Splintering/Injected strike

YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
edited October 2021 in Bugs
  • The weapon hit property splintering no longer triggers on Disarm, Infectious Strike, or Injected Strike.

"splintering still procs with injected strike, both PvM and PvP"

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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited December 2022
    "this is still happening today,
    I am not understanding this bug report process sorry

    its missing information?"
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  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited December 2022
    Splinter shouldn't proc during the use of any special or weapon related mastery at all. Given that it's a zero resource cost double special baked into a single proc, it should be treated as a filler and only proc on auto attacks. Honestly I believe that was it's original intention, as when Splinter was released mana was still a resource a dexxer had to actually think about (Spoiler alert: Mana is no longer something a dexxer needs to pay much attention to anymore), while simple white damage/auto attacks had mostly long lost their lethality (with the exception being elemental high base damage weapons, which was extremely rare to see at the time).

    If that weren't good enough, then it would also mess with the automated nerds who need a program to keep their specials toggled for them.

    Win/win all around.

    Edit: there is an argument to be made for the following things:
    • Lightning Strike in conjunction with it's "critical strike" mechanic.
    • Focus Attack.
    • Counter Attack.
    Lightning Strike is weird because it can technically fall in line as a cheaper armor ignore when it crits. On one hand I think that lightning strike is basically an advanced auto attack, but on the other hand it's actually really strong and people really don't respect it's strength. I have mixed feelings on splinter procing with it, but lean more towards it shouldn't.

    Focus Attack imo shouldn't affect splinter, but that would require creating a separate category for splinter outside of the "Hit Spell" threshold.

    Counter Attack, if splinter proc is adjusted correctly, should be able to proc a splinter but only if there is no special toggled as well.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2023
    “Victim of Siege poster says there is problem with my posting being aggressive etc it’s why bugs I report do not get fixed. I scroll back to one of first bugs reported. 

    How this OP is rude/aggressive? bug reports I post all seem very similar to this, just information with expected result listed. And free from opinion. No attack on any poster or forum mod.

    Pawain poster says it’s because they are not bugs but features

    So why it reads this way in publish notes?

    aggression only comes from frustration of suffering same issues 10 times a day no fix for several days, then weeks, then months, then years.

    I enquire even in this thread, what is process as not understanding what the problem is and if they are lacking information? No response, no fix. Maybe my English skills are not good enough, there is another language I can post in that would be better?

    edited by Mariah

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  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Again you've hit it right on the head with your veiled reference to illegal clients please don't pretend to not understand 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2023
    “My point is, fixing this bug and any like it, that are non client specific is not going to reduce the requirement to download third party client, as fixing will fix for all clients.

    why only reports of bugs to be fixed that are client specific and fixing would reduce requirement to download third party client gets closed?
    the one person who is trying to improve broadsword client gets falsely accused of promoting third party clients?? 
    I don’t attack anyone, it’s forum mods who closed those threads and attack me, I only defend.

    Based on the choice of closed bug threads a third party observer would conclude that forum mods want us to download third party client and stop reporting client specific bugs. 

    As the saying goes
    Wat je zegt ben jezelf, met je kop door de helft"
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  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    No the mods do not want you to download anything unapproved. We just want you to stop talking about them!
    Why is it so difficult to understand that to report a bug with classic client you merely say 'there is a bug with the classic client? The bug is this:  Mentioning anything other than the details of the bug and classic client is NOT NEEDED!

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2023
    "so how will they know it is of highest priority over other posted bugs like this one?

    let us take for example wall of stone rubber banding bug, it's not even possible to wall of stone script in EC or CC as far as i am aware, so how you can describe a bug that is resulting in it without mentioning what it is you're talking about?

    dev will not understand problem with rubber banding on wall of stone, they will think its nothing and think its very low priority issue without context"
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  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    you can say 'high priority, major impact on player vs player gameplay'.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2023
    "okay i will use that code next time, but only going to have Pawain and mcdoogle asking
    how is this high priority? and trash talk and be dismissive as usual"
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  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Yoshi said:
    "okay i will use that code next time, but only going to have Pawain and mcdoogle asking
    how is this high priority? and trash talk and be dismissive as usual"
    If you keep calling me I will. And Gay said this should not not trigger on a special. So working as intended. Devs do not need to waste time on telling you it is working as intended. If it did differently in the past they fixed it so it is working as intended.

    Just read that to yourself instead of bumping non bugs.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2023
    "not understand what you're writing sorry,

    it's one swing i take

    this is working as intended?

    if so Mariah please correct your wiki and tell devs to correct their publish notes haha
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  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited March 2023
    Pawain said:
    Yoshi said:
    "okay i will use that code next time, but only going to have Pawain and mcdoogle asking
    how is this high priority? and trash talk and be dismissive as usual"
    If you keep calling me I will. And Gay said this should not not trigger on a special. So working as intended. Devs do not need to waste time on telling you it is working as intended. If it did differently in the past they fixed it so it is working as intended.

