new spawn reward !!



  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    edited May 2021
    @Kyronix can you put a wandering healer near the tower?
    or make Yukio be a wandering healer
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited May 2021
    Cookie said:

    But technically - this has to be a 7 useful property item (2 in FC (1+1) and 2 in LMC (8+8)) - but spread across 5 properties, and it is clean, that actually makes it quite stacked.

    I was thinking about it this way as well, but I only saw 6 mods. I missed the FC 1 + FC1 and LMC 8 + LMC 8 (I take the excuse that I was tired!). You are correct, nice breakdown.

    The mod I think you left out is No Durability. No Durability is the same as Self Repair 5. Both make the item indestructible.

    EP 25%
    DCI 15%
    FCR 3
    FC 1
    FC 1
    LMC 8
    LMC 8
    Self Repair 5

    For Paladin Tank templates this is a "best in slot" item. Tanks are normally responsible for Dispel Evil to get rid of Revenants and this makes it so much easier to get to 4/6. The DCI 15 stacks perfectly with Perseverance to hit the 45% DCI cap. This leaves the ring and shield with slots: FC and DE. Plus the EP.

    Goodness me.

    For a guild, or group play, this thing is fan-freaking-tastic. Once you've got it, you're set forever.

    Honestly @Kyronix, you may want to consider nerfing this. Switch the No Durability for an additional 10% EP. If you leave the No Durability, x-healer pally tanks are never going to use anything else, and they will only ever need the 1. If you want item churn through the game, No Durability is the wrong property to add.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited May 2021

    Don't nerf it lol. :)

    Arroth_Thaiel we agree on a lot of the baseline stuff about this Bracelet

    I did not include the {No durability/Self Repair 5} as a property - because I do not consider it to be one. It is Clean, As opposed to being completely messed up. It is at Baseline zero - instead of having a ton of Negatives added to it. I don't agree with this philosophy of making the game not fun by making your gear destroy itself.

    Items are selling for 500million for an antique ring. I buy 1, my other characters need some - item A is worn out by the time I have not even finished my other characters - this is the most negative playstyle going ever - I cannot agree with it. Just let us play the game.

    You do not need Item Churn - and the reason being - is there is enough Character Churn - players starting, leaving, being deleted, new players, new characters being created. The players are mobile enough already on their characters, and never get anywhere near close equipping any of them - for Item Churn to be completely un-necessary.

    It just demotivates players, who want to have fun and play.

    You say you are set forever once you have this ring - No - 1 slot is set. You have roughly 17 slots per character, and 7 characters per account? That is 119 items required. Call it an average of 2 accounts - you now need roughly 240 items. You are deleting characters, creating characters, changing items up, creating different suits for different roles, helping others, actually trying to play the game - do you see, you will never be finished and set. Great - you are set on 1 item out of say 240 needed. Let's call this +1 for the Players. :)

    {I did not even mention Pets, or Weapon, or Spellbook sets - the thing is, there is so much content to this game - it really does not need negative time-sinks - the only 1 I agree with, is being a Ghost when you die - you died/you played badly - this is your punishment - that is fair enough, beyond that, nothing else is needed}.


  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    I don't see it catching for a majority of dexers - no SSI or DI or HCI. Using those 3 mods on a weapon leaves you with 2 remaining mods.

    If the Devs were looking for a "middle of the road" piece that could offer some value for middle of the pack players they nailed it. I do not see a large number of paladin tanks needing to use this; it's very likely they already have the 4/6 casting without this. For the high end players this won't be of much use in my opinion (given the other jewels options are there).
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094

    I did mean that you're set for that 1 slot, not for everything else. 

    And yes, I am soooo well aware of the requirements to keep multiple characters geared. 
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    @ Cookie

    I did mean that you're set for that 1 slot, not for everything else. 

    And yes, I am soooo well aware of the requirements to keep multiple characters geared. 

    I know, but I was just trying to get across just how much more there was.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 370
    edited May 2021
    Totally disagree on the counting of mods. Its a 5mod bracelet, end of story.
    I lose more advantage by using this bracelet than is gained.

    It doesnt have +skill, 
    it doesnt have +SDI
    It doesnt have +str
    It doesnt have +dex
    It doesnt have +HCI
    It doesnt have SSI

    Now how does this bracelet compare to what is possible with a 8mod bracelet,

    4 FCR
    20 DCI
    20 HCI
    18 SDI
    35 EP
    10 SSI
    And you still got one property left for say +20 skill, or 10str or 10dex or whatever

    Ofcourse youll never find a bracelet as perfect as this, but the different 8mod variants out there creates hellofalot more advantages. Even if its antique  just remember the repair once its 0/255 durability and it will last forever anyway.

    As for the price on the alchemist bracelet it depends on 1pr char or infenite drops etc,  but say 100m in one month, you guys talk about new players how many new players will afford 100m in one slot items anyway, theres 17 slots as pointed out in this thread.

