Character Copy to Test question

DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769
edited February 2018 in General Discussions
Why is there a waiting period of 1424 minutes before I can copy another character over to TC1?  I  first had the thief over (Stealth) but saw maybe a tamer would be better so I brought my main tamer over (Another account) then saw the T hunter's quest so decided I needed my t hunter there but since it was the same account that I bought the tamer over I'm told that I have to wait for almost 24 minutes?
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  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769
    edited February 2018
    Ok here another question for you, that character I wanted to copy over still has another 1300 minutes yet before I can copy over to TC1.  I made the OP around 4 pm my time it's now well after 5 pm my time, what the catch?  Is this hours?  Did I miss up and was thinking minutes but its hours?  If so then it would be 2.7 hours from the time of the OP.
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  • I think Character Copy is built on the shard transfer coding, so it wouldn't surprise me if you now have to wait one day between transfers to Test Center made with characters on the same account.  It used to be you could copy over to TC as many times as you wanted in one day until you filled up all available character slots there.
  • LynziLynzi Posts: 3
    edited March 2018
    It does go off of the Character Transfer system so there is a 24hour (1440min) wait on each go at it

    I feel your pain though I use it so much these days on my Tamers to test Animal Training on various Pets its always like "here we go again on the wait...", but it certainly is better then being unable to copy at all that's for sure
    "Anyone worse than me is a Noob, Anyone better than me has No Life." 
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769
    edited March 2018
    Another four hours before I can bring the T hunter over to TC :(  It will be tomorrow before I can really get into the t hunter quest.  Ya ya use a newly made char, but the t hunter is a tamer and I like to use those pets for that quest.
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  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Char Copy to TC and Char Transfer use the same system and you may only do 1 Transfer/Copy every 24 hours.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Can someone explain the point of transferring to TC ? Is it because you can bring items from your home shard that aren't available on TC ? Drakelord, why do you need to bring a Thunter over, there must be more to it than Set lockpicking 1000 ??
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    Did I miss something?  What THunter quest?
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769
    Parnoc said:
    Did I miss something?  What THunter quest?
    be sure to say News to the town cryers, then read the list, there a quest for treasure hunter starting in Vesper.  I stuck with waiting for a Davies Locker this evening to read the Coors from it for the map's location
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  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769
    Can someone explain the point of transferring to TC ? Is it because you can bring items from your home shard that aren't available on TC ? Drakelord, why do you need to bring a Thunter over, there must be more to it than Set lockpicking 100
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  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Can someone explain the point of transferring to TC ? Is it because you can bring items from your home shard that aren't available on TC ? Drakelord, why do you need to bring a Thunter over, there must be more to it than Set lockpicking 1000 ??

    Character copy is helpful for bringing over pets, runebooks, and lots of other items that you can't get on TC. If you want to do a lot of exploring or running around on TC for checking out new stuff, it can be nice to have portals to use to cut down on the time involved. I think a lot of people don't like to test stuff because they consider it wasted time since you never know when the shard will be wiped and you can't transfer things from the shard to anywhere else. So copying a character over with useful time=saving items means more time spent testing instead of "reinventing the wheel," so to speak to figure out how to play without the benefit of said items. And yes, it sucks that you can't character copy from Siege or Mugen. I hope someday the dev team will figure out a way to let players do that.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769
    edited March 2018
    Margrette Just as you said, I had three houses on TC from the last time one had my Locker here and my t hunter was also here back then, but they wipe the shard for this new test period and I am starting all over once more.  And I have to bring them in from Sonoma since Siege is blocked, (Besides I do not have a t hunter there I have a Bandit hunter there ;) )
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  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Can someone explain the point of transferring to TC ? Is it because you can bring items from your home shard that aren't available on TC ? Drakelord, why do you need to bring a Thunter over, there must be more to it than Set lockpicking 1000 ??
    We get to take our Char over with gear/PSs and everything else and Pets to test/change without hurting our Chars/Pets on our shard.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2018
    Question: I keep some of my full suolstones in my Bank Box. Will be them copied too on the "clone" on TC1?
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769
    Ivenor said:
    Question: I keep some of my full suolstones in my Bank Box. Will be them copied too on the "clone" on TC1?
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  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Thx! :)
    For your kindness in replying mylord, I forgive you for your huge .sig image!
    Not that you care of my forgiveness, I suppose... ;)
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769
    :) Had this for years at Stratics and you the first to tell me it's huge LOL
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  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Drakelord said:
    :) Had this for years at Stratics and you the first to tell me it's huge LOL
    Well, beside some lady, I hope for you... ooops, I forgot this is an American Forum, so my Italian humor could be tagged as unappropriate. I apologize: please don't ban me so early!!! :D ;)

    Seriuosly, I will shamelessly take advantage of your kindness for another thing on TC1 about which I'm not sure, i.e.: can I build a huose on TC1 even if I already have one in my "normal" shard, or housing on TC1 will condemn my "real" house? I'm asking this because the gump that come out when checking with the house placement tool is the same usual warning... :o
    TIA & Cheers
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769
    edited March 2018
    Yes you can build here

    This Keep is in the very same spot I have on Sonoma

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    Treasure Hunters
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Drakelord said:
    Yes you can build here

    This Keep is in the very same spot I have on Sonoma

    Thx! :)
    I love to experiment with house architecture for the sake of it, but to find a decently placed 18x18 nowday you have to pay platinums on ATL or go out of ATL. In TC at least I don't have to start from scratch a char, and the amout of GP given is enough to buy a 18x18 plot with GP to spare to play FLW for a little while... :)
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