Treasures of Wildfire : Anyone knows if the Devs put in a way to earn points for ROGUES ?
I wonder if, finally, the Developers did put in a way for ROGUES to be able to get drops, either from Hidden, lockpicked Chests, or from stealing from Monsters with the occasion of Treasures of Wildfire...
I guess that we'll see next week.....
I guess that we'll see next week.....
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I have to say I really enjoy the hunt for hidden boxes and stealing from Zealots in Exodus, I also enjoyed the boxes in Kotl and in Khaldun - however the recent 'treasures' events have had a density of spawn that would make such an activity exceedingly difficult, so I strongly doubt we will see anything there. Khaldun was quite sparsely occupied except at the champ spawn location.
Here's an idea we can explore, purely as an intellectual exercise. If the mechanic used for stealing potions and balms were used elsewhere, where would that be? and what would we steal?
Pages from rabbits?
Pages from rabbits?
The Developers could very well make the "steals" be those "drops" which are turned in to get points....
And, so, also Rogues could participate to the Event...
The only thing that should be fixed, though, is the Paragons auto-revealing no matter what, across walls and at 12+ tiles...
Rogues having hiding, stealthing and who knows, even the Shadow Ninjitsu Mastery, SHOULD be made able to stealth without being revealed by Paragons... after all, that ability is costing them lots of skill points, they often cannot have combat skills, have to have their hands free for stealing and, in general, are a Template whose defensive is being able to hide....
Even if the paragons didn't reveal the act of stealing does. With the density of spawn in the dungeons during these events you would immediately be the target of multiple mobs, in addition to the one you have stolen from. Much as I enjoy the activity of stealing from monsters, the idea of having my 'booty' stolen back by a 'rummaging' mob within seconds does not appeal.
BUT, is my point, if the Thief can then, after having been revealed by the steal, hide again, THEN, they should be able to stealth around to find their next Target for the steal without the Paragons revealing them all over the place, across walls and at 12+ tiles distance...
This woud be the difficulty for the Rogue, to find a Target for the Steal that was a bit more isolated (hence the need to be given the ability to stealth around without being all the time revealed by Paragons), and that, once having stolen, the Rogue should time well their going into hiding again before all of the spawn Target him/her... it would be a challenge, sure, BUT, if the Developers make it feasible, players could get to learn how to well time their Stealing and going into hiding and, hopefully, if they were to select their Targets wisely, as isolated ones, they "could" enjoy getting their drops according to their gameplay of preference, the Rogue....
BUT, it is FUNDAMENDAL that Rogues would be able to hide and Stealth without getting revealed by Paragons, so that they can wander around the Dungeon in look for right Monsters' Targets onto which to perform their steals...
@Kyronix , pleeeeeease ?
I wouldn't hold my breath as it's already been shot down both other times you people asked for paragons to stop revealing because you they are using X skill points on that template. Rather than debate the same old topic that's been discussed (and answered by the Devs), I'll just say IBTL.
I am just saying that, IN ORDER to make more Templates be able to enjoy the Treasures of...., I would see it as fit to "enhance" their Design so as to accomodate MORE Templates, for example the Rogues, to be able to participate....
Since, I understand, this is a "Model" of Spawn, if they NEVER include in the scheme more Templates as playable, these Templates will NEVER be able to participate.
I am suggesting to take care of this now, and benefit from such enhancemend for all future Treasures of... spawns...
Sounds a beneficial enhancement to do, to my opinion...
Try stealing from the monsters in Ice now that the event has finished and there are no paragons. It's still a busy dungeon in the parts further from the door.
That is why I mentioned being able to stealth around for Rogues regardless of Paragons.... so that they can find more "off the way" Targets where the 10 seconds won't mean sure death....
Also, the 10 seconds down time for hiding after a steal, to my understanding, was created when stealing from players, so as to give to players a chance to get the thief and recover their stolen item...
When stealing from Monsters, since it is an entire different scenario, especially when like in the "Treasures of...." Dynamic Dungeons which crawl with spawn, this timer could be lowered down, to like 5 seconds or below.....
Furthermore, I do not see why it would not also be possible to get drops spawn in hidden Chests... this way, a Rogue could get a drop from a hidden chest here, one from a steal there, and still be able to tally up a good number to clain some Rewards he/she might like...
Ask pet to attack AOL , then All Stop- follow me.
Steal stuff from AOL , ask pet to kill it. Repeat. I did it for may be 30 minutes. Felt myself like I am a script.
My cook should be able to get drops when they make Blackrock stew.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
And in the investigation quest "where is Yukio" skills forensics and Item Identification will fit quite organically. In the quest lore , not in templates
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
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