@Kyronix there is a lot of people from this guild abusing the shield bash exploit that allow you to still use the parry bash mastery even with no shield on hand.
LOL A GM can document who is doing what and pass information to DEVs. Glad you are so privaldge to know how long it takes a GM to do something, oh wait I and many others didn't wait even a day to get a GM to do something and they do not reply to you no matter how well you think of yourself. Hay DEVs better start looking on what ever shard because the OP wants to give as little info as possible, LMAO.
“I haven’t managed to hit a special and shield bash yet"
Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
I'm sure the devs read the bugs. They cannot comment or speculate because it has to be researched on a coding level and prioritized. No point in giving false hopes.
I'm sure the devs read the bugs. They cannot comment or speculate because it has to be researched on a coding level and prioritized. No point in giving false hopes.
Hence i suggested moving this to bugs..
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
Also did you page a GM to report this exploit?
Maybe making public will force their hand to resolve this bug asap... more than 120 views at this time.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs