Vendor Search Suggestions
Below are some suggestions to improve vendor search and also improve query performance. (I assume some of these suggestions are indexed on the back-end)
Commodity Deeds
- Add commodity deed as searchable item (maybe under Misc).
- When selected, have input box show to enter quantity amount. (Asking for expanding drop down on type of commodity I understand would be not feasible so whatever you're searching will still need to be done via item name... i.e- valorite ingots, frostwood, etc...)
- Add ability to search for item based on HUE/Color. This will eliminate long searches when combined with other query parameters.
- When selected, add list of skills to the skill groups drop-down, along with input box for %. This is one of the more difficult items to search for
I understand there are many other improvements that can be made but wanted to highlight the ones that will improve accuracy and query performance.