Can we please please get item search on these containers?

Jewelry Box and Davies Locker? :)
Or any other containers I'm forgetting that are similar to these templates.  It would make a worlds difference in their use. 


  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Our house?? Just build it into the house sign I'll be the first to pay 50$..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Probably one of the most often requested features to be added to the jewelry box. I think I once read they can’t do it but I can’t see why in all honesty. 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    I do not use the EC much but I do use it to look for things in containers with the search function.  Does the search function work with the jewel box.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    The jewelry box frustrating to me it's a "newer " item @o shouldn't be spaghetti code WHY can't they fix IF they can't make a new one with the search ability...we as a customer base seem to accept mediocrity to readily..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    I would love all these quality of life ideas but I also understand that we have a total of 6 people that work on UO and Kyronix and Bleak appear to be the 2 work horses so in reality I can accept a few less quality of life items over keeping UO running.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Trying to build a suit and having to hover over every single piece of jewelry you own (up to 500 pieces) is extremely inefficient. 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,784
    there is no search feature with Davie's Locker
    but Pinco's UI, does have a search feature for the jewelry box.
    I love to use it
    It makes finding stuff so easy.

    Now if only there is an antique closet
    for my clothing....
  • DragoDrago Posts: 313
    there is no search feature with Davie's Locker
    but Pinco's UI, does have a search feature for the jewelry box.
    I love to use it
    It makes finding stuff so easy.

    Now if only there is an antique closet
    for my clothing....

    So it is possible :)  @Kyronix ; @Mesanna ; - Could you please put this on the radar? :)
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