Gift of Life, Pets, and "Target Cannot be Resurrected at that Location"... can we PLEASE get fixed ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,070
edited August 2021 in Bugs
There is an issue with Gift of Life and  "Target Cannot be Resurrected at that Location"....

Unfortunately, when that happens, and it happens way too often, to my liking, that cancels the Gift of Life on the pet.

Which, for a Tamer that has no Veterinary, means trouble, because now, then can no longer try again to res their pet.

They have to leave the scene, get a Veterinary, and res the pet.

@Kyronix , I understand that fixing the  "Target Cannot be Resurrected at that Location" may be too much trouble since the instances where that can happen may be lots.

But, at the very least, could you please, PRETTY please, make it so that "if" the pet is not resurrected because of a  "Target Cannot be Resurrected at that Location" error message, the Tamer CAN keep that Gift of Life "charge", have the pet move a bit, and try res it at another location without wasting that Gift of Life charge all for nothing ?

Thanks a lot.


  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,070
    edited August 2021
    McDougle said:
    Wow, that is a very well argumented comment.....

    Considering how, to my viewing, the issue originates from a mulfunctioning of the code, that is, that error message "Target cannot be Resurrected at that Location " should never exist.... and resurrections should be possible wherever attempted as the official description reads...., the fact that, in "trying" to use that Gift of Life to resurrect one's own pet, the "charge" gets consumed for "trying" if that error message comes up "Target cannot be Resurrected at that Location ", not actually, when one is able to resurrect one's own pet as it should be, is WRONG and, to my opinion, and it should be rectified.

    NOTE. The OFFICIAL description at reads : " If the caster or a bonded pet dies while under the effects of this spell, then he/she/it is instantly resurrected, restored to 50% health, cured of all poisons, and the spell ends. Only the arcanist and his/her bonded pets may be resurrected in this manner. Cannot be cast by red characters or while criminal. "

    To be noted : the OFFICIAL description of this spell leave no doubt, it reads " instantly resurrected...". It reads " IS ", instantly resurrected, does not say "attempted" to be resurrected and however it goes it goes.... it says " IS " instantly resurrected..... and rightfully so, to my viewing.

    Now, I understand that checking out all "bad" resurrection locations would be a monumental task, too much time consuming, perhaps, BUT, at the very least, making that charge STAY UP and not get consumed "for trying", until the pet DOES get resurrected as the OFFICIAL description for the Spell states, should be an acceptable, easier solution to the problem.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,361Moderator
    I am not sure what causes the 'not in that location' message, but it is not confined to gift of life, tamers get it too. I think it is sometimes when the pet is too close to the mob that killed it, sometimes I've got it when I recalled to a location and tried to rez on the recall spot, without moving first and sometimes with a flying pet I've got it when the pet is still in the air.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2021
    “Yes another mobile (this includes yourself) on the same tile causes this message, in both facets, but what the problem popps is reporting is, it uses up the gift of life charge and feels quite validly this is unfair as it cannot be recast”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,070
    Mariah said:
    I am not sure what causes the 'not in that location' message, but it is not confined to gift of life, tamers get it too. I think it is sometimes when the pet is too close to the mob that killed it, sometimes I've got it when I recalled to a location and tried to rez on the recall spot, without moving first and sometimes with a flying pet I've got it when the pet is still in the air.
    But to a tamer with Veterinary, it is of a little annoyance... one just moves, and attempts the ressing again.

    No big deal.

    It DOES become a big deal, for the Tamer without Veterinary and, thus, only relying on Gift of Life to res one's own pet....

    If that one and only "charge" gets used up for "trying to", because the ressing is happening at a "bad" location (which the player has not a clue to know that it is a bad location to start with..), then the Tamer is out of luck, gone that Gift of Life charge because of a "bad" location for ressing the pet, theTamer has to leave the area, and go find a Tamer with Veterinary or to Stables to get a res....

