Someone (We all know who) at an IDOC crashed our Internet / Modem for 25 minutes.

PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
edited April 2021 in General Discussions
If nothing can be done about these players that do such things... can we not just come to an agreement to stop IDOCs altogether? Save items for returning players or delete items from banned accounts... period.

Then let IDOC house plots be auctioned... one chance per paying account?

There is nothing fair in this game when someone can crash the game / someone modem for almost an half hour. Half of the players there came back to bodies.... all because there was a rubble fire, Atlantic Mesanna lantern, and Great Lakes Mesanna lantern... among jawbones and moonstone crystals.

Our whole internet went down. We had to unplug and plug the modem back up 5 times and nothing... I guess the internet company finally reset it.


  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    Just for everyone's information.... our internet company said that if we get a VPN this won't happen again. The people who did it were targeting our IP address they said. VPNs will mask your IP address apparently and that will never happen, per our internet service provider.

    Still, that will not help anyone not reading this. I suggest to the Devs that you should take action and stop IDOCs altogether. There is no rhyme or reason as so why a certain group of players should be allowed to do this.

    I am guessing it is the same group/person who gets every single castle / keep IDOC into his hands to sell for real life money.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited April 2021
    So you're saying -someone- attacked your IP which crashed your cable modem and only after a hard reset by your ISP (most likely IP# change) were you able to get back online?

    I'm sure the DarkLady et al will want to know more about this. If you have logs (from your system, the modem, and also your ISP) I'd send that to Mesanna with a direct note explaining what happened. 

    Do not name names (if she wants names she will ask you for them)... that will change the tone of your email. But do make sure to include logs for they will contain some information the devs could use.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited April 2021
    Pls ask her to seriously consider a balloting system for idoc, same as what she did to ruffle out the Abyss house on my shard but make it automated.

    Make the totem an automated feature.
    Players interested will double click on the totem to register their interest.
    One vote per account.

    The winner will get to take over the house with everything inside.

    If they can make a whole new NLS and create such a complicated IDOC process, making a simple ruffle stone to give out the house should be easiest.

    And its fair.

    And no more complaints, clean forum. Happy players. What is there to complain anymore. Peace on UO.

    Keeping status quo will only harm the everyone. Only 1 or 2 players will win while everyone loses, including both Broadsword and 99.9% of the remaining players. This should be the easiest decision ever.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Well... I do not have her ear, so there is nothing I can personally do.

    What I do know, from experience, is that a literate and accurately worded explanation of a situation along with suggestions for possible solutions does get attention. It may not get a direct response from Broadsword, but does get attention.
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    edited April 2021
    Kirthag said:
    So you're saying -someone- attacked your IP which crashed your cable modem and only after a hard reset by your ISP (most likely IP# change) were you able to get back online?

    I'm sure the DarkLady et al will want to know more about this. If you have logs (from your system, the modem, and also your ISP) I'd send that to Mesanna with a direct note explaining what happened. 

    Do not name names (if she wants names she will ask you for them)... that will change the tone of your email. But do make sure to include logs for they will contain some information the devs could use.
    I tried, but I don't know how to access any of that stuff. My wife checked my UO files for logs, but I did not have the button checked to save log files (in the alt-o screen.)

    She thinks the group of guys were on voice chat / discord and they called to each other to leave the area.... and they did something in game to just crash everyone. But for whatever reason, our internet rep. said that it was likely a DDOS attack. When that happens, their system has a fail safe where it will flag any modem experiencing that and lock it for a certain amount of time. That is what happened to us, our whole internet went down for probably 20-30 minutes. There were only 4-5 piles of bones on the ground when we got back to the IDOC.

    It's just extremely frustrating.... I spent $60 in sovereigns today to get 2 transfer tokens and soulstones to sell in gen chat.... for way cheaper than I should have... all to finish setting up my character finally. Then I did not even get the chance to test my character because of our Ultima crashing and internet shutting down. I literally spent 10 hours today getting ready for this IDOC, and $60 in the UO Store. 

