Justice Virtue - Protection

First of all, I couldn't find the best spot to place my question, so I bag your pardon if this is the wrong place.

I want to know for how long the "protection" given by the Justice virtue keeps on the target. Does anyone knows?
If the protected or the protector player dies, it surely decays, right?
And what if both protector and protected finish the champ without diying, do I need to use the virtue again for the next spawn?


  • I would say to ask in the main board.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Protection remains until the protected person 1. Logs out 2. Cancels protection via the context menu or the protecter times out. (From memory)
  • AtomicBettyAtomicBetty Posts: 301
    Unrelated to the OP but still to Justice.

    Can you change it so you can gain in Justice from killing Orange players in VvV. Finding reds can be challenging at times.
  • AtomicBettyAtomicBetty Posts: 301
    MoulinR said:
    First of all, I couldn't find the best spot to place my question, so I bag your pardon if this is the wrong place.

    I want to know for how long the "protection" given by the Justice virtue keeps on the target. Does anyone knows?
    If the protected or the protector player dies, it surely decays, right?
    And what if both protector and protected finish the champ without diying, do I need to use the virtue again for the next spawn?
    Just have the protected character right cick themselves to bring up the menu. If the option to cancel protection is there you are good. If you don't see it you will need to get protected once again.

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