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  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I loaded my 5 slot scrolled beetle told it to stay on my ship went to another server through house tele tile waited hard closed UO waited 5 min logged back in wasn't with me wasn't in stable logged again relogged and there she was for the briefest moment it had life span 23hrs on her object tag 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    edited September 2021

    I did get a harp with my players name on it !!!! 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    Larisa said:
    Yes this is what I'm trying to grasp.

    I did the same thing as Tyrath.....not for 6 hours but I parked a bonded pet..maybe because his aren't bonded...because the patch notes say BONDED pets.

    I had it follow me, got it stuck on a house, kept going, recalled home and logged out. 4 hours later I logged back in and it was logged in with me and wonderfully happy.  Also note that it was logged out in Luna and my home is on Ice Island.
    Bonded or unbonded, it does not matter.

    You and your pet need to be logged in during the LOS server routine for it to fail the check.  

    If you leave your pet somewhere and log out on another subserver, your pet bonded or not still logs out with you.

    If you are actually wanting to test a pet not going wild, I would simply put taming or lore on a soulstone and command the pet until confused.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    McDougle said:

    I did get a harp with my players name on it !!!! 
    With my luck I honestly didn't expect to get one...

    I was pleasantly surprised :)

    Now I need to shard trade for more and hopefully get one for Larisa.

    Violet....I have taming on my talisman and jewels. I am only at 109.2 real taming. I don't want to have to stone it off because that's not realistic. I want to test it as it would happen in game, I just can't seem to get my pets to hate me lol.

  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    Is that a "double rare" harp or do all the character named gifts have a rare hue? Or is that color that the item shows when you highlight it?
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    No that's highlighted. I have only gotten 6 tokens, so I was very lucky to get one with my name on it out of only 6. I think it took me around 30 or so with the wreaths.

    I didn't get a rare color yet.

    The music when you double-click it is very pretty.

  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Larisa said:
    Yes this is what I'm trying to grasp.

    I did the same thing as Tyrath.....not for 6 hours but I parked a bonded pet..maybe because his aren't bonded...because the patch notes say BONDED pets.

    I had it follow me, got it stuck on a house, kept going, recalled home and logged out. 4 hours later I logged back in and it was logged in with me and wonderfully happy.  Also note that it was logged out in Luna and my home is on Ice Island.

      The Loyalty rating loss is the same for bonded and unbonded pets.   I used unbonded because I really don't have anything bonded in my stables on Origin that I want to risk losing.  Total time from parking them at wonderfully happy to wild was probably right at 8 hours.  I did that more for my own curiosity of how long left unattended it would take.  Then made the assumption if they were bonded that if the system is working as intended that instead of going wild they would have just not obeyed until fed.  But I am as I said not willing to risk a expensive pet as I have been around long enough to know and have experienced enough that things very often don't work as intended LOL.  Might look through the stables more closely tomorrow and see if I have a GD, Dragon Turtle or Tskuki wolf that I would not mind losing. 

      If you are just wanting to see what happens when a bonded pet would normally go wild, use a tamer with less than 110 real tame and lore with 3+ slot pet and just over command it until it goes wild or if working as intended stops listening to to you when you jewel back up to 120s.

      That being said I have NEVER lost a pet due to it going wild and I have pets that I have never fed again since they bonded.  I very often wonder if the folks that have problems with pets going wild are jeweled tamers instead of real skill that perhaps forgot to put a jewel or two on.  If you are below or just at being able to control a pet and they don't obey regularly they get real unhappy real fast.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    edited September 2021
     Oh and if you don't have a tamer under 120 skill take your 5 slot to twisted weald and get a satyr to disco you and then over command the beetle or whatever.  To get back 120s just go back through the sparkles to the mushroom cave and wait minute or so for the disco to wear off and go back.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    My real taming is 109.2, 120 with jewels. I took those off and still am not getting the results other people are getting. I tried with my Cu and my Frost Dragon.

  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited September 2021
    Popps said:
    My real taming is 109.2, 120 with jewels. I took those off and still am not getting the results other people are getting. I tried with my Cu and my Frost Dragon.
    At 109.2 taming (is the lore matching?) if so you still have a good chance to control your pet. You are probably seesawing between successes and failures, having enough successes to bring the loyalty back up.

    You might want to use the vast resources at our website to determine your control chance: 

    We've been able to repeat this on multiple shards on multiple tamers using multiple modified ranges. You may just have to trust other people's testing here.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Larisa said:
    My real taming is 109.2, 120 with jewels. I took those off and still am not getting the results other people are getting. I tried with my Cu and my Frost Dragon.