    I guess I should have mowed the yard and not played Ultima.... that is what it feels like. It is just great to know that the cheaters won again.... they got their rubble fire and tons of other goodies (were +20 stealth cloaks on the ground, many Mesanna lanterns, EM items everywhere.) The cheaters got loaded up with goods and the actual players who spent all day leveling their characters, buying gear, and selling legit UO Store items did not get a single thing. I got a crystalline ring that was VvV.... I threw it in the trash. No idea what else I might have gotten did the whole thing not crash. It doesn't feel good @Devs.

    I hope you guys seriously consider what @Seth said above about the IDOCs. If you guys did that for IDOCs.... I would probably be paying for 20 accounts all of a sudden instead of the 8 we have. Then you really would have no people complaining. I appreciate everything you guys did with making IDOCs private, creating the barrel system, and all of the new content. But you guys know the cheaters and griefers are never going to stop. Just make it fair once and for all and take away their castle / keep / IDOC sales and let everyone have a shot? Seth's idea is great. Simple, extremely effective. It will take away all scripters.... house placers, barrel punches... whoever did the thing to us. They cannot stop someone from coming and clicking a totem to get a ticket for the raffle..... and I bet a ton of people will be paying for more accounts and selling items more fairly.

    Sorry for ranting all... this hurt. What's worse is that the cheaters knew they were outmatched. They had no choice.... they flipped the server and crashed everyone. They won it after all...
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    How many others crashed at this IDOC?

    Post here please.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    Not many people watch these forums sadly... But I am guessing that the ones who did it probably do and will likely be here to tell you "nothing to see here."
  • DanpalDanpal Posts: 119
    I was there i got nothing good from the idoc just two death robes. My internet was not attacked and no interruption to it. I hit two barrels then died. 
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    What shard? I'm guessing atlantic?

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    edited April 2021
    Polaris said:
    Not many people watch these forums sadly... But I am guessing that the ones who did it probably do and will likely be here to tell you "nothing to see here."
    Seems everyone was not disconnected like you said.  Danpal was there and did not disconnect.

    Sounds like it was in Fel.  Surprised anyone besides reds were able to do anything.  

    Amazing no one on Atlantic can detect hidden to kill the guys trying to place.  With all the cheating and such that you say goes on.  Should have been 400 EJ accounts and 300 EJ Ghost cams there to kill anyone not in the barrels.

    Perfect example of how fabricated your complaint posts are.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    Danpal said:
    I was there i got nothing good from the idoc just two death robes. My internet was not attacked and no interruption to it. I hit two barrels then died. 
    If you can hit barrels  stay dead, go res in a safe place after the barrel breaks and the items will be on you. Best to hide and stealth around and look in all containers and have insure ready to go.

    If it is a small group of Reds and it is a large IDOC, they get full and have to drop things in a container to sort stuff out.  Grab stuff from it and insure when you get things.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MarcusMarcus Posts: 16
    Who? I seriously do not know.

    And this whole story seems made up with no proof. Just upset player that they got nothing out of an IDOC.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    I have been disconnected before at a couple of IDOCs but always was able to log right back on. It was like the EM Events when the boss appears - just extreme lag and overload from just about all uo players in one spot.
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    Please help @Mesanna, @Kyronix, @Bleak. I hope you guys know by now that you can trust me. This is not the first time that this has happened.... but it is the first time in a very long time, maybe 3 or 4 years. I was fine in Luna all day. My internet has zero lag. IDOCs never cause us lag... maybe when the 400 accounts start pushing into trammel ones..... this was different. There were not that many people there, it was fel. There were less than 100 people there likely. When they crashed it... there were only about 25 people there. I was not dying.... me and my wife were both alive and punching barrels / healing / curing.

    Our whole internet got taken down at once. The modem and everything went offline. After we realized it was off, she ran and unplugged it. She tried that 4 times.... nothing..... finally it came back after 25-30 minutes. The internet service provider said it looked like a DDOS attack. They suggested I get a VPN.

    I hope you guys can just put an end to it altogether. This was dis-heartening. We have done so much for this game and it is still ruined by cheaters. Why not allow IDOCs to be auctioned? Winning raffle gets houses and items. Or items stay with player they came from.... winning raffle gets plot.

