Bleed (and other Mana intensive uses spells) on Pets...

poppspopps Posts: 4,132
edited September 2021 in General Discussions
@Kyronix ;

I often see Tamers, suggesting to "remove" Bleed (30 Mana cost) on pets coming with it, by taking up Bladeweave (15 Mana cost) instead...

Unfortunately, this "swap" comes at a hefty cost of training points thus, limiting then the ability to train that pet.

And I see this, with quite a number of other Abilities, often "native" on the pet, which the pets' A.I. spams, often to get no real benefit, thus quickly running them out of Mana....

How about, making it possible for Tamers to be able to swap these "unwanted" native Abilities which drain up Mana way too quickly and way too fast on pets, before initiating the pet's Training, at no training points cost ?

Also, perhaps it would ne beneficial to look into pet's A.I. and see why they "spam" certain spells way too much and too often, sometimes all for nothing (i.e. no reason to spam them, like for example Dismount, which has a hefty cost of 25 Mana, on "non-Mounted" targets.....) ?

I mean, this issue of spamming spells and using up Mana uselessly, often make certain Abilities which "could be" useful, basically become counter productive as they drain up a pet's all Mana thus making that pet a way lot less functional and effective...

Would it be possible, I wonder, to find some Developing time and look into these pet's A.I. issues so as to bring some Love to Taming ?

Thanks a lot.

Also, perhaps it could be helpful, if those Tamers with an extensive experience about whatever A.I. issues pets may have with Abilities and Spells "wrongly" used which deplete a pet's Mana too fast, uselessly, could highlight them in a comprehensive list so that then, the Developers, hopefully, might look into pet's A.I. and fix whatever "wrong" pets' behaviour Tamers may think that pets are having ?


  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "the native abilities on pets are what differentiates one creature from another, if you would like a pet to not have bleed, train a creature without bleed..."
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • On the AI issue I completely agree, it needs some serious attention, all I'm talking about is some simple logic checks, I mean surely it cant be any more difficult than...

    Pets EoO = current target = Don't cancel EoO
    Pets target health > 30% = Don't spam Word of Death
    Pets target = Not Discoed = Spam Disco!
    < 3 targets in pets vicinity = Don't spam AoE abilities

    I could go on..

    On removing native abilities at no cost? No.  If anything, removal of native abilities should incur a heavy cost.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Yoshi said:
    "the native abilities on pets are what differentiates one creature from another, if you would like a pet to not have bleed, train a creature without bleed..."
    Then please, explain to me why a good number of Tamers suggest to remove certain native abilities from pets because they only are a waste of Mana given how the pet spams them....

    I mean, seriously ?

    Pets, and this is only 1 of many examples possible, I understand, which use 25 Mana to dismount non-mounted Targets would be an acceptable thing ?
  • It would be nice if a tamer had more control of the pet "behavior", as the current pet AI is limited.  Afterall, pets usually have more INT than players -- give them a way to use their wits!

    This could be a pet context menu item that allows you to specify which of it's current abilities should be used.  You could even go so far to mark things like "don't use EOO" for chiv.

    I believe the Cu pet already has a situation where the pet's context menu can be used to control the behavior of certain skills (offensive vs. defensive).

    Pets using masteries like bard masteries and magery mastery also don't make sense as it currently stands.  On discord pets, you'll see attempts at using the mastery, which is ineffective.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “If a player attempts to dismount a non mounted target, no mana is used. If mana is used on pets, this sounds like a bug”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 938
    edited September 2021
    Yoshi said:
    “If a player attempts to dismount a non mounted target, no mana is used. If mana is used on pets, this sounds like a bug”

    It may be a bit broader than just a mana consideration.  That is, does the pet "waste" a move when it wouldn't apply to the target, that could have been used for some other ability the pet has?

    I'd ask this question for other abilities too, if the target is already under the effect of a given ability, does it simply skip trying that ability, or is a move possibly wasted?  If the pet is already under bleed, already discorded, already under RC effect, etc.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    popps said:
    Yoshi said:
    "the native abilities on pets are what differentiates one creature from another, if you would like a pet to not have bleed, train a creature without bleed..."
    Then please, explain to me why a good number of Tamers suggest to remove certain native abilities from pets because they only are a waste of Mana given how the pet spams them....

    I mean, seriously ?

    Pets, and this is only 1 of many examples possible, I understand, which use 25 Mana to dismount non-mounted Targets would be an acceptable thing ?
    I know of NO Tamers that suggest removing certain native abilities.  Please show us where you are getting this information.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    popps said:
    Yoshi said:
    "the native abilities on pets are what differentiates one creature from another, if you would like a pet to not have bleed, train a creature without bleed..."
    Then please, explain to me why a good number of Tamers suggest to remove certain native abilities from pets because they only are a waste of Mana given how the pet spams them....

    I mean, seriously ?

    Pets, and this is only 1 of many examples possible, I understand, which use 25 Mana to dismount non-mounted Targets would be an acceptable thing ?
    I know of NO Tamers that suggest removing certain native abilities.  Please show us where you are getting this information.
    For example this Post here where it says, in regards to Bleed : 

    Bleed AI destroys a pet's mana, regardless of it's potential in pvp in pvm the pet will continually try to bleed it's target if it is not bled (Take a Cu to trog cave where they bandage themselves, the Cu's mana will sink). substantially reduce the mana cost of "pet bleed", differentiate it from a player's bleed like what dev's have done with frienzied whirlwind. (pet version no slow)

    Or this one here

    Personally, i would go with bladeweave to remove bleed and then add an aoe (preferably goo) and spellweaving

    Or this one ;

    Also bladeweave costs 500 points, AI costs 100 points.

    Im guessing bleed is bad enoughvdame to consider replacing it.
    Or this one here

    Bleed is really considered bad enough for a 500 point buyout? Dang.

    I understand, that to many Tamers there does is an issue with the way that A.I. works for pets and that there is a whole lot of improvement which can be done to make pets not waste their Mana casting spells a go-go that result in no benefit, or in too little benefit to justify the Mana expenditure, given the circumstances.

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    No this is an absurd idea pick something else if you don't want bleed..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    Just be careful what you ask for.
    If the ai is improved on pets then it will also be improved on monsters which I wouldn't like so please keep them "stupid".
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    McDougle said:
    No this is an absurd idea pick something else if you don't want bleed..
    Cus have bleed as a natural ability. Popps is gonna get you. First you don't know what's on the pirate now bleed....
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Lol oh no !! 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    But i meant pick a different pet
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    @popps That is not REMOVING an ability that is replacing an ability with another ability.  I also agree with everybody else that if you do not want BLEED pick another pet.
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