
  • RNG.png 193.1K
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    Just want to check my understanding for those complaining about the RNG / lotto roll for earrings...

    So that's broken and needs to be fixed yet I've seen at least half a dozen other threads about housing being unfair and that should go to a lotto system. 

    Yep sounds good. Nothing else to see here, just another day in UO.  :D
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    I’ll add my voice to this topic...

    My issue is not so much with random, but the vast difference in “value”.  Beyond 1 of the deco drops there is virtually no value to 7 of the 8 drops.  This is quite different than something like the roof where there are nearly a dozen sought after rewards.  No one is trading their earrings for a dissected corpse or broken power crystal.

    IMO this would have worked better with a different, easier quest for one of the random deco drops, and a harder quest for a guaranteed drop for the earrings.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Yoshi said:
    Aragorn said:
    What I am saying is, if it's TRULY RANDOM

    EVERYONE should be observing a similar drop rate.

    “Hi, I’m not sure you understand the concept of random. The drop rate of the earrings is around 1 in 8. You could do the quest 80 times and get 80 earrings, the likely outcome is you’ll get around 10 pairs”
    Or you could be 0/80, that is the nature of the beast.
  • All in all, I am pleased with the event and the rewards so far. I haven't gotten any earrings yet, but won't be miffed if I do not because I have gotten enjoyment out of the event in the little time I have been able to play it. 


    You will know everyone wants the earrings from this event. And NOBODY wants tonnes of the other rubbish.

    So in future PLEASE consider making ALL rewards useful, or have a black market turn in system or ToT etc

    Sure, I want one of all the items on offer as a keep sake, but I do NOT want loads of dissection kits, crystal and dead bodies.

    So why not make the earrings a major reward and have us do the quest, turn in a number of the other things for the earrings.

    This is getting tedious ALREADY, and not fun doing over 20 quests so far and getting 1 pair of earrings.  
    THE REST IS JUNK, surely you know this by now?????????
    @Victim of Siege QFT. I have enjoyed the event even if I had a rough start.

    Actually the abacus is kind of neat.. if you double click it does basic addition.  This would cool for a RP merchant.  I don't have a ton of items, in fact so far 1 of each minus the crucible. I like deco as well as useful item.

    My thought since the earrings wear down really fast, maybe recycle the 125 luck on an different pair earring, different name, possible different 2nd mod.  
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Agree there should have been more practical rewards players can use. Ice dragon event had a talisman for fighters and a Spellbook for players having magery in there templates. Also, think earrings should have self repair or unlimited durability like some other special jewelry items do.  
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    Arnold7 said:
    Agree there should have been more practical rewards players can use. Ice dragon event had a talisman for fighters and a Spellbook for players having magery in there templates. Also, think earrings should have self repair or unlimited durability like some other special jewelry items do.  
    The next event is a spawn.  If it is like the others we will get a deco reward for fighting the spawn and a useable reward from the Boss.  Them we will have a Dungeon with other rewards.

    Then there will be things to do and get the last part of the year.  We want people to play, not get everything in a day and move to other entertainment.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GwenGwen Posts: 210
    edited April 2021
    Merus написал:
    I’ll add my voice to this topic...

    My issue is not so much with random, but the vast difference in “value”.  Beyond 1 of the deco drops there is virtually no value to 7 of the 8 drops.  This is quite different than something like the roof where there are nearly a dozen sought after rewards.  No one is trading their earrings for a dissected corpse or broken power crystal.

    IMO this would have worked better with a different, easier quest for one of the random deco drops, and a harder quest for a guaranteed drop for the earrings.
     Do you think 120 powerscrolls have same value? There is equal chance to get Stealing , Fencing, Resist or Tactics.
    By the way, after they saw my rewards, my vendors just formed a union, demanding an Abacus in front of each vendor except BOD ones!  First they wanted same clothes, now- this! And I am urged to go and farm or buy them those little computers! 
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Gwen said:
     Do you think 120 powerscrolls have same value? There is equal chance to get Stealing , Fencing, Resist or Tactics.

    A hawkwinds and a cameo don't have the same value either, but there is still a usefulness to them in game which makes them desirable.  Champ spawns drop 12 scrolls and 6 primers, so you have pretty decent odds of getting something useful, even if it isn't the most valuable one possible.  People still make thieves even if they aren't as common as warriors.