    Everyone will have twice the accounts just for the raffle chances. New subs will have a chance at keeps / castles without trying for ages to make 45 platinum. The cheats won't win.... I am so glad that you guys changed it to barrels, that I really do not want to complain about barrel punching scripts, but they are still there too. We do super good at IDOCs now. But when it comes to a super great IDOC, they can't have anyone breaking any barrels besides themselves it seems.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited April 2021
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,663
    edited April 2021
    Seth said:
    Many threads on the topic of a household losing its internet?  Really.

    Notice how no one else has came forward to say they also were affected.  Funny how all the barrels were broken and all the items are gone if everyone's connection was disrupted by "You know who"

    Yall just prove your incompetence at UO by blaming others for your lack of---- Circle correct answer:

    Understanding of game mechanics
    All the above

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GwenGwen Posts: 210
    Polaris said:

    Everyone will have twice the accounts just for the raffle chances. New subs will have a chance at keeps / castles without trying for ages to make 45 platinum. The cheats won't win.... I am so glad that you guys changed it to barrels, that I really do not want to complain about barrel punching scripts, but they are still there too. We do super good at IDOCs now. But when it comes to a super great IDOC, they can't have anyone breaking any barrels besides themselves it seems.

    Lots of shards where you can freely place any house , any size, almost everywhere. New sub should go there .  Or you plan to place a keep for free and then sell it for 45 plats?
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Something sound fishy.  In order for them to do a DDOS against your modem they need its IP address. But how would they get it? They would need direct access to the server's management console to find out which IP addresses were for the players at the IDOC.  Either the server got hacked or the DDOS attack was purely coincidental.
  • LexLex Posts: 38
    edited April 2021
    As someone mentioned. Implementing a raffle system could work.
    But I'd suggest making the following amendments. Each account gets a raffle weight.

    - If you already recently owned a house, your raffle weight goes down. 
    - Each time you trade a house to yourself, the raffle weight goes down.
    - The longer you dont own a house with an active account in good standing - the higher your weight goes up. (think veteran rewards type counts)
    Eventually even the most arthritis ridden player will be able to get a house (not just those with hours upon hours on hand to sit and spam place at IDOCs).

    This system could allow for future shard mergers or other balancing tasks. Owners of houses on shards that gets shuttered, would get huge raffle weight bonus in order to maximize their pick of the lot.

    Wouldnt adress multi account "raffle joining" but the old method of placing houses at IDOCs is simply bad. Maybe back in the day when scripting and automation wasnt as prevalent as it is now, it was a good thing.. but not in this time and era. 

    - Well, wouldnt this just create a long queue of people wanting a house you say?
    People who has houses can still sell them. Just like now. It just means that more people have a shot at a house than a select few "professionals" that drive the house pricing upwards. There wont be any less or more houses available, just more chance for equal chance of placing!

    People who want the best house from an IDOC might not want to place a house of their own to increase their weight scoring on the raffle. Which potentially means more house plots available if people carefully select what sort of home they go for.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited April 2021
    Pawain said:

    Nah, what I mean is all these threads are about the IDOC thing, be it scripts, ddos, legendary idoc skill, or whatever. As mentioned earlier, whatever the reasons, raffle will put an end to all these problems, real or fake.

    Anyway, is there real experience or UO "skills" for placing a house at idoc? Maybe, but I am as skeptical as anyone about such skillful player with "proper" knowledge, vs the claims of "scripts", "ddos" etc. Which is real? Maybe there is a website sharing about this method which will level the playing field. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • LexLex Posts: 38
    Seth said:
    Pawain said:
    Anyway, is there real experience or UO "skills" for placing a house at idoc? Maybe, but I am as skeptical as anyone about such skillful player with "proper" knowledge, vs the claims of "scripts", "ddos" etc. Which is real? Maybe there is a website sharing about this method which will level the playing field. 
    In the stock market.. We try to put our trading robots as close to the stock exchange servers. Lowlatency VPS:es with headless setups and automated actions to get those extra milliseconds.  I'd assume it's the same with UO.  The fact that 2d vs 3d client delay/latency is different also plays into the whole placement strategies.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited April 2021
    Lex said:
    Seth said:
    Pawain said:
    Anyway, is there real experience or UO "skills" for placing a house at idoc? Maybe, but I am as skeptical as anyone about such skillful player with "proper" knowledge, vs the claims of "scripts", "ddos" etc. Which is real? Maybe there is a website sharing about this method which will level the playing field. 
    In the stock market.. We try to put our trading robots as close to the stock exchange servers. Lowlatency VPS:es with headless setups and automated actions to get those extra milliseconds.  I'd assume it's the same with UO.  The fact that 2d vs 3d client delay/latency is different also plays into the whole placement strategies.
    If it's going to be connection and pings, geographic location, then the player who lives in same town as the shard server will always get the house.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    While this is mildly entertaining, I'm confused... the OP said they spent 10 hours and $60 "getting ready for the IDOC" and were breaking barrels etc but then says the solution is to raffle off the house plot which I'm not sure what exactly you need to "get ready for" when that's simply just placing a house with no skills needed.

