paragon Balrons spawn AND in general Paragons' retargeting ?

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    Larisa said:

    Sorry but I give up now...I will just hide in the dark corners of the dungeon and hope to get enough points to get the things I Want and stay away from other people, I'm safer that way lol.
    That may be an idea. There might be some rooms that do not have Balron spawn.  I saw a few NOOBs trying it on LS.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    well first I'm not a that's offensive guild name or not, it's offensive.....I just have to play solo and would rather stay away from people who make my game play more difficult.

    I bought a potion and would like to have a solid hour of uninterrupted game play without having to deal with others lack of understanding.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    YyyLarisa said:
    well first I'm not a that's offensive guild name or not, it's offensive.....I just have to play solo and would rather stay away from people who make my game play more difficult.

    I bought a potion and would like to have a solid hour of uninterrupted game play without having to deal with others lack of understanding.

    These were real NOOBs.  One was a tamer with a partially build nightmare. The other was an archer with a physical damage bow.  

    If they could do it so could leet players such as yourself.

    They died when they stepped out in the hall.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Never said I was know what? Nevermind.....

    I know how to deal with's most everyone else that makes them re-target me....I've killed my share already today NO BALRONS because I can't solo those but I know how to kill them.....just stay to myself and away from people who try to run from them.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Larisa said:
    Nice in theory...I have been begging in Gen Chat for people to NOT RUN AWAY FROM THE PARAGONS! I have my pet on it, it's fine...then someone thinks they can help and they get hurt and then they to ME...then my pet dies...then I die....*sighs*

    People just don't listen!
    The problem, to my opinion, is not players' characters having to run away for their life..... the problem is, as I see it, a Design that makes Paragons retarget way, but WAY too much and too frequently.

    It should definetly be toned down, IMHO, and quite a lot too.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Pawain said:
    Larisa said:

    Sorry but I give up now...I will just hide in the dark corners of the dungeon and hope to get enough points to get the things I Want and stay away from other people, I'm safer that way lol.
    That may be an idea. There might be some rooms that do not have Balron spawn.  I saw a few NOOBs trying it on LS.
    Too bad though, that, as I understand, the Design for these Treasures of Events, has been done in a way that, if players keep killing the same location MOBs, drop rate will be reduced....

    So, starying in a room and killing the spawn only there, will actually backfire in a reduced drop rate....
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    There are four levels maybe scale difficulty to floor 1st easier lower drop rate 4th harder higher drop rate..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
     G8popps said:
    Pawain said:
    Larisa said:

    Sorry but I give up now...I will just hide in the dark corners of the dungeon and hope to get enough points to get the things I Want and stay away from other people, I'm safer that way lol.
    That may be an idea. There might be some rooms that do not have Balron spawn.  I saw a few NOOBs trying it on LS.
    Too bad though, that, as I understand, the Design for these Treasures of Events, has been done in a way that, if players keep killing the same location MOBs, drop rate will be reduced....

    So, starying in a room and killing the spawn only there, will actually backfire in a reduced drop rate....
    As usual you type with no knowledge. Different mobs spawn in the rooms. It is not like wildfire where 2 same type mobs spawn over and over.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I believe if it's at all like old blackthorns that movement plays a part as well if you stay in one spot drop rate goes down 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
     UMcDougle said:
    I believe if it's at all like old blackthorns that movement plays a part as well if you stay in one spot drop rate goes down 
    They said same mob over and over when the design was described. 
    But move into the hall once in a while if it gives you peace of mind.

    There were players in ice just going from AOL to AOL.  They needed to change what they were killing. They were moving a lot.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • I farmed up 50 artifacts in about 3 hours yesterday with my Macer/Paladin. Got enough for the Demon Slayer Talisman, which makes killing most of the mobs even faster (300% Damage Cap). Wore a 960 Luck Suit (2k+ with Luck Sculpture), but hadn't yet used a Potion of Glorious Fortune.

    When Paragon Balrons would show up, i'd port my 4x120 Bard/Mage and Disco/Tamer to my Macer. Bard/Mage would be running Peace Masteries, and my Disco/Tamer would be running Empowerment (no Lvl 3 Primer on her) on a RC+AP Fire Beetle, and use that to tank the Para Balron as my Macer/Paladin dished out the damage while neutering the Para Balron's melee damage output with Stagger+Hit Fatigue.
  • its all about working together. me and 2 other guildies today;  me as a ninja, a samp and a tamer cleared lvl 3 over and over again.  the bottom of those stairs is just like a a loaded up front ent. 
    heal each other clean up the easy extras that do spell damage like daemons.  
  • its all about working together. me and 2 other guildies today;  me as a ninja, a samp and a tamer cleared lvl 3 over and over again.  the bottom of those stairs is just like a a loaded up front ent. 
    heal each other clean up the easy extras that do spell damage like daemons.  
    Yep. A Tamer and a Dexxer together can clear the spawn easily, with the Tamer's pet tanking the Paragon Balrons and the Dexxer dishing out the damage. Two X-Healing Warriors can easily take out anything down there as well.
  • Anyone notice a change in the level 1 monsters that spawn outside of the rooms? All I see now are hell hounds and imps.. Occasional wildfire wisp.. 
  • Even with a good pet running consume damage, the para balron will usually switch agro to take tamer out. I would love to see the pet that can survive without running consume take it out. The dexxer can't take the multiple damage strikes hitting for at least 120 damage before the 4 sec heal time. The best way I found if you run alone, is to get a full bard to scout ahead and run mastery while discording balron. That of course if an elder gazer para or wisp doesn't come in. That is the problem with UO. They go to the lowest and highest extremes. I just went two hours before shard went down and full of para balrons. How do you run that? One para balron okay, but 4 or 5 at the same time? They need to turn down their spawn rate.
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