    On top of that, champ spawns and the roof are perm content which allows a longer window to accumulate useful rewards for folks who may only get a few hours per week of game time.  I have well over a dozen sdi spellweavers who could make use of the earrings.  Given my odds so far of getting them, it seems unlikely I will get all I need before the quest ends.  
  • GwenGwen Posts: 210
    edited April 2021
    @Merus , so just drop all that stuff you think is useless. Or sell it. I am buying some. And collecting near investigator what people dropped. Love hoarding stuff. I better sell those 1GP per, like I do with LVL1  primers and useless 20-25% LRC arties.
    Read lore: those pieces are some kind of evidence , so  I hope we will be able to exchange them some way. Or not.  We still have no idea who killed Lora Palmer where is Yukio. 
    As mostly playing garg I see these earrings as a source of some other good stuff. Even I was really unhappy at the beginning of the event. It is not a thing which will change game style or give you something you never had before (like I see Cameo or Conjurer trinket). Just a little of SDI and Luck.  You have plenty of those with other equipment and buffs. 

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    The earrings will be attainable through this story line which is likely going to be into July. If you started today and went until July 3rd that's 10 weeks. Given the earring event can be completed in an hour or less if you played 2-3 hours a day on average that would be 14-21 items you would get per week with an average of 1-2 earrings per week. That would be on average 10-20 pairs of earrings in that time.

    The more you play and the better you are at doing the quest will only improve your results.

    So what's the issue here?
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    keven2002 said:
    The earrings will be attainable through this story line which is likely going to be into July. If you started today and went until July 3rd that's 10 weeks. Given the earring event can be completed in an hour or less if you played 2-3 hours a day on average that would be 14-21 items you would get per week with an average of 1-2 earrings per week. That would be on average 10-20 pairs of earrings in that time.

    The more you play and the better you are at doing the quest will only improve your results.

    So what's the issue here?
    The issue is some folks only get 2-3 per week, not per day.  That is fine for perm content to eventually get the items you want via rng.  Even with the dungeon stuff, you could kill enough over time to pick the reward you wanted.  Limited time content with 7/8 of the random drops being pretty much worthless for game play makes it pretty tough on people who can't play 2-3 hour per day.  Is it the end of the world, of course not.  Could this limited time content have been designed a little better... IMO it could have.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    edited April 2021
    Gwen said:
     We still have no idea who killed Lora Palmer where is Yukio. 

    *Starts Communication Crystal*

    Diane, 11:30 AM, February 24th.

    Entering the island of Isamu-Jima, five miles east of the Citadel, twelve shard facets left of Britannia.

    I’ve never seen so many trees in my life.

    As W. C. Fields would say, I’d rather be here than Trinsic.

    Fifty-four degrees on a slightly overcast day.

    Weather-Mage said rain.

    If you could get paid that kind of money for being wrong sixty percent of the time, it’d beat working.

    Horse mileage is seventy-nine thousand three hundred forty-five, stomach is on reserve, riding on fumes here, I’ve got to tank up when I get into town.

    Remind me to tell you how much that is.

    Lunch was, uh, six sovereigns and thirty-one gold at the Lamplighter Inn, that’s on Highway Two near Clannin Fork.

    That was a tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat, slice of cherry pie, and a cup of coffee.

    Damn good food.

    Diane, if you ever get up this way that cherry pie is worth a stop.


    Looks like I’ll be meeting up with the, ah, Chief Investigator.

    Shouldn’t be too hard to remember that.

    He’ll be at the Queen Dawn Memorial Hospital.

    I guess we’re going to go up to intensive care and take a look at that girl that crawled down the cart tracks off the mountain.

    When I finish there I’ll be checking into a motel.

    I’m sure the Investigator will be able to recommend a clean place, reasonably priced.

    That’s what I need, a clean place, reasonably priced.

    Oh Diane, I almost forgot.

    Got to find out what kind of trees these are.

    They’re really something.

  • GwenGwen Posts: 210
    @Merus ; , those people can easily buy earrings from other players. Just go and sell or trade some stuff you got over the years. Lots of gear in the game , and even deco's are more expensive then this earrings.  Such end-game gear for really final toon tuning should not be regular mongbat drop.
    Dont forget this is online game. It has trading and other types of interraction. 
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Gwen said:
    @ Merus  , those people can easily buy earrings from other players. Just go and sell or trade some stuff you got over the years. Lots of gear in the game , and even deco's are more expensive then this earrings.  Such end-game gear for really final toon tuning should not be regular mongbat drop.
    Dont forget this is online game. It has trading and other types of interraction. 
    If your solution is just buy them, then you are essentially invalidating the content for people who can’t play more... a hallmark of poorly designed content.

    I was actually in favor of a harder quest for a guaranteed drop.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    Gwen said:

    By the way, after they saw my rewards, my vendors just formed a union, demanding an Abacus in front of each vendor except BOD ones!  
    one thing about the Abacus, its NOT shard bound.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    Merus said:
    keven2002 said:
    The earrings will be attainable through this story line which is likely going to be into July. If you started today and went until July 3rd that's 10 weeks. Given the earring event can be completed in an hour or less if you played 2-3 hours a day on average that would be 14-21 items you would get per week with an average of 1-2 earrings per week. That would be on average 10-20 pairs of earrings in that time.

