Effects spam from bosses....why so much??
I get that we should see a message that our gear is searing from heat or that poisonous goo is getting on our skin or whatnot.....but seriously it's a bit much, doncha think?

It never used to be this bad.....but now you can't see a thing with all this! And no I am not hitting control/Shift...it just......does this.
Not to mention the
*The infernal ooze scorches you, setting you and your equipment ablaze!* spam that FILLS half of the left side of the screen...

Can this be toned down a little bit? Not sure why or how it got this bad but it's a bit cray cray.

It never used to be this bad.....but now you can't see a thing with all this! And no I am not hitting control/Shift...it just......does this.
Not to mention the
*The infernal ooze scorches you, setting you and your equipment ablaze!* spam that FILLS half of the left side of the screen...

Can this be toned down a little bit? Not sure why or how it got this bad but it's a bit cray cray.

You have a better chance of winning the lottery, developing your own mmo and adding these features to them that this development team doing that. Getting anything more than recycled content distribution systems from this dev team is a joke at this point.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
not an everyday occurrence”
When a mob spawns on my screen, I see the name appear 3 times...
A Black Solen Infiltrator
A Black Solen Infiltrator
A Black Solen Infiltrator
Every time something spawns.
When I kill stuff, even without hitting control/shift, the name will appear so for example if I am doing the bag quest and there are several corpses littered about, the names will all show *AS IF* I am hitting control/shift but I am not.
So yes...it IS an every day occurrence.
It just randomly started happening after a publish...not sure which one but it wasn't too long ago.
show names of incoming creatures
auto show corpse names
reveal hidden power words (having this checked can cause some text to appear on the bottom left)
there's also a setting in uo under misc that reads
show names of approaching players, sounds like you may want this unchecked"
When I Unmount:
When I just randomly run up on mobs:
With AND without UOA
I'm not getting anything like that with EC.
but here's one from 2015 showing this happening, i don't think anything is new here"
ultima online Destard champion - YouTube
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
And no thank you to the EC.
It doesn't really effect anything unless there are a lot of mobs/people around as in an EM or other big type event....was a simple question but it's all good, thanks anyway.