     Yep you should be failing commands left and right and losing pet loyalty fast.
  • Mene_DrachenfelsMene_Drachenfels Posts: 256
    edited September 2021
    Is Larisa suddenly Popps? I do not hope so - :o o:)

    You two are quite fond of each other, but stay with it here for a bit :) Go cuddle somewhere else *G*

    On the subject of Tresures of Hytloth: Is that active on Origin? How well do the turn-ins drop? And do you really think that 4 weeks are enough again besides all the stuff that we - as usual in the last years - always get in the last 3 months of the year ;).

    Personally, I would like all these upcoming events to be longer.
    Treasures of Hytloth and Dynamic Champs should last longer than 4 weeks. Trick & Treat is RNG oriented again and the new items are also put on top of the old stuff - please remember that.
    The same goes for the pumpkins and the butchers for the carving tools - or the special and named player skeletons that might be in the loot. Then in December Krampus - also very time consuming and RNG dependent.  
    The last 3 months are always jam-packed with great things we can and are allowed to do as players, while apart from the occasional 4-week event or EM event, nothing really exciting happens otherwise. I also only have one head and two hands - and, amazingly, only one computer ;).

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    Violet said:
    Popps said:
    My real taming is 109.2, 120 with jewels. I took those off and still am not getting the results other people are getting. I tried with my Cu and my Frost Dragon.
    At 109.2 taming (is the lore matching?) if so you still have a good chance to control your pet. You are probably seesawing between successes and failures, having enough successes to bring the loyalty back up.

    You might want to use the vast resources at our website to determine your control chance: 

    We've been able to repeat this on multiple shards on multiple tamers using multiple modified ranges. You may just have to trust other people's testing here.
    I trust myself and what I am seeing with my own pets.

    109.2 Taming
    110.0 Lore
    With Jewels I  am at 120 and 115 respectively.

    No matter....I guess I am one of the lucky few that never loses a pet nor has a pet that loses loyalty, I count my blessings.

    Thank you for all the help.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    erm, I'll bow to @Violet 's superior knowledge of game mechanics, and thank her for the line of sight check information.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong, the lessers Tyrath tamed would have logged out when he logged the tamers out. They're not going to lose loyalty because they're not in game.  Or am I mistaken?

    Only loaded pack animals stay in game when the player logs out.
  • DragoDrago Posts: 316
    Larisa said:

    Had no idea the runic atlas could enter into a broken state....what exactly does that mean?

    When you recalled on a default rune , it would sometimes take you to a random place.  Happened to me many many times. I would have to switch the default rune back n forth.

    God i wish they made runic atlas description clickable like the runebooks (not just the small ass icon)....
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited September 2021
    Larisa said:

    No matter....I guess I am one of the lucky few that never loses a pet nor has a pet that loses loyalty, I count my blessings.

    It's not just you Larissa - I actually don't understand many of the conversations on here.

    I've never lost a pet, my pet has never lost loyalty, and I've never fed it in over 10 years...

    I'm wondering what everyone else is even doing - are they all afk scripting for days on end, and coming back to a pet that isn't there anymore? No surprise if so I guess.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited September 2021
    “I said before I never had a pet go wild, but I’ve just recalled a time it did, I was at a champ spawn (ice west) and my Ossein Ram was trying to attack about 20 imps/Mongbats that it couldn’t reach in the sea, I had my pet set to guard, I stepped offscreen of my pet for like 5 seconds, stepped back it had gone wild (I managed to retame) 
    The more creatures attacking it the more annoyed it can get.

    As for Tyrath’s experiment, were the Hiryus actually bonded? I think only bonded pets no longer go wild.

    I have witnessed 2 bane dragons go wild, but they were both due to the reskilling bug with taming as a secondary skill on Jewelry (detailed on bug forum) both banes were killed , one was guard wacked, another killed by unsavoury characters”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I believe TyTy was just testing loyalty loss
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Mariah said:
    erm, I'll bow to @ Violet 's superior knowledge of game mechanics, and thank her for the line of sight check information.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong, the lessers Tyrath tamed would have logged out when he logged the tamers out. They're not going to lose loyalty because they're not in game.  Or am I mistaken?

    Only loaded pack animals stay in game when the player logs out.

     Logged out was a poor choice of words on my part, should have said moved to another house and left dormant for the duration.  Effectively logged out from my perspective. Next you will say but they would auto log in a short time...... not if certain conditions in the environment around them are met.  I am going to guess that you have parked a character some place before and had to go afk and not logged out and expected to the character have auto logged during the time you were away, but oddly enough the character did not auto log.