    Im mad because its weak and should have been added a decade ago, not now.
    You already got the ornament, and if you want the vvv version of orna, kinda same stuff not new with 2 FC in bracelet slot.

  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Sorry but I leave better rings and bracelets than this in the chests I dig up.  Don’t know that I’ve ever seem one with 16% lmc but find 10% lmc jewelry all the time.  Really not sure how the casting spec’s would make a big difference to a paladin.  I have one and he has mage armor suit so that he can cast spells.  Can see how the 16% lmc might be a benefit but would really like to know how the casting mods would make much difference.  He does not rely on chivalry for healing.  Maybe they would make a difference for that.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    The FC/FCR (assuming going to 4/6) make spamming healing/curing with chiv very fast. Also would help with remove curse but other than that it won't do much. I have 1FC on my sampire and he has no issues casting consecrate weap or dispel evil without interruption. 
  • EM RainstormerEM Rainstormer Posts: 139Event Moderator
    edited May 2021
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Have any evil plans in store tonight?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited May 2021
    psycho said:
    Totally disagree on the counting of mods. Its a 5mod bracelet, end of story.
    I lose more advantage by using this bracelet than is gained.

    It doesnt have +skill, 
    it doesnt have +SDI
    It doesnt have +str
    It doesnt have +dex
    It doesnt have +HCI
    It doesnt have SSI

    Now how does this bracelet compare to what is possible with a 8mod bracelet,

    4 FCR
    20 DCI
    20 HCI
    18 SDI
    35 EP
    10 SSI
    And you still got one property left for say +20 skill, or 10str or 10dex or whatever

    Ofcourse youll never find a bracelet as perfect as this, but the different 8mod variants out there creates hellofalot more advantages. Even if its antique  just remember the repair once its 0/255 durability and it will last forever anyway.

    As for the price on the alchemist bracelet it depends on 1pr char or infenite drops etc,  but say 100m in one month, you guys talk about new players how many new players will afford 100m in one slot items anyway, theres 17 slots as pointed out in this thread.

    Im mad because its weak and should have been added a decade ago, not now.
    You already got the ornament, and if you want the vvv version of orna, kinda same stuff not new with 2 FC in bracelet slot.

    Hey Psycho,

    Let's take this to the forums lol :)

    I get your points - I agree on a lot, we would have designed it differently.

    VvV Ornament = antique = 5 days usage = me very mad. This = thank god I can play the game.

    Let's take @arroth_thael breakdown - because ultimately I agree with it, this is what an Imbued version with no over-capped properties would look like.

    EP 25% - Perfect.
    DCI 15% - Perfect.
    FCR 3 - Perfect.
    FC 1 - Perfect.
    FC 1 - Interesting - adds new Possibilities.
    LMC 8  - Nice, ok, could have been something else.
    LMC 8 - Interesting this one was chosen to Over-Cap - makes me think they really had something in mind with this Bracelet.
    Self Repair 5 - I personally absolutely love this - thank god.

    Let's take the things you say it doesn't have - and actually - I did agree myself, I would have done it slightly differently - I was surprised at the FC2, and the LMC16. The FC2 makes it interesting - that does open up some options for players building FC4 suits. The LMC backs it up a little. If the LMC were something different, this bracelet could have been amazing - but LMC is still useful - but in general often easy to get in the required amount on the rest of the suit. I do feel 1 of the LMC properties could have been something else.

    It doesnt have +skill,  - I agree, this could be a nice to have.
    it doesnt have +SDI - I don't agree so much - The Earrings add great counter balance, for PvP you hit Max anyway and you can use books for PvM
    It doesnt have +str - I completely agree - I'd have found this Stat useful - it is hard to build this in.
    It doesnt have +dex - Similer to above - but you don't need both.
    It doesnt have +HCI - Yes and No, some characters need this, some don't.
    It doesnt have SSI - Again - the Shoulders have given possibilities here, and faster weapons.

    Now how does this bracelet compare to what is possible with a 8mod bracelet,

    4 FCR
    20 DCI
    20 HCI
    18 SDI
    35 EP
    10 SSI
    And you still got one property left for say +20 skill, or 10str or 10dex or whatever

    You have created an item here, with almost 8 Over-capped properties - I am not sure this exists :)

    I don't think an artefact needs to come anywhere near as close as this - in fact - I think this Bracelet has the correct amount of Points in it - it is just about how you allocate it for the balance - I do understand everyone who says they would have done it slightly differently to help it fit into their suit.

    This item will be much easier for new characters/players, building up, to build this in, than to reverse engineer this item in to top players completed suits. I agree, it will take too much switching around - especially the FC2 - this is the main design WEAKNESS of the current armour system that I hate. Replace 1 item you have to replace the entire suit to regain balance.

