Reforging and looting weight bug on ranged weapon mod : luck
in Bugs
As shown on the screenshot below, when you reforge ( and I presume loot ) a ranged weapon with overcapped luck ( >120) it counts that luck mod as a 1h weapon imbued luck ( @ 100 luck = 100 weight or 170 luck = 170 weight ) while it should be 120 luck = 100 weight , or 170 luck = 141 weight, which result in a loss of weight and not intended ). Years ago I reported a very similar bug with hit chance increase and defense chance increase on ranged weapon, and it got fixed few after, please look forward this luck bug also , thanks.

Perhaps there is an issue with 2H as well, re: calculator.
To be clear, it is a bug in our calculator, that doesnt calculate luck accurately for throwing weapons, i have no reason to believe this wasn't intentional in the game - throwing weapons being 1h and all.
As for luck having 1:1 weight on bows that is a bug caused by reforging.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
In game, you can imbue up to 120 luck on a ranged weapons as opposed to 100 on 1 hand weapons for the same cost : 100 weight. It's an intentional feature for bows and certain mods as you can't wear a shield with a bow equipped.
So the ratio is 1.2 : 1
The issue tho is If you take reforging and looting tables, it's not applying the same ratio 1.2 : 1.
It'S treating luck to a ratio 1:1 so when you loot or reforge a 170 luck bow for exemple, it's counting it as 170 weight instead of using the intentional ranged/melee ratio of 1.2 : 1.
So the exepected results should be 170 / 1.2 equals 141 weight, not 170 weight.
Reforged bow with 120 luck on the left shows 250 total weight (120 + 130) after menu prompt imbuing 50 HLD
Bow on right shows 230 weight (100 + 130) after imbuing 120 luck on it and 50 HLD