    Yoshi said:
    “I said before I never had a pet go wild, but I’ve just recalled a time it did, I was at a champ spawn (ice west) and my Ossein Ram was trying to attack about 20 imps/Mongbats that it couldn’t reach in the sea, I had my pet set to guard, I stepped offscreen of my pet for like 5 seconds, stepped back it had gone wild (I managed to retame) 
    The more creatures attacking it the more annoyed it can get.

    As for Tyrath’s experiment, were the Hiryus actually bonded? I think only bonded pets no longer go wild.

    I have witnessed 2 bane dragons go wild, but they were both due to the reskilling bug with taming as a secondary skill on Jewelry (detailed on bug forum) both banes were killed , one was guard wacked, another killed by unsavoury characters”

      Thought I was clear that I was looking at duration of time from from Wonderfully Happy to Wild and making the assumption that if things were working as intended and they had been bonded that they would have just gone uncontrollable instead of wild. And why I did not use a bonded pet or pets for this. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Tyrath said:

     Logged out was a poor choice of words on my part, should have said moved to another house and left dormant for the duration.  Effectively logged out from my perspective. Next you will say but they would auto log in a short time...... not if certain conditions in the environment around them are met.  I am going to guess that you have parked a character some place before and had to go afk and not logged out and expected to the character have auto logged during the time you were away, but oddly enough the character did not auto log.

    ok, thank you for that clarification :)

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    After reading Violet's advice I transfered a frenzied ostard to a second character on test center, took in through the bonding gate and then dropped that character's taming ability to 0.
    I gave the command 'all follow me' with the 0 skil character and used animal lore on the 120 skill character after each command.
    The first command dropped loyalty to 'extrememly happy', after that loyalty dropped after 3 commands at each level. When loyalty, lored, read 'extremely unhappy' I began to get a message '[Pet Name]: Your pet looks rather unhappy' over the pet's head. At 'confused' the messages stopped, for the first time the pet 'spoke' when not in response to a command and began to wander off.
    I gave the 'all follow me' command a further 8 times, which the pet ignored, loyalty remained at 'confused'.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Mariah said:
    After reading Violet's advice I transfered a frenzied ostard to a second character on test center, took in through the bonding gate and then dropped that character's taming ability to 0.
    I gave the command 'all follow me' with the 0 skil character and used animal lore on the 120 skill character after each command.
    The first command dropped loyalty to 'extrememly happy', after that loyalty dropped after 3 commands at each level. When loyalty, lored, read 'extremely unhappy' I began to get a message '[Pet Name]: Your pet looks rather unhappy' over the pet's head. At 'confused' the messages stopped, for the first time the pet 'spoke' when not in response to a command and began to wander off.
    I gave the 'all follow me' command a further 8 times, which the pet ignored, loyalty remained at 'confused'.
    Yes it works as intended.  The pet just stands still when it would have gone wild.

    The exact fix I asked for.

    I have no idea why yall are continuing to test this.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    edited September 2021
    Well just because something works once, doesn't mean it's going to work all the time. The more something is tested, the better. I know that if I were to go buy a used car and took it for one test drive around the block and said *Yeah runs good I'll take it* then a week later breaks down....

    So yeah...test, test and test again...and then there's STILL a chance that one day it won't work and someone will loose a pet.

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Yeah we're testy i mean testors ;)
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    tested it more today loaded 5 slot scrolled beetle told it to stay went to luna hard closed program to simulate a crash waited 2 hours logged back no pet logged again it showed up with a timer showing 22 hours left i Assume  if i left it auto stabled for 24 hours it would go poof
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    edited September 2021
    I know your all talking about pets and i cant help test that, but i did test something. I opened 100 tokens today and got 2 harps  with player name but no rare colors. I think it might be broken with getting different colors, i opened mostly harps. I opened them on 3 different characters. 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440

    24th Anniversary Gifts

    Veteran players at least 30 days old logging in between Publish 111 World Wide Date and October 15, 2021 at 12:01 AM GMT-04:00 will receive an anniversary token
    The token can be redeemed for opal themed items,
    • Opal Encrusted Mobius
    • Opal Standing Harp
    • Ornamental Opal
    Items come in a selection of common and rare varieties – collect them all!
    Players logging into TC1 should receive gifts for testing

    Where does it say anything about COLOR? 
    Has anybody even posted a color they received.
    People have reported that they got rewards with their name on them, gee maybe this is the RARE.
    Has anybody got a list of all the locations, maybe one location is rare.

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    edited September 2021
    There has traditionally been different hues...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    edited September 2021
    So what different colors do you have
    How do people know what color may be rare if no one is posting color or name
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    So what different colors do you have
    How do people know what color may be rare if no one is posting color or name
    Lol oh i never look at that but it sure makes others excited 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
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