Dardens Armor Goes Invisible in EC
when you equip shoulder parrot (black market reward item)
Darden's Armor (Chest) disappears (in EC)
Darden's Armor Pants
viewable while wearing Krampus Boots
but disappears when soles of providence are equipped

I use Pinco's UI, but I asked an EC user if they could see them
and she couldn't see them either.
can we get a potion for footwear?
I want the soles of providence put onto the krampus boots
Darden's Armor (Chest) disappears (in EC)
Darden's Armor Pants
viewable while wearing Krampus Boots
but disappears when soles of providence are equipped

I use Pinco's UI, but I asked an EC user if they could see them
and she couldn't see them either.
can we get a potion for footwear?
I want the soles of providence put onto the krampus boots

Treasure Hunters