EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 195Event Moderator
Greetings all, I wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to all the players who came out this month to show their support for my three year anniversary here on Atlantic.  I started my training February 2nd 2018 and was introduced to Atlantic in April 2018 for my first event.  It has been a fast three years and I have enjoyed getting to meet with you and socializing at your player run events.  It has been my pleasure to supply this great shard with the collectable gray robe that you all know and love.  If you have been here for the three years or just started coming to my events,  I hope to make many more memories with you.  Here is a picture of the Ice Rink I designed for those who couldn’t make the anniversary game this month.  Here’s to many more years to come as your Event Moderator. 

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