    And if one is in locations where no recall and no Gate is allowed, it can become a royal pain...

    At least, making the Gift of Life "charge" stick, until the pet is ressed, one could try various locations until they find a good one that the game code considers as valid for a resurrection.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,070
    Yoshi said:
    “Yes another mobile (this includes yourself) on the same tile causes this message, in both facets, but what the problem popps is reporting is, it uses up the gift of life charge and feels quite validly this is unfair as it cannot be recast”
    Exactly, you got precisely what my point is.

    That is why I would like the Developers to make that Gift of Life "charge" persistant, so that the Tamer can keep trying moving the pet in various locations, untils it gets finally resurrected.

    At that point, of course, the charge would be consumed.

    But, only AFTER the pet has been resurrected, not "before", when one is trying to resurrect it....
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Get veterinary like all us other tamer or be more careful where you rez your unwillingness to add a skill or poor decision making doesn't constitute a bug 
    Or at least that's how I see it 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,070
    McDougle said:
    Get veterinary like all us other tamer or be more careful where you rez your unwillingness to add a skill or poor decision making doesn't constitute a bug 
    Or at least that's how I see it 
    Well, the Spellweaver Mage Tamer is a legittimate Template.... I do not see why a mulfunctioning of the spell Gift of Life on one's own pet because of that error  "Target cannot be Resurrected at that Location " should invalidate an entire Template....

    I'd rather see that mulfunctioning get fixed.....
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    See this is a perfect example of poppsism you completely ignore the correct solution given and insist in lengthy discussions that what you perceive is correct and that your perception of the fix is the one and only one 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,361Moderator
    edited August 2021
    Can we please stop with the personal attacks?

    @popps, what do you feel is causing the message? If it is, as Yoshi suggests, that you are on the same tile as your pet, could you step away when it becomes obvious that the pet is going to die?  Also do you know about Elixir of Rebirth?
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "not really, you don't have control of the mobs on the screen, and the pet can't move when redlined,

    popp's complaint is valid in my opinion"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,070
    Mariah said:
    Can we please stop with the personal attacks?

    @ popps, what do you feel is causing the message? If it is, as Yoshi suggests, that you are on the same tile as your pet, could you step away when it becomes obvious that the pet is going to die?  Also do you know about Elixir of Rebirth?
    No, I am never in the same tile as my pet, usually the tile next to it or a couple of tiles in between.

    Yes, I know about the Elixir of Rebirth but, considering how (if one is lucky), Medusa's blood cost about 100,000-150,000 gps per, not to mention having to then craft the Elixir, it looks to me kind of expensive for a single pet resurrection and why ?

    Because the code won't let me use succesfully my Gift of Life charge and gave me the error message "Target cannot be Resurrected at that Location " wasting my spell charge all for nothing ?

    Honestly, I'd rather see it fixed, make the Gift of Life charge NOT get wasted and only cancelled if and when the pet finally gets resurrected....

    I mean, why couldn't it be done ?

    I can understand that fixing the "bad Location" Resurrection error could take too much time and trouble, but changing the code to make the Gift of Life spell on a pet STAY and not get wasted unless the per is finally resurrected ?

    I imagine that it should not more feasible, hopefully....
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 927
    edited August 2021
    Yes, this seems like at least one bug.  The "cannot resurrect in this spot" cannot always be predicted or avoided.  I see this all the time rezzing pets near luna stables.

    I have to wonder if the "Elixir of rebirth" suffers from the same bug if the pet or user happens to be in the wrong tile.  I've never used one, so can't comment.

    Separate from this, would it be possible for broadsword to focus one publish just on bugfixes?  Perhaps prioritize those that also affect NL in addition to production, if there's a need to do so.  

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "no it does not use the elixir until the resurrection is successful"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,070
    Yoshi said:
    "no it does not use the elixir until the resurrection is successful"
    Well, then why would it not be the exact same for the Gift of Life spell on the pet ?

