Can EJ Accounts Tithe?
Was reading some comments about EJ on a gaming site that has an article about EJ and a poll about whether or not you are going to try it (not going to link to the article because that's apparently frowned upon). One of the comments near the bottom, posted about 11 hours ago, reads as follows:
"Tried it out last night a bit. Definitely seems a lot more noob friendly than from what i remember many years ago. The trainers and quest givers are all over the place, and give a good enough introduction to the foundations.
"Tried it out last night a bit. Definitely seems a lot more noob friendly than from what i remember many years ago. The trainers and quest givers are all over the place, and give a good enough introduction to the foundations.
"It’s a bit buggy though – for example i couldn’t pay the tithe at all at the shrine as a paladin, which pretty much means all my abilities as a Paladin are useless. Oh well, hopefully these things are ironed out sooner rather than later."
I don't have an EJ account, so I can't verify if this person's comment is valid or if he just couldn't figure out how to tithe.
Does anyone know for sure if EJ accounts cannot tithe? If not, is it intended or not? I checked at and don't see anything about tithing.
Yes they can..whoever posted that was doing it wrong
I just took all the gold out of my bank, ankh doesn't recognize gold in your pack anymore
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.