with Hythloth coming soon



  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Pawain said:
    YLarisa said:
    You people should know that it doesn't automatically start with server up. They have to manually place all the NPC's and flip the switch...usually later on in the day.

    When has it EVER started first thing after server up? How long have you been doing this??

    Silly people....go kill butchers!
    Not correct . I always go to Europa to see the color of the armor. They have had the dungeons begin at their server up every other time. Theirs should have began almost 10 hours ago. 

    Preeeeeeeecisely! :)
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Yea I thought the same thing (especially on ATL). Hopefully the spawn is at a good rate so that we can get enough drops to get all the items we want (I want the balron armor in human and garg so that's 300 pts right there). The potion should help with that but I'm hoping they let this event go a little longer than 1 month (til the end of Nov would be nice but might encroach on the next event).
  • meltedmantismeltedmantis Posts: 46
    edited October 2021
    that potion should not exist to fix a problem of their own creation.  because you have to pay cash for it that would be... well that would be a scam.  it's pay to win in that case
  • Mordin_RockbiterMordin_Rockbiter Posts: 102
    edited October 2021
    Larisa said:
    You people should know that it doesn't automatically start with server up. They have to manually place all the NPC's and flip the switch...usually later on in the day.

    When has it EVER started first thing after server up? How long have you been doing this??

    Silly people....go kill butchers!
    The problem is there have been occasions where both shard up and later starting times have been used.  I would say that it is a legitimate observation that communication could have been better and 24 hours or greater notice could, and should have, been posted.  Even if a starting time had not been finalized, a notice to check back for that determination would have been appropriate.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    It should happen at server up as does all else now with manual set up
    A. We wait with no clear times (imagine having bought a potion a using at server up only to waste it)
    B. Did mention lack of communication
    C. Now rather than the server up times we all know and expect they have to play favorites because i of course think my shard most important why wasn't it first..
    Did I mention how important communication is...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @Kyronix - This might be a long shot but given the shortened timeline on the Halloween event (assuming about a month) and the smaller dungeon (compared to Deceit last Halloween); is there a way to decrease the cost of the higher end items like Balron armor / spellbook (assuming the values on TC1 were desired costs on live shards)? Maybe 125 for Balron armor & 150 for spellbook?
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    New drops are the yellow/red color.... thanks @Kyronix! Like the new color and was glad it wasn't beserker red
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