The Tri-City Map Maker's Contest

JepethJepeth Posts: 529

The fine print:

Here's how it works. Get yourself a map maker's pen and a bunch of blank scrolls from the mapmaker shop keeper. Then decipher these clues and make three local maps showing the locations described. It takes no cartography skill to make a local map (0.0 skill requirement) all though it may take a few tries even with Jack of All Trades.

Once you make them, put them in a bag and submit them to the mailbox at the Corwyn Library. Only one entry bag per person allowed, so make sure you get it right! Everyone with three correct entries gets put into a pool and then a random number generator picks the winner.

Anywhere you can make a map can possibly contain the right location (so no dungeons.) The contest starts today June 27th and will run until July the 5th.

The Corwyn Library is here at 56 25 S, 33 40 W in Felucca.


  • JepethJepeth Posts: 529
    We have a winner for the Map-Maker's Contest!

    As you can see had two entries total. Both turned in correct maps for the Skara Brae and Magincia questions. Both turned in maps for Vesper that were like.. 90% correct.

    The Skara Brae clues would lead you to Hart Lake in Britannia. The Magincia clues led you to Reg Volom in Ilshenar. The Vesper clues led you to the Oasis in the Lost Lands.

    Thanks for playing!

    (P.S. Sorry it took me a few days to announce these winners, I was traveling and only came back yesterday!)
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