    The more you play and the better you are at doing the quest will only improve your results.

    So what's the issue here?
    The issue is some folks only get 2-3 per week, not per day.  That is fine for perm content to eventually get the items you want via rng.  Even with the dungeon stuff, you could kill enough over time to pick the reward you wanted.  Limited time content with 7/8 of the random drops being pretty much worthless for game play makes it pretty tough on people who can't play 2-3 hour per day.  Is it the end of the world, of course not.  Could this limited time content have been designed a little better... IMO it could have.
    There are 10 weeks left at least; at the pace you gave we are still talking about 20-30 pairs of earrings. Do you have 30 pairs of minax sandals? 30 pairs of boots of escaping? 30 cameos? Do you even play 30 different characters? Let's keep things within reason before complaining about something that's not really a huge issue. At the end of the day it could have been a 1 per account shard bound item and then people would really have something to complain about. 
  • DragoDrago Posts: 316
    Aragorn said:

    I got my ONLY pair of earrings at 14th run and now just finished my 24th and am still getting rubbish. 

    Take a look at what someone else is saying on FB, is this a FAIR GAME? 

    consider yourself lucky. it took me 22 attempts to get my first pair.....
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
     keven2002 said:
    Merus said:
    keven2002 said:
    The earrings will be attainable through this story line which is likely going to be into July. If you started today and went until July 3rd that's 10 weeks. Given the earring event can be completed in an hour or less if you played 2-3 hours a day on average that would be 14-21 items you would get per week with an average of 1-2 earrings per week. That would be on average 10-20 pairs of earrings in that time.

    The more you play and the better you are at doing the quest will only improve your results.

    So what's the issue here?
    The issue is some folks only get 2-3 per week, not per day.  That is fine for perm content to eventually get the items you want via rng.  Even with the dungeon stuff, you could kill enough over time to pick the reward you wanted.  Limited time content with 7/8 of the random drops being pretty much worthless for game play makes it pretty tough on people who can't play 2-3 hour per day.  Is it the end of the world, of course not.  Could this limited time content have been designed a little better... IMO it could have.
    There are 10 weeks left at least; at the pace you gave we are still talking about 20-30 pairs of earrings. Do you have 30 pairs of minax sandals? 30 pairs of boots of escaping? 30 cameos? Do you even play 30 different characters? Let's keep things within reason before complaining about something that's not really a huge issue. At the end of the day it could have been a 1 per account shard bound item and then people would really have something to complain about. 
    I think you need to recheck your math.

    At 3 hours per week for 10 weeks with that is 30 hours of play time, or 1800 minutes.  With a 40 minute quest time that would mean completing the quest 45 times if nothing else was done.  With an equal distribution of RNG that is 5-6 pairs of earrings.

    I tend to play mages more than warriors, so yes... I have that many minax sandals, jumu hides and hawkwind robes.  
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Not sure how many players can complete this quest in 40 minutes.  Seems a little unrealistic.  I play solo and sometimes with groups.  Have never completed the quest in less than an hour and a half.  Can see how some players might be able complete it in 40 minutes but don’t think most can.

  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,295
    edited April 2021
    Arnold7 said:
    Not sure how many players can complete this quest in 40 minutes.  Seems a little unrealistic.  I play solo and sometimes with groups.  Have never completed the quest in less than an hour and a half.  Can see how some players might be able complete it in 40 minutes but don’t think most can.

    I have done it in 40-ish  (give or take a couple) it is all dependent on where the sleeping dragon spawn is at the time. but it is difficult to accomplish.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    We let the spawn go to the lions and stop. That way it always has beetles and kappas. 

    I don't get serious about it but I can do it around 40 min. Because I use the same pattern when I do it. Just me and my dog.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    We let the spawn go to the lions and stop. That way it always has beetles and kappas. 

    I don't get serious about it but I can do it around 40 min. Because I use the same pattern when I do it. Just me and my dog.

    yep, but there's always that one person that comes in and pops the hiryu's and ruins it for everybody lol. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    I'm sure this will be a very unpopular post...

    I just finished doing my 35th (ish) quest which ended with earrings for a total of 5 pairs which is just slightly ahead of the average (I'm sure if I did 7 more quests I wouldn't get earrings and be at the average). I'll likely do the quest a couple times but I'm looking forward to the next event to switch it up. I have not grinded this event at all, if I do think I need more sets then I will probably buy them considering how the price continues to drop as more and more people get them. 

    I did the quest on my necro mage on Origin and it took me 52 minutes...yamadon was the hardest part as I didn't get help until halfway through (likely would have taken me an extra 10min). Everything else was easy... spam wither / EQ / EV everywhere you go and the mobs drop pretty quick. 