    Just read that to yourself instead of bumping non bugs.

    My post wasn't implying that it "shouldn't proc with a special" in the context of that's how it it currently intended to work. But rather that splinter should be changed to function that way. My belief is that splinter should never proc off of a special attack, and only on auto attacks as I believe it's original reason for being created was when auto attacks were no longer strong (outside of a small amount of special cases) and stamina dexers didn't have triple digit mana.

    Also on the topic of client disparity, look at how EC handles shield bash + glenda. For some reason with the EC specifically you gain a second instant re-swing of shield bash, making it possible to do two shield bashes + a glenda hit in one swing. No variant of the 2D client has been able to re-produce that outcome, only the EC. And it doesn't make sense why server sided rulesets are being influenced by the client, but it does make for a strong argument that shield bash should share a swing timer with normal attacks.

    Trigger words like EC and 2D/CC were used in this post. So please, mods, try to control yourselves.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2023
    gay said:
    look at how EC handles shield bash + glenda. For some reason with the EC specifically you gain a second instant re-swing of shield bash, making it possible to do two shield bashes + a glenda hit in one swing. No variant of the 2D client has been able to re-produce that outcome, only the EC. And it doesn't make sense why server sided rulesets are being influenced by the client, but it does make for a strong argument that shield bash should share a swing timer with normal attacks.

    "Lynk made this claim before, i could not reproduce, you had any luck?
    there is a thread about it somewhere, i will dig up and post link

    hmm, i think i was trying to find double glenda swing, but double shield bash you say hmm

    here it is

    i will revisit soon and try again repro"

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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2023
    @Mariah please correct wiki

    Splintering says Will not process with Disarm, Infectious Strike, or Injected Strike special moves.

    Pawain says this is working as intended so you and all the devs are wrong”
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  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Mariah said:
    No the mods do not want you to download anything unapproved. We just want you to stop talking about them!
    Why is it so difficult to understand that to report a bug with classic client you merely say 'there is a bug with the classic client? The bug is this:  Mentioning anything other than the details of the bug and classic client is NOT NEEDED!

       To be clear, the only people talking illegal programs are the ones that want their use to stop, Or (and i disagree with this for the most part) is for illegal program's features to be added to the default client. -depending on which features of course.

    Everyone else is using them without punishment... this isn't some secret, it hasn't been for like a decade or more, all it seems is going on is that everyone knows but continues turn a blind eye to it or try to play it down like it doesn't matter.

    Also, how many times are we, as players, expected to report a bug before it gets acknowledged or better yet, fixed?

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2023
    "yes this forum only promotes third party apps by blocking bug fixes on broadsword client and forcing people to download bug fixes elsewhere.

    Same issue as they used to have with uostratics websites, forum mods would do exact same thing.

    may aswell put a direct download link to third party bug fixes on home page"
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  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    CovenantX said:
    Mariah said:
    No the mods do not want you to download anything unapproved. We just want you to stop talking about them!
    Why is it so difficult to understand that to report a bug with classic client you merely say 'there is a bug with the classic client? The bug is this:  Mentioning anything other than the details of the bug and classic client is NOT NEEDED!

       To be clear, the only people talking illegal programs are the ones that want their use to stop, Or (and i disagree with this for the most part) is for illegal program's features to be added to the default client. -depending on which features of course.

    Everyone else is using them without punishment... this isn't some secret, it hasn't been for like a decade or more, all it seems is going on is that everyone knows but continues turn a blind eye to it or try to play it down like it doesn't matter.

    Also, how many times are we, as players, expected to report a bug before it gets acknowledged or better yet, fixed?

    Bugs must be reported 4567 times before they make the list
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2023
    CovenantX said:

    Everyone else is using them without punishment... this isn't some secret, it hasn't been for like a decade or more, all it seems is going on is that everyone knows but continues turn a blind eye to it or try to play it down like it doesn't matter.
    "How they going to punish someone for downloading software necessary to play a game they are paying for?
    Or they are expecting people to play in fel without getting a debuff for nervestrike and rubber banding off of front of houses?? people ofcourse refuse to play with such stupid game breaking bugs that would get you killed 20 times a day, and customers source fixes by any means necessary.

    I never heard of paying for a game where you have to download TP (toilet paper) software to play. What people are paying for please?

    you're thinking they should punish the starving for stealing bread" 
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  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Yoshi said:
    CovenantX said:

    Everyone else is using them without punishment.

    I never heard of paying for a game where you have to download TP (toilet paper) software to play. What people are paying for please?

    you're thinking they should punish the starving for stealing bread" 
       No, They should be punished for breaking the rules.  because the few people who abide by the rules are at a disadvantage.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2023
    "lol nobody is going to play a client that doesn't even work in fel
    and they don't even give us a release date of when people can play it

    attack nearest hostile hits your own guildmember - if it happened in trammel they would fix in 10 hours instant patch"
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