    Unless the OP is suggesting to raffle off the entirety of the house to a single person and basically just hand the keys over (that seems very unrealistic) then it seems like they are confused to what their sob story is vs what they actually want from it.

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Mesanna raffled a house on my shard, she:
    "raffle off the entirety of the house to a single person and basically just hand the keys over"

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • JohnKnighthawkeJohnKnighthawke Posts: 440
    edited April 2021
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    I really dont know if I should laugh about this post or cry. The level of craziness and conspiracy is at the high level here.
    No one else but the OP crashed!
    Ofc the Idoc was in fel and PK's were everywhere and they got most of the loot and someone got butthurt and created this amazing fiction that a group of people planned a direct attack to his IP and crashed his modem for 25 min to prevent him to loot???? WOW, just wow... you won the Oscar dude. 1st we had the video maker saying that player A and B and C were the reason of all prices go up, than most recently Nails sold some plots for 25P and was his fault as well to make house prices go up, now you saying that we have people direct attacking you with "DOS" attack that will shut down your specific modem for 20 min to prevent you to loot from Idocs?? Does it sound normal?
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    This sounds like somebody that knows nothing about computers that googled 'my internet r gone' and picked the solution that best implicates 'cheating.' Let me ask you this.

    1: What makes you think you are important enough for somebody to commit a cyber crime against and risk jail time?

    2: If you called your provider, and they deemed it was an attack, where did the investigation go?

    3: Why are you suggesting devs change the game based on an illegal personal attack against you?

    4: What makes you think you would get anything in a 'raffle' ? This idea is horrifyingly bad. There are players with 70+ paid accounts, do you think you will ever win? You would get more house spots by just.. learning how to place.
  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    Mordred said:
    I really dont know if I should laugh about this post or cry. The level of craziness and conspiracy is at the high level here.

    Oh you should of heard him in chat the conspiracy level went really high. Was reading his chat thinking this is just so bad with all the new cheats, then he has to start in on who i am. I dont know if anything he post/says is true cause he sure does lie about stuff. I will say that it does seem the same players do place most all the houses. Mesanna did say something about the next change to idocs would be just to delete it all, I think. 
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Mordred said:
    I really dont know if I should laugh about this post or cry. The level of craziness and conspiracy is at the high level here.

    Oh you should of heard him in chat the conspiracy level went really high. Was reading his chat thinking this is just so bad with all the new cheats, then he has to start in on who i am. I dont know if anything he post/says is true cause he sure does lie about stuff. I will say that it does seem the same players do place most all the houses. Mesanna did say something about the next change to idocs would be just to delete it all, I think. 
    If you don't think/realize scripting/cheating is still going on at IDOC's you are either an ostrich (less likely), or are part of the "problem" (more likely) I think simply deleting idocs is an EXCELLENT idea! @Mesanna @Kyronix @Bleak

    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    TimSt said:
    Something sound fishy.  In order for them to do a DDOS against your modem they need its IP address. But how would they get it? They would need direct access to the server's management console to find out which IP addresses were for the players at the IDOC.  Either the server got hacked or the DDOS attack was purely coincidental.

    An attacker would not need anything from the server if the victim was using software that could provide the attacker with direct access to the victims computer.

    I.E. Unapproved clients are unapproved for a reason.
This discussion has been closed.