Only a few more days to get prepared.

PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
edited September 2021 in General Discussions
24th Anniversary Gifts - NOW
Collect them on all shards!

Jack o' Lanterns, Trick or Treating and Skeletons OH MY - October 1st
Mark runes for lots of Fields and the Graveyards!  Fel works also.
2 New tall orange pumkins!
New Trick or Treat rewards.  Put on your costume or Pumpkin Head.
Use your Begger and Get rewards that way also
Demon Slayer for the Butcher, Undead Slayer for the high HP Skeles.

Treasures of the Demonic forces - October 4th
You can check out the different Mobs on Test Center!
Mark Runes before it begins!
Get your Demon slayer weapons, or Talis.  Also Fey Slayer.  Don't wear both at same time!
Also use your Demon and Fey Books when casting!

Horrors of the Dark - Champion Spawn - November 1st
A Mystery Belt!  New Skulls!

Artisan Festival - December 1st
Collect BODs. Upgrade BODs, Gather resources to make Larges!

Krampus - December 1st
New Orb Recipe that can be a Transmog Target.

Holiday Gifts - December 3rd
Collect on All Shards!

We will be busy! Till January 5th.

Have Fun!
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.


  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    Nice write up, thanks. :)

    I've been working all day and night for the last 2 weeks, to put my work in a good place so I can focus on all this.

    I also liked the new story write-up, always like them.

  • DragoDrago Posts: 316
    Thanks Pawain. This is really helpful post :)
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,295
    edited September 2021
    You forgot a few things

    October 2nd - A certain someone comes here complains how hard begging is to train and that they should make Trick or Treat not use it in the calculation of getting the good items.

    October 5th - Same person comes here to complain how Sampires are OP and that they should be able to get 100 drops an hour on their half finished detective character.

    November 2nd - Said person comes here to complain how Sampires are OP and that they should be able to get 100 drops an hour on their camping/taste id mule. 

    December 2nd - They will post a protracted thread about how difficult and arduous it is to get a star on the tree to ensure a gift, and that said gifts are not indicative of how real the struggle is. and that Krampus is too hard to spawn and the reward should just be in our packs when we log in.

    December 4th - This player will come here to complain that we should be able to just log in once to receive all the gifts on one toon and that the gifts should still befit the time it takes to log in each and every character.

    At least that's the way I see it . . .
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    You forgot a few things

    October 2nd - A certain someone comes here complains how hard begging is to train and that they should make Trick or Treat not use it in the calculation of getting the good items.

    October 5th - Same person comes here to complain how Sampires are OP and that they should be able to get 100 drops an hour on their half finished detective character.

    November 2nd - Said person comes here to complain how Sampires are OP and that they should be able to get 100 drops an hour on their camping/taste id mule. 

    December 2nd - They will post a protracted thread about how difficult and arduous it is to get a star on the tree to ensure a gift, and that said gifts are not indicative of how real the struggle is. and that Krampus is too hard to spawn and the reward should just be in our packs when we log in.

    December 4th - This player will come here to complain that we should be able to just log in once to receive all the gifts on one toon and that the gifts should still befit the time it takes to log in each and every character.

    At least that's the way I see it . . .

    LOL that certain someone could apply to A LOT of certain Someones now days.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    And the way I see it is, I hope those predictions do not come true, and I would not appreciate it if the theme was expanded on. Bad Victim!
    So, speculation aside, what are you working on to get ready?
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,295
    edited September 2021
    Mariah said:
    And the way I see it is, I hope those predictions do not come true, and I would not appreciate it if the theme was expanded on. Bad Victim!
    So, speculation aside, what are you working on to get ready?
    ;) I know, I know. I couldn’t silence the voices in my head this morning. That being said. I have been stocking my vendor at the entrance with a few supplies and making all shiny new weapons and finalizing my template. It appears I’ll be going with the modified Sampire again, unless something drastic happens. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    What are the Butcher's stats?  What are they weakest to? Cold?
    Also, what about the pumpkin monsters?  Trying to get the most effective weapons together.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    edited October 2021
    Butcher is a Demon 

    I use my mage.  3 flamestrikes  kills it.
    Cu also kills them nicely.
    The basic Energy Demon slayer will work as a weapon.
    They only have 800s HP, the Strength is only low 200s.
    They have Necro, magery, SS.  They use Necro a lot.
    They are built for casting.
    Revenants, Pain Spike, Corpse Skin and Blood Oath.
    Its Damage is 20 phy, 40 Cold, 40 Energy.
    Resistances have a small range but are like this.

    The named and not named special Skeltons cant be lored.
    Very High HP.  Do decent melee damage.
    If like the normals. They are undead. Very low in Fire resist. Basic Undead Slayer.

    You can not Lore Grimm.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Thank you so much for the rundown! I have barely logged in since the last holiday season. Extremely excited for this years festivities!
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