Wildfire almost over and
I didn't get enough drops from this event to get anything on my own. I played every day for at least an hour sometimes a lot more and I couldn't even get the ostard. No, I didn't play a Sampire I don't have one finished yet. I used my tamer and archer.
I had to buy over 100 drops to get the ostard and we're now at the end of the event and I won't be able to get anything else without buying even more drops from someone. This really really bums me out.

Anyone else have this issue?
Go full speed most normal things are 1 to 3 shots lesser paragons are three shots.
I have followed a robo melee toon around. My archer can kill 98% of the mobs before he can swing at them.
I have found my archer can get a lot more kills/minute than any other toon.
If you equip them for the targets.
Ask Kragg for some drops.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Id put my archer up against any Sampire for speed killing in this dungeon. Only hounds ever spawn in packs where WW could be used. Like I said if its not a paragon it will be dead while you are riding towards it, then Ill be on the next one before you get to it.
And Sampire? What do you need the extra LL for with Necro? It does not work on Paragons.
I prefer my melee toons with healing over my Sampire.
I also encourage her to make a melee toon so she can kill the paragons faster at the future dungeons.
If you are talking about Fel in the spawn then you have the WW crowds. And it is too crowded for the Archer to kill them fast enough.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Good thing is that for the next event we will have potions of fortune again which will further bump drop rate (I hope the Devs don't decide to bump up price of rewards based on that).
I HAD that issue. I'm going to give you some advice. Finish your Sampire. For the Deceit event I was you. I struggled to get 50 drops, then the winter event I got 100 but it took me just about the entire event cycle. These events aren't built for Tamers, they are built for Sampires. Archer's are fine but still limited because of lack of AOE. Follow the Sampire 101 videos on youtube. Good luck man.
I get 5-20 drops per spawn in Fel depending on how many people are there. Spawns take less then an hour even when I'm solo. You just need a bard or a healer for the paragons.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I have said it many times, Shard Bound, to my opinion, is a blessing for the economy of lower population Shards.
As seen with the Wildfire Ostards, the split second that a new item can be transferred to Atlantic, it does... and in being transferred, it goes "away" from the Shard that it was farmed on....
"These events aren't built for Tamers, they are built for Sampires."
please, take note of the sentence above AND, please, make some changes to have the future Events be "also" for Tamers and other Templates, and not just for Warriors and Sampires....
For example, you could make Paragons take "more" damage from pets.... this way, players, rather then wanting to use Warriors/Sampires, would be incentivated to use Tamers... and these Events would "also" see a wider participation from Tamers....
Of course, this is only an example, more creative ways to make Templates other then Warriors/Sampires could be explored to make these Events not mostly a Warriors'/Sampires' domain.....
Thank you SO much.
Use the correct slayer book on your tamer and you will kill them faster than anyone else can.
Also in Tram, why would you use a Sampire on a Paragon here? Are you not aware that the 100 points in necro is wasted on them? You do not get the only benefit a Sampire has over other melee toons.
Like I said Ill put my Archer against your sampire and see who kills faster in this dungeon in tram.
One of the players who got the most drops in Tram on LS played a Tamer this whole event. He has been giving drops away for weeks. We call him the Red CU Express!
I play my tamer at all other times. I like this change of pace. I played my Archer, Thrower, Swordsman, Fencer, and Macer. And made a new Tiger form warrior. Only needed my tamer if I was all alone and wanted a Para Balron dead.
Of all the dungeons so far, this was the most balanced one for templates.
I am using a Tamer/Mage/Spellweaver with Resisting Spells on so, no room for Evaluate Intelligence.
Also, I find myself in need to heal uninterruptedly my pet (also with Gift of Renewal on), especially with Paragons, to keep it alive so, I doubt, even if I swapped Resisting Spells with Evaluate Intelligence, that I would be able to cast sufficient offensive spells.
The problem with Paragons is that they deal a whole lot of damage, for example, with Paragon Succubus (forget about Paragon Balrons, those I cannot even touch...), if I do not keep my pet healed, it would go down in like 5 or 6 hits, maybe even less...
The pet is Chivalry/Armor Ignore and with all skills at 110 and 110 Chivalry... going towards 120.
So, it is a pet intended to do damage (I keep it healed, as I can), not a tank...
Unfortunately, with damage from pets being "halved", the damage done to Paragons is not as much as it should be... therefore, Paragons take a whole lot of time for me to kill them, with Paragon Balrons being impossible for me to deal with. Paragon Succubus, take like a whole lot, perhaps 7 or 8 minutes to kill and this, only if there is no side spawn around... Paragon Lich Lords are a bit better, still take about 5+ minutes to kill....
Usually I have someone help me with gear/templates because my brain hurts every time I try to figure it out
For this event, my sampire was not an option...I died...a LOT on her...and I don't know why. She was fine for the other Treasures Of events but this one kicked her butt hard core.
I know there are many many MANY templates and gear suggestions on the various forums but it makes my head swim looking at them all.
I have used my mage/tamer...Cu is not *leet* as I didn't have the 120's to fully flesh him out so he dies a lot to the higher-end paragons.
I do have a flame slayer tali on my samp but it didn't seem to help. This suit was made for me a few years ago....so is there something wrong with my gear or is it just user error?
My tamer fairs pretty well though as long as I avoid certain paragons lol.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo