Returning player - Need help with pure mage template

laesnarlaesnar Posts: 6
edited August 2021 in Skills and Stats
It's been many years since I've played UO, so I missed the introduction of a few skills and content. Now I'm back and I'm working on my pure mage for solo dungeons and solo High Seas content. Keeping in this mind, I need some recommendations on fine tuning my build. Here's my current build:

Race: Human
Stats: 125 Int / 100 Str / 25 Dexterity
120 Eval Int.
120 Magery
120 Resisting Spells
100 Meditation
100 Inscription

This leaves me with 160 free skills. I'm thinking of adding 40 Necromancy for wraith form and maybe 80 Poisoning but I don't know if those would be useful in the content I plan to do. What would you recommend for this remaining 160 skills? Is it ok not to have Focus skill if I don't plan on adding Mysticism?

And finally... Should I gear for SDI or would that be risky for solo play? My current gear is LRC, LMC, FCR and FC.

  1. Which skills to add?7 votes
    1. 40 Necro & 80 Poisoning
    2. Necro & SS
    3. Spellweaving


  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited August 2021
    I am not a big-time mage player, but I think SDI is probably your main goal with gear. You might want to look at this thread:

    As for templates, here are some that I see a lot:

    Mystic Mage Necro Mage Weaver Mage Tri Mage
    Eval Eval Eval Eval
    Magery Magery Magery Magery
    Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation
    Mysticisim Necromancy Spellweaving Spellweaving
    Focus Spirit Speak Focus Mysticism
    Resist Inscription Resist Focus
    Pure Mage Scribe Mage Poison Mage Pot Mage
    Eval Eval Eval Eval
    Magery Magery Magery Magery
    Meditation Meditation Meditation Meditation
    Parry Spellweaving Parry Parry
    Resist Resist Resist Resist
    Focus Inscription Poisoning Alchemy
    Focus Focus Focus

    All are listed with 720 natural skills. With +skill items templates can really blow up, but the above examples cover the basic layouts for pvm...I think??? Parry, Resist, and Anatomy seem to be swapped in and out a lot depending on individual preferences and encounters.

    With a 100 cap skill (Inscription, Poison, Alchemy), you have to find somewhere to dump the extra 20 skill, Focus seems to be the popular place to put it. Spellweaving fits nicely into a lot of templates since it doesn't have a skill synergy (Magery&Eval, Mysticism&Focus, Necro&SS). Weaving consumes so much mana though that it is frequently paired with Focus.

    I have 4 of the above templates, but I only ever play the Weaver and the Pot mage. Oh, and I have a Poison Mage that I messed around with, but it wasn't nearly as effective as I'd hoped. With all the field spells though, it can really control the battlespace!

    It will be educational to hear what more experienced mage players have to say. Hope this helps ya in some way @laesnar.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    edited August 2021
    Get rid of inscription and resist. Put on 120 taming, lore, vet and spellweaving.
    EVs are pretty lame now. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Necro and spirt speak dovetail nicely with magery.  Necro spells increase the damage done by direct damage magery spells.  And, wraith’s form ability to leech mana makes a huge difference sometimes when using the mage mastery death ray.  Also, might try spell weaving.  Just learning that.  Spellweaving stands alone if you are a mage, you don’t need any other skill to support it.
    Some players like the mystic mage template but for me I thought many of the damage spells were not that much different from what magery provided so I took it off my mage.  Also, reagents needed were hard to come by but no question RC summons is awesome.
    Also, tried poisoning.  Grouped with necro spell that increases damage your poison field spell can deliver to lethal poison dose against some enemys.  But poisoning is slow and usually not that effective against the big stuff.  
    With your current template which is pretty much a pure mage I think the easiest way to go would be to add spellweaving and if you like it take it to 120.  Those scrolls are still affordable.  Maybe invest what’s left in to necro so you can use wraith form.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    One of your biggest challenges these days as a mage is needing something to tank while you deal out damage with spells.

    IMO you really only have two decent options: Mystic with RC or Taming with a trained pet.

    Personally I go with:
    120 Taming
    120 Lore
    120 Mage
    120 Eval
    120 Spellweaving
    60 Spirit Speak
    40 Necro
    20 Hiding

    Pair this with a fully trained pet and a max SDI Suit (170+).

    Not the cheapest PvM setup, but it does amazing damage.
  • The reason folks use Spellweaving with a "pure mage" is largely due to its ability to AMP the hell'out'your summon abilities. Energy Vortex's in PvM are not garbage with Spellweaving. Only champs and lords tend to dispel them; and even then you can be rather successful. 

    No argument against the Tamer/Mage though; still a stronger template over all. Don't forget, you're going to need some Mastery in here as well.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Sitromis said:
    The reason folks use Spellweaving with a "pure mage" is largely due to its ability to AMP the hell'out'your summon abilities. Energy Vortex's in PvM are not garbage with Spellweaving. Only champs and lords tend to dispel them; and even then you can be rather successful. 

    No argument against the Tamer/Mage though; still a stronger template over all. Don't forget, you're going to need some Mastery in here as well.
    A pet is alternative Summon for a Mage. You can use Taming, Weaving, or Magery Mastery.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    I never really liked a mage for pvm. In fact, i made my first tamer/mage/weaver a few months ago and disliked it so much i took eval off in place of med so i could have mana for a few extra WoD. 

  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792

    I run a lot of character across several shards, above is two on Sonoma, one on Atl and one on Europa, choose wisely grasshopper what you wish for.  For the above 720, they wearing items that enhances some skills above the 720 cap 
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    The skill cap is truly a joke...and should at this time just be hard capped at 800
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    McDougle said:
    The skill cap is truly a joke...and should at this time just be hard capped at 800
    I have asked several times in the past for a 800 cap.  Mine Treasure hunter would very happy to see that, since remove trap is a required skill I have to flip flop it and lock picking on a Tamer mage temp I have for that.  Thank God I do not need remove trap for fishing!
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
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