Does anyone uses the Virtues at all ?

I am curious.... because to me, it looks like that they take a royal enormous time to be raised, and offer very little for the time investment that one needs to put into them.

Bottom line, I have the impression that they are totally not worth it.

Does anyone uses any of them ?


  • RoxoRoxo Posts: 34
    Yes, daily. The virtues are crazy. One of my favorite things to do in game is run spawns and the harrower. I use Honor to max out my damage, Justice to get free extra powerscrolls every time, Sacrifice for a free self resurrection, Humility for the insane stat boosts, and of course Valor to activate the spawn. Just personally I use 5 of them almost every time I play. I know my guildies use the others in their builds. Endgame content would be so much harder without them. 
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    In addition to what Roxo wrote I also use the Spirituality and Compassion virtue bonus'. Personally I don't think they take much time at all to raise them to Knight level or to maintain them at Knight level. If you want to learn about them and what they offer take the time to read up on the wiki here:
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Roxo said:
    Yes, daily. The virtues are crazy. One of my favorite things to do in game is run spawns and the harrower. I use Honor to max out my damage, Justice to get free extra powerscrolls every time, Sacrifice for a free self resurrection, Humility for the insane stat boosts, and of course Valor to activate the spawn. Just personally I use 5 of them almost every time I play. I know my guildies use the others in their builds. Endgame content would be so much harder without them. 
    May I ask how you do to raise them ?

    Because, to my impression, it looks to be extremely time consuming and slow...

    For example, after 60 Balrons and hours at honoring last time I tried (then I gave up), I did not even raise up a notch.... oh mind you, I even was wearing the Virtue Shield which did nothing to speed up gains...
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    The link I provided will tell you all you need to know in how to raise it.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    The link I provided will tell you all you need to know in how to raise it.

    That link says : 

    To engage an opponent in honorable combat, your opponent:
    • Must be one that you can perform negative actions upon.
    • Must be at full health.
    • Must not already be honored by a nearby player.
    • Must be close to you, in your line-of-sight, and have a clear path to you.
    The amount of Honor you gain from defeating your opponent is determined by how closely you followed the above guidelines for honorable combat, as well as your opponent’s level of fame.
    What exactly does it mean where it says : 

    Must be close to you, in your line-of-sight, and have a clear path to you.

    Does that apply throughout the fight ? At the time of death of the Monster ?

    For example, say that after Honoring the Monster, one hides to break aggro, then casts summons to kill the monster and, from time to time hides to break aggro from the spawn, does that effect the amount of Honor gained ?

    And, if so, in what capacity ?

    Or is it really only at the time of death of the Monster that the Line-of-sight needs to be verified ?

    And what does close mean ?

    I mean,for a dexer it is easy, they fight toe to toe, but for spellcasters or ranged Warriors who NEED to keep a distance ?

    Thus staying away form the Monster (how many tiles ?) affect the Honor gained ?

    Again, in what capacity ?

    It looks to me a Virtue "tailored" upon dexers who fight toes to toe and, therefore, do not need to hide to break aggro or stay at a distance like spellcasters or Archers/Throwers may need....

  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    Popps, I understand that you learn by asking questions and that's okay but at some point you have to actually pick up your weapon and do it. Close is close, line of sight is line of sight and clear path is a clear path. Assume it starts once you engage a target until you've killed your target. If you didn't get a gain then apply all your questions to your actions and try again with corrected actions. Good luck to you!
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    popps said:
    What exactly does it mean where it says : 

    Does that apply throughout the fight ? At the time of death of the Monster ?
    For example, say that after Honoring the Monster, one hides to break aggro, then casts summons to kill the monster and, from time to time hides to break aggro from the spawn, does that effect the amount of Honor gained ?

    And, if so, in what capacity ?

    Or is it really only at the time of death of the Monster that the Line-of-sight needs to be verified ?

    And what does close mean ?

    I mean,for a dexer it is easy, they fight toe to toe, but for spellcasters or ranged Warriors who NEED to keep a distance ?

    Thus staying away form the Monster (how many tiles ?) affect the Honor gained ?

    Again, in what capacity ?

    It looks to me a Virtue "tailored" upon dexers who fight toes to toe and, therefore, do not need to hide to break aggro or stay at a distance like spellcasters or Archers/Throwers may need....

    To begin honor yes, you have to be close. Within five or so tiles and no LOS issues.

    You gain a set amount of honor for the monster killed. Hiding and breaking aggro does not change the amount. If you’ve honored the mob only you continue to have honor on it through the course of the fight. I’ve even logged off, changed characters on that account, did something else, and then came back on the original character to finish it off still having honor and perfection on it.

    You do need to be near it when it dies to gain honor but not as much as you do when you initially honor it.

    Yes, the virtue is more tailored to dexxers. Honor is associated with Dupre and Dupre hits people close up and virtuously versus throwing spells at them from a safe distance.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    Tamers can easily always be knight of honor and compassion and valor. All my melee and archers have honor and valor. I never use honor on myself but all my toons have it.
    Easy to get honor on Balrons at chaos.
    I kill them to get my Lord back.

    I use compassion on my pet on hard hitting mobs. It regains when you heal the pet in any form or heal other toons.

    Valor you get at spawns.

    I never have to play to gain those. Just kill stuff you normally do and push the honor macro. Other 2 gain on their own.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I have sacrifice and compassion on every fighting character. Sacrifice is invaluable for events like those this year, to be able to rez where you choose and reclaim all your possessions without having to fight your way back to your abandoned corpse. Compassion will allow you to rez your pet with enough health to take a couple of hits and not be rez-killed. Same goes for guildmates, or even the odd stranger to whose aid you might go.

    Around half an hour at the top of demon temple in Fel usually gets my fame back to sacrifice - as long as none of the shard's pvpers know I'm there :D
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    Virtues are completely worth it, I use most of mine, and on a good day, have them all maxed.

    I use at least 5/8 of them all the time in Felucca Champ spawning pvping etc.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Honor is a must have for any tamer that finds that very rare pet.
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