what's QOL mean to you

for me it is easy fixes IE create food has drop down menu. anything that generates less clicks etc 
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    Anything that creates less clicks for sure. Anything that improves the game's visual experience. Basically anything I dread having to do in the course of utilizing another system:
    • Harvesting resources is fun.
    • Having them show up willy-nilly in my bag in the CC is annoying. 
    • Having a bag where you can arrange things to your personal preference is great and is still an incredibly elegant user interface experience. 
    • Having it take up about two inches of my monitor without making it larger is annoying. 
    • Trying to accomplish all this in the EC with frequent crashes and low-resolution images is annoying. 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited March 2021
    I think the classic system was designed to make us spend more time in the game. So I agree less clicks are definitely good for aging fingers.

    Another point to suggest is to look at those item interaction that I find irritating. Suggestions:

    -  Able to add BODs to BOD books outside the backpack.
    - Able to add runes to lockdown rune atlas.
    - Auto seed harvesting button for planters (I bought like 10 to 20 and have to work even harder...)

    The first two above should function like the powerscroll book.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Seth said:
    I think the classic system was designed to make us spend more time in the game. So I agree less clicks are definitely good for aging fingers.

    Another point to suggest is to look at those item interaction that I find irritating. Suggestions:

    -  Able to add BODs to BOD books outside the backpack.

    They already made that change. You can add and remove BODs from a locked down (secured) BOD book.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    More selections when sorting items BODs esp, Jewelry Boxes, add Resource boxes for each skill and have sort function, auto fill BOD Books.  There are so many basic functions that UOA provides that should be in the CC.  There are also a lot. I mean a lot of functions in the EC that should be in the CC oh wait how about (BEATS A DEAD HORSE) allowing us to use the CC Graphics (minus zoom) with the EC.  EC movement and graphics latterly make me physically sick, sorry DEVs but GRAET UI.  There are also 3rd party programs out there that could be QOL allowed if only the DEVs would allow them. Your player base is getting older by the day and us old fogies need all the help we can get.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited March 2021
    TimSt said:
    Seth said:
    I think the classic system was designed to make us spend more time in the game. So I agree less clicks are definitely good for aging fingers.

    Another point to suggest is to look at those item interaction that I find irritating. Suggestions:

    -  Able to add BODs to BOD books outside the backpack.

    They already made that change. You can add and remove BODs from a locked down (secured) BOD book.

    Oops, I should say when the BOD books are inside the containers. I used to lock them down in the past but due to increasing numbers, I have moved them into containers to tidy up the place. 

    Maybe will consider moving them back to the floor.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Seth said:
    - Able to add runes to lockdown rune atlas.
    - Auto seed harvesting button for planters (I bought like 10 to 20 and have to work even harder...)

    Rune libraries have locked down books set to 'anyone' to allow their use. I doubt they'd appreciate people being able to add random runes.

    There was a thread recently detailing a macro for harvesting seeds, I believe you posted in it, although you did not clarify your own solution to the problem.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited March 2021
    Mariah said:
    Seth said:
    - Able to add runes to lockdown rune atlas.
    - Auto seed harvesting button for planters (I bought like 10 to 20 and have to work even harder...)

    Rune libraries have locked down books set to 'anyone' to allow their use. I doubt they'd appreciate people being able to add random runes.
    If it is set to anyone to use and recall off the rune, is it possible to code only the owner to add or remove the runes? E.g. anyone can recall off the runes but only the owners can unlock the runebook. I thought they are different function.

    There was a thread recently detailing a macro for harvesting seeds, I believe you posted in it, although you did not clarify your own solution to the problem.
    Yes, misread your OP's post thinking it was referring to Trinsic Rose. As QOL improvements, its not about using 3rd Party like Pinco, which we do not know when they will stop supporting it.

    Once I used the Classic and UO Assist stopped updating for a period of time a few years back. I had to email the developer separately for an update. Now I use 100% EC from original game developer.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    As does the poster of that thread, the solution given uses the 'command' action in the default client to achieve the aim.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Mariah said:
    As does the poster of that thread, the solution given uses the 'command' action in the default client to achieve the aim.

    Sorry my bad, I thought they are steps for Pinco's. I still think for QOL its best to make life easier by adding a simple harvest all button on the UI rather than the need to use scripts and commands.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Seth said:
    TimSt said:
    Seth said:
    I think the classic system was designed to make us spend more time in the game. So I agree less clicks are definitely good for aging fingers.

    Another point to suggest is to look at those item interaction that I find irritating. Suggestions:

    -  Able to add BODs to BOD books outside the backpack.

    They already made that change. You can add and remove BODs from a locked down (secured) BOD book.

    Oops, I should say when the BOD books are inside the containers. I used to lock them down in the past but due to increasing numbers, I have moved them into containers to tidy up the place. 

    Maybe will consider moving them back to the floor.
    Have you tried them in a locked down container
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    What is QOL?  Is it the enhanced client?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Quality of Life.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    Quality of Life for me =

    Not Antique.

    Not Brittle.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Locking down a display container and setting it to everybody and then having to open it and doing the same for every container in it.  How about a set all containers to everybody setting.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Bilbo said:
    Have you tried them in a locked down container
    Nope, but if this works then I don't have to lock on the floor. Will try this later today, thanks!
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Make all items stackable even gifts that are exactly the same.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    The UO store selling items newer players can actually use in the game.
  • DanpalDanpal Posts: 119
    No one has said the biggest best QOL.   Drop down from house menu. Search all for item
  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    edited March 2021
    So many things...