    I don't understand why so many people are complaining.... well maybe I do because it seems like it's the same handful of people complaining for every event. Games are meant to be fun; if you don't think it's fun doing the quest because it takes too long for RNG then either get better at doing it (more drops per day = more chance at getting your earrings = more fun?) or do something else you enjoy and buy the earrings.

    At the end of the day, everyone knows what templates are more efficient for doing these type of events and if you are concerned with how long it takes using a mage with alchemy and no eval then maybe you should make a tamer/sampire if your goal is to be the fastest at the event. Your second option is to join a guild and piggyback off other people killing which will make it go faster too. The people complaining they play a dead shard or don't have the template to easily do this quest probably don't need 10 sets of earrings. One or two will do and you still have 10 weeks to get them. OR just wait until the next event and trade whatever the reward is for some earrings.... although it's more likely those same people will just complain about the next event and how it's not fair either.... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    A returning player could tag along with someone and do the quest and have a chance at an item that will fetch 125 to 150M easy.  If you are too stubborn to use chat to find someone to help then you should accept that you will take longer than other players who do go in pairs.  My following Bard that just ran songs got about 1/4 of the credits for kills.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    A returning player could tag along with someone and do the quest and have a chance at an item that will fetch 125 to 150M easy.  If you are too stubborn to use chat to find someone to help then you should accept that you will take longer than other players who do go in pairs.  My following Bard that just ran songs got about 1/4 of the credits for kills.
    I actually solo'd everything but the Yamadon on the below bard in an hour and 2 minutes.  for the Yamadon I called out in general and got a friendly person to help me with it.  plenty of helpful folks
    out there if you ask.

    bard.png 342.3K
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • The RNG has never worked consistently to anyone's satisfaction, including the game devs.

    I for one have no conceptual problem with random rewards events being a thing. I tend to like the idea of there being a mix of different things.

    I won't say I don't prefer turn-in style events but I accept that my preferences are just that.
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    Drago said:
    Aragorn said:

    I got my ONLY pair of earrings at 14th run and now just finished my 24th and am still getting rubbish. 

    Take a look at what someone else is saying on FB, is this a FAIR GAME? 

    consider yourself lucky. it took me 22 attempts to get my first pair.....
    AND you still consider yourselves just an "unlucky" one and the RNG is working perfectly? 

    It's ok people, I'm really not bothered to discuss this anymore. There are always people who think they lose money at the casino because they are just "unlucky", and more than happy to go back and "try their luck", despite everyone knows all the games (read: RNG!) in the casino are manipulated and biased.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    Aragorn said:
    Drago said:
    Aragorn said:

    I got my ONLY pair of earrings at 14th run and now just finished my 24th and am still getting rubbish. 

    Take a look at what someone else is saying on FB, is this a FAIR GAME? 

    consider yourself lucky. it took me 22 attempts to get my first pair.....
    AND you still consider yourselves just an "unlucky" one and the RNG is working perfectly? 

    It's ok people, I'm really not bothered to discuss this anymore. There are always people who think they lose money at the casino because they are just "unlucky", and more than happy to go back and "try their luck", despite everyone knows all the games (read: RNG!) in the casino are manipulated and biased.
    How many have you done?  How many earrings?  Lets see what your RNG is.  You need at least 50 runs to get a stable outcome.  More you do more stable.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited April 2021
    Aragorn said:
    Drago said:
    Aragorn said:

    I got my ONLY pair of earrings at 14th run and now just finished my 24th and am still getting rubbish. 

    Take a look at what someone else is saying on FB, is this a FAIR GAME? 

    consider yourself lucky. it took me 22 attempts to get my first pair.....
    AND you still consider yourselves just an "unlucky" one and the RNG is working perfectly? 

    It's ok people, I'm really not bothered to discuss this anymore. There are always people who think they lose money at the casino because they are just "unlucky", and more than happy to go back and "try their luck", despite everyone knows all the games (read: RNG!) in the casino are manipulated and biased.
    You do understand that UO does not keep track of what you have gotten in the past during this event.  A new roll is rolled every time you do a run and you have equal odds to roll a 1-8 as you do a 2-8, 3-8, 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 7-8 or 8-8.  Your next run will have the same odds as the run before it.  That is how a true RNG works.  Funny how you use a Casino as an example because if a machine starts to pay out to much that machine is taken out of service the minute the player leaves and the machine has a full diag done on it.  If the Gaming Commission catches them rigging any machine they will be shut down asap and a team will go in and test all machines/tables/everything and if found in violation they face big FINES and possible shut down.  You really have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to UO RNG and Casinos and I bet you even think the use marked cards.
This discussion has been closed.