No you will sail then you will sail some more you will learn yo use server lines and the serpents pillars then you will sail more someone smarter than me can explain how to use maps to sail then sail some more..
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
No you will sail then you will sail some more you will learn yo use server lines and the serpents pillars then you will sail more someone smarter than me can explain how to use maps to sail then sail some more..
No you will sail then you will sail some more you will learn yo use server lines and the serpents pillars then you will sail more someone smarter than me can explain how to use maps to sail then sail some more..
You can park a boat at the Sea Market and once you cross over the line by New Mag you can recall to the other boat and drive that to the market to turn in. Just remember to refresh the Market boat .... lol.
You can park a boat at the Sea Market and once you cross over the line by New Mag you can recall to the other boat and drive that to the market to turn in. Just remember to refresh the Market boat .... lol.
You can have more than one boat in the water at a time?
Is there a map with the server lines in the Tokuno Islands? Traveling back to the docks at Zento to turn in a captured pirate takes time away from capturing more pirates.
@TimSt I am not sure if anyone has one. I usually just do the ones south of the docks & cross back over the server. once you cross it, you can recall to the docks and turn in.
My guild mates will do the ones that usually spawn east of the docks. Once captured, recall to the docks and turn in.
each character can have a boat. so purchase one on an alt and park it at the floating emporium
thank you Marge for the reminder
So wait.. how does that work
Do you put your 7 boats around at the different Fish monger locations and because you have a boat attached to your account inside that server location you can turn in a quest from a boat in a totally different location because your character owns it?
Do you put your 7 boats around at the different Fish monger locations and because you have a boat attached to your account inside that server location you can turn in a quest from a boat in a totally different location because your character owns it?
I keep two boats in the water and one in my pocket all owned by different characters on the same account. One boat is moored near the emporium. Another boat is in Tokuno waters for pirate hunting. My ship in my pocket is for plunking down anywhere I want to fish.
All my characters have runes to my boats. If a character needs to go to the emporium she can recall to the ship moored near it and sail into port. Sail back out and moor in nearby waters again and recall out.
each character can have a boat. so purchase one on an alt and park it at the floating emporium
thank you Marge for the reminder
So wait.. how does that work
Do you put your 7 boats around at the different Fish monger locations and because you have a boat attached to your account inside that server location you can turn in a quest from a boat in a totally different location because your character owns it?
no, I only have the one ship that I use for the fish monger quest. (SHIP A) Marge suggested placing a ship at the floating emporium (an alt places SHIP
once you reach the waters in the same server area, you can recall to SHIP B. turn in your quest and get another.
while at the emporium, you can recall to SHIP A and check to see what fish you need to fill it recall to SHIP B and go to the bank at the floating emporium once you have the required fish, move your ship back to where you parked it (if parked too close, it will be teleported a distance away)
I use a Navigators Map (Spring Decor Collection Token) I drop the map on the pilot and say Start when he gets to location one, I say stop recall to Moonglow docks and turn in quest & pick up quest (fill the order you just got)
say continue when you get to location 2 recall to Britain docks and turn in/pickup quest (fill order you just got)
recall to ship & say continue stop at location 3 recall to Jhelom, Skara Brae and Trinsic docks turn in/pickup as needed (fill orders you just got)
return to ship when done say continue and then about halfway to number 4 say stop (if in EC you can see the serpents pillar nearby take control of the ships wheel and get close to the pillar you have to say doracron to go to the lost lands and sueacron to come back (after you turned in your quest there) once back on your ship in Trammel waters say continue to go to 4
from here I always went to location 5 (floating emporium) but Marge reminded that we don't have to take ship all the way there so just recall to SHIP B at the floating emporium turn in/pickup quest there and begin again
while the pilot is moving the ship it is a good time to be fishing
When you say boats, what type of boat are you talking about.
when I first started doing the fish monger quests I was using a tokuno ship. Then after I got the parts, I started using orc ships. You can also use Brit ships It really depends on your preference, but the ship has to have a hold These ships you can mark a rune on, so you can recall to them
each character can have a boat. so purchase one on an alt and park it at the floating emporium
thank you Marge for the reminder
So wait.. how does that work
Do you put your 7 boats around at the different Fish monger locations and because you have a boat attached to your account inside that server location you can turn in a quest from a boat in a totally different location because your character owns it?
The boat with the order has to be in the same sub server as the town it's going to. The second boat is only for the Sea market so you don't have to sail all the way there since you can't mark at the Market. I have all the fish mongers marked so I sail to the sub server boundary and recall to the monger.
If you park an extra boat at the market just make sure you are outside of the buoys. If you leave it at the dock itself or inside the buoys, your boat will be tossed to a random location within the sub server after a few minutes.
@Marge, To avoid having my boat tossed or attacked I keep a toon at both sea markets and they deploy the boats when ever I need to visit the market. When I am done at the market they dry dock the boats.
Did i mention there's gonna be sailing. You know how you can tell a pvper but the way they cast spells while chatting my fishman says forward right slow left etc etc
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
someone shared this on Stratics
except the fish monger at the floating emporium likes you to be very close to the dock.
so purchase one on an alt and park it at the floating emporium
thank you Marge for the reminder
I usually just do the ones south of the docks & cross back over the server.
once you cross it, you can recall to the docks and turn in.
My guild mates will do the ones that usually spawn east of the docks.
Once captured, recall to the docks and turn in.
Crossing it on land causes a pause and temporary loss of night sight. I have not investigated the extent of the server's boundary.
Do you put your 7 boats around at the different Fish monger locations and because you have a boat attached to your account inside that server location you can turn in a quest from a boat in a totally different location because your character owns it?
All my characters have runes to my boats. If a character needs to go to the emporium she can recall to the ship moored near it and sail into port. Sail back out and moor in nearby waters again and recall out.
Marge suggested placing a ship at the floating emporium (an alt places SHIP
once you reach the waters in the same server area,
you can recall to SHIP B.
turn in your quest and get another.
while at the emporium, you can recall to SHIP A
and check to see what fish you need to fill it
recall to SHIP B and go to the bank at the floating emporium
once you have the required fish, move your ship back to where you parked it
(if parked too close, it will be teleported a distance away)
I use a Navigators Map (Spring Decor Collection Token)
I drop the map on the pilot and say Start
when he gets to location one, I say stop
recall to Moonglow docks and turn in quest & pick up quest
(fill the order you just got)
say continue
when you get to location 2
recall to Britain docks and turn in/pickup quest
(fill order you just got)
recall to ship & say continue
stop at location 3
recall to Jhelom, Skara Brae and Trinsic docks
turn in/pickup as needed
(fill orders you just got)
return to ship when done
say continue and then about halfway to number 4 say stop
(if in EC you can see the serpents pillar nearby
take control of the ships wheel and get close to the pillar
you have to say doracron to go to the lost lands
and sueacron to come back (after you turned in your quest there)
once back on your ship in Trammel waters
say continue to go to 4
from here I always went to location 5 (floating emporium)
but Marge reminded that we don't have to take ship all the way there
so just recall to SHIP B at the floating emporium
turn in/pickup quest there
and begin again
while the pilot is moving the ship
it is a good time to be fishing
Then after I got the parts, I started using orc ships.
You can also use Brit ships
It really depends on your preference, but the ship has to have a hold
These ships you can mark a rune on, so you can recall to them