    • For the 50th time - Sortable Bod Books
    • Price All in a bod book (anything currently filtered is priced the same)
    • Bod books take 1 lockdown like alacrity and powerscroll books
    • Jewelry box should be 1 item per 5 items in the box so you can carry a full box. If you unlock with 200 in it you can't carry it. You have to take them out and then move then put back in. Its poorly designed. 
    • Hacking a tree should make boards - there is no use for logs - its an extra step for no reason
    • Cutting corpses should create cut leather - piles of leather are no use - extra step to get cut
    • Make lowest ore a full pile of ore - these mini piles are annoying if I fail on a single i lose it all - thats fine vs these tiny piles that are too small to smelt
    • Boards are too heavy.  I can hold 2,000 ingots but not more than 300 boards? Boards need to be 1/2 the weight they are now. 
    • Alpha sort in NPC menus.  They are all ordered differently. Annoying. 
    • NPC sell 999 of everything immediately refilled. Honestly - who wants to wait around for spider silk to respawn?  Its a waste of time! No one is making a living buying and selling bulk reagents.  
    • If i log out take me to the character or shard selection screen not all the way out. Makes changing toons have to type password in again.  Annoying when getting gifts and the like.  Log out of toon should not be log out account. 
    • Remove all runes from a book at once
    • Remove all bods from book at once based on filter
    • Copy rune book option where it copies all the runes in a book to the next book. Uses runes from pack. 
    • Combining runics goes up to 500 uses instead of 100.  Thats at least 10 DC hammers. 
    •  Make all blackrock stack and make it bigger in your pack - can't see it half the time in 2d
    • Whoever thought up the process for making a runed switch was a masochist.  Seriously. Dev team - go craft one.  Honestly. Just one.  See how many skills and time it takes. 
    • Salvage bag - when you salvage put the salvaged results in the bag.  Super annoying to put in main pack cause you were crafting in the bag then you have to drag it back in. 
    • CTL -Shift in 2d shows everything (Corpses, Players, Monsters) - Make different hot keys for monsters only (hostile), player only, corpse only.   Too many handles in a battle. Can't find bars to drag under a mass of players and corpses at events. 
    • Vendor search has a filter for Scrolls (alacrity, power, trans)
    • 2d - fix the macro making screen. Its ridiculous that you can only see two commands at a time in the list.  Show 5 at least.  The drop down has every single spell in the game.  Its crazy.  Have a way to select the spell group like magery. 
    • Honestly the entire settings screens are terrible.  They scroll off the page instead of smoothly and its so hard to find things.  Worst interface in the game.  
    • Taming is still the worst skill to gain up to 90.  Allow taming gains during taming process like lore. I can get 2 lore gains on a tame but only a tame gain at the end of taming - takes 8 seconds each attempt. Its ridiculously slow still.  Its really going to make people angry in your new land if they have to manually work it up esp without blue or pink scrolls. 
    • If i tell a pet to stop and follow me- make them follow me not run back and fight the monster killing them.  I'm trying to get them to safety. 
    • Runics for tinkering so we can make magic jewelry and tinkering weapons besides imbuing. 
    • Tailor runics should add properties to cloth hats - you can't craft a magical hat but you can craft a magic leather hat. 
    • Lock icon option on the paperdoll in 2d like 3d.  Once I set all my spell and hot key icons I don't want them to move in 2d unless I unlock them. Think an iphone screen.  Static unless I click 'allow move icons'. No moving or cancelling. Nothing like closing your heal icon in the heat of battle by accident when you try to close a corpse. 
    • Treasure maps should have coordinates at the top. I should not have to put in davies locker then write on paper then remember which number goes to which map in my pack. I don't want to play this game with a piece of paper. 
    • Make jewelry boxes engravable with wood engrave tool so i can label them. 
    • Show how many tokens are in a shard shield like you do a alacrity painting.  I should be able to see if 1, 5, or 10. Only way now is to take one out.
    • You changed the wood and ore randomization - you can up the spawn rate now of top end by about 5-10x.  Finding frostwood in the wild is near impossible.  Everyone gets it from ships cause you would hack wood for 5 hours or longer to find one Frostwood tree. 
    • EJ accounts should have 75 bank storage and be allowed to take items out to get below 75.  Returning players are locked out of using their bank boxes if they have more than 25 items.  Vets using EJ to store stuff can put 125 in a pack and create 20 accounts if we need.  Limited storage is discouraging vets from coming back and annoying to EJ users its bad enough not having any house storage - you can't live with 25 items in the bank.  
    • Won auction items should go into your bank box or secure like when you transfer.  Having to keep a map or find the location of the auction later is crazy.  Put the item in my bank box or in a gump when I log in. 
    • Bank box should work for placing into Alacrity, PowerScroll and Trans books.  You shouldn't have to own a house to use them. 
    I could list another 50 but that should keep you busy for awhile.   

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Add an Empty the Trash Barrel Now option to the Trash Barrel.  Having to wait 3 minutes for it to empty is a time waste. I can spend up to 15 minutes a day doing a mass trashing of smuggled liquor and armor refinements if I have gone after a lot of merchant and pirate ships that day.

    Let the trash barrel contain more than 400 stones.

    Let boards in a lumberjack's satchel be used when crafting something or repairing a ship.

    Let recall runes be markable and usable in Felucca's Papua and Delucia. 

    Add the Sea Market to the crystal portals.

    Double clicking on a Sherry the Mouse statue should bring up the news.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    TimSt said:

    Let boards in a lumberjack's satchel be used when crafting something or repairing a ship.

    This one is already true?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    While you wait for your long list to be actioned, here are some already available adjustments you can improve your QoL with:

    • Jewelry box should be 1 item per 5 items in the box so you can carry a full box. If you unlock with 200 in it you can't carry it. You have to take them out and then move then put back in. Its poorly designed.
    Relocate Container
    • Hacking a tree should make boards - there is no use for logs - its an extra step for no reason
    Harvester's axe (https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/gameplay