    It should also be consumed only when the pet is resurrected, and not just for attempting the resurrect....

    Basically, the Developers could make the Gift of Life spell work just like the Elixir of Rebirth only, through a spell and not as a potion but, in the end, working just the same....

    And the problem of "Target cannot be Resurrected at that Location " with the Gift of Life spell would be resolved....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,070
    edited August 2021
    Well, as additional information, I wanted to do a test and, this one time brought along an "Elixir of Rebirth" (too expensive, tough, other then on exceptional circumstances, I won't be repeating its use on a regular basis for pets' resurrection....) and, when punctually I got once again struck by the dreaded error message "Target cannot be Resurrected at that Location " when attempting to use the Gift of Life spell charge to resurrect the pet, I tried this one time to see how it would go using the Elixir of Rebirth to resurrect the pet.

    Well, guess what ? I got another dreaded error message :  “That creature's spirit lacks cohesion, try again in a few minutes.

    And I tried, and I tried, and I kept trying moving the pet all over the place, mind you, with spawn all around to need to have to deal and, now, without a pet to help me fight it (and my Template does not carry Evaluate Intelligence so, does very little damage.... is only a Tamer in support of the pet...), and I was always getting that damn error message “That creature's spirit lacks cohesion, try again in a few minutes.”....

    Eventually, after a lot of dodging creatures who wanted to get me killed, after a good several minutes, I managed to resurrect my pet using the Elixir of Rebirth.

    Now, @Kyronix , personally, I do not find any of this any funny....

    If pets are meant to be a Tamer's weapon, and I am using either a Gift of Life spell charge, or an Elixir of Rebirth potion to resurrect a pet, that needs to happen PRONTO, "without further due......"

    Imagine, if Warriors had a similar several minutes delay when having to arm a weapon, or change in between weapons.... they'd be screaming all over the Forums, I would imagine....

    It is not acceptable, to my opinion, at least, that a Tamer, who relies on a pet for his/her offensive and defensive capabilities against the surrounding spawn, needs to get through all of this delays, errors, issues, to get a pet resurrected.

    Please, please, pretty please, have a look into this and make the resurrection of a pet a way much more player's friendly and instantaneous experience as needed.

    Thank you SO much.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,361Moderator
    I'm sorry that didn't work out for you. I included a link in the post so that you could see how the elixir worked. If you had followed the link you would have read

    This potion can be used to resurrect a pet, regardless of whether the user has taming skills. It can be used on a pet not owned by the user, in which case the pet’s owner will see a gump requesting acceptance of the resurrection.
    The pet can be resurrected instantly if it, and its owner, are within a house the potion user owns, co owns or is friended to. If not within such a house the potion cannot be used until 5 minutes after the death of the pet. If the potion user has high veterinary and animal lore skills the pet will be restored with some health.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2021
    “The cohesion lack message is required for the elixir for PvP balancing reasons, it would be unbalancing if players expended the mana of killing a 1000hp pet only for the owner to simply instantly use an elixir”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,070
    edited August 2021
    Yoshi said:
    “The cohesion lack message is required for the elixir for PvP balancing reasons, it would be unbalancing if players expended the mana of killing a 1000hp pet only for the owner to simply instantly use an elixir”
    Well, then, it is of no practical use for PvM hunting....

    I mean, loose a pet and have to wait 5 minutes to res it ?

    So I guess that we are back to square 1, which it is, that the Spellweaving Gift of Life to resurrect pets needs to be made, to NOT waste a charge in attempting to res one's own pet, but, rather, only whenever the pet has been succesfully ressed.

    This way, the Tamer could keep trying even when they get that dreaded error message "Target cannot be Resurrected at that Location " , until the pet has been succesfully resurrected.

    Only at that point, the Gift of Life charge would get used up and gone.

    @Kyronix , can I hope that you can find some time to fix this issue ?

    Thank you SO much.
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