VS..... Again

So on at least 2 shards VS just not working i first noticed this when the new publish went to origin could the three test shards being on different publish some how affect VS?
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Can confirm it has been kind of like how it was before the last fix. Lots of timed out searches and no results for common items. Not sure what’s up. It was working really good for a few months. 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    it tends to be slower on weekends or evenings
    probably because there are more people on searching for stuff
  • NecronomNecronom Posts: 79
    edited September 2021
    Yes, it's really slow. Also, any previous searches that took a long while may come up even when you're searching for something else atm... Example, I was searching up Runic Tools.. All of them supposedly timed out, but when I started searching for Gloves of Feudal, the results of my previous searches with Runic Tools came up several times.

    The 3 term restriction is annoying to say the least, but hey, if it helps with cutting down the results, sure...
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