    The Earrings were an easier win - because nothing existed in this slot before. The shoulders were an easy win - because SSI is so hard to get, and again, it was up against very little competition, they were giving us much needed properties in slots that did not have much. This is harder to make work because it is a key slot area of a character - and as you say, up against 8 slot legendaries that over-cap - but - most are antique... and you can almost never get any sort of balance.

    I still find this Bracelet a nice to have - and will be collecting for it.

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited May 2021
    Aye, this bracelet is ferpectly ok for now.

    If anyone of you have better suggestions for a better reward, why not list them down clearly so that the Dev team can evaluate. Kyronix did ask us to propose but no one can provide any solid suggestions except complaints. :D
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    over all i say job well done the bracelet is decent and having the pages drop so we can fill books will keep people doing spawn !
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    can we get an ankh at the tower?
    the spawn kills the wandering healer
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • The bracelet just isn't for me. I can't think of a single template that I play where I would use it. But you know what? Not everything is targeted towards me, a 19+ year vet. I could see it being useful for newer players or someone who doesn't farm high end content.

    My main complaint here is that I believe that equipment should not be available for a limited time only. Something that is only available for a short window should be limited to deco, dyes, or titles.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited May 2021

     I view this bracelet as a mid-level item, it would be fine for some cheaper suits especially on shards where you might not have the gear.

    Sure It could have been better, but I'm not complaining, not every 'free-ish' reward is going to be a top 90%+ tier item.

     on a side note, does anyone know how many "Lore Pages" there are ?  
    a guildy of mine said he'd gotten 'lore page 13'.   I'd only gotten page 3 & 6 myself so far.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    is that the only new reward?

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    CovenantX said:

     on a side note, does anyone know how many "Lore Pages" there are ?  
    a guildy of mine said he'd gotten 'lore page 13'.   I'd only gotten page 3 & 6 myself so far.
    I've gotten page 2 & 10. I'm assuming there is 13 pages or so
  • CovenantX said:

    on a side note, does anyone know how many "Lore Pages" there are ?  
    a guildy of mine said he'd gotten 'lore page 13'.   I'd only gotten page 3 & 6 myself so far.

    I got page 13 as well. I haven't heard of anything higher yet.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2021
    “I successfully added the pages to the book of lore I obtained from the “of the three” event, is there another way to obtain this book? I’m hoping to sell this book to someone who wants to collect all the pages”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Yoshi said:
    “I successfully added the pages to the book of lore I obtained from the “of the three” event, is there another way to obtain this book? I’m hoping to sell this book to someone who wants to collect all the pages”

    Each character can doubleclick the Writing Desk to get 5 Blank Books each?
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited May 2021
    Yoshi said:
    “I successfully added the pages to the book of lore I obtained from the “of the three” event, is there another way to obtain this book? I’m hoping to sell this book to someone who wants to collect all the pages”

    And that's really interesting btw you could do that, I did wonder, and now regret not getting the Lore books/pages from prior events.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Yoshi said:
    “I successfully added the pages to the book of lore I obtained from the “of the three” event, is there another way to obtain this book? I’m hoping to sell this book to someone who wants to collect all the pages”

    I may have misunderstood your question, but I think the pages is where the market will be.

    Collecting and trading them.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    edited May 2021
    Yoshi said:
    “I successfully added the pages to the book of lore I obtained from the “of the three” event, is there another way to obtain this book? I’m hoping to sell this book to someone who wants to collect all the pages”
    I'm confused. What book is that? I understood from publish 110 notes that the lore book from this event is the first, so what book have you added the page to from before? I don't seem to have a previous 'book of lore'?

    never mind, I found it, but I didn't claim one.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Yoshi said:
    “I successfully added the pages to the book of lore I obtained from the “of the three” event, is there another way to obtain this book? I’m hoping to sell this book to someone who wants to collect all the pages”
    That's neat.  Thanks.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    Has anyone gotten more than 1 page per day per char?
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Has anyone gotten more than 1 page per day per char?
    I haven't really been consistent with doing the spawn from start to finish (typically miss the start of it) back to back to back but I haven't gotten more than one page per char a day. I checked in and worked the spawn (typically from level 2 or 3 to finish) 6 or 7 times yesterday but once I got my page on the third spawn (second level golem) I didn't get anything else all day and each time I stayed until the champ spawned.

    Funny enough though I have my necro on another shard trying to get people to help me work the champ for a bracelet and I've gotten just as many from throwing down a few EVs and withering for 5-10min (about the amount of time I work it solo before I give up and log)... this is also one per day but usually comes pretty quick it seems.
  • ActionEllyActionElly Posts: 176
    I'm not getting a drop a day. I've only got 1 page so far on my main character and then I got 1 drop on another character. I tried different characters because I started thinking that it might be 1 drop per character but after reading here I'm trying again on my main.

    I did a full run start to finish and killed the boss but still didn't get a drop so I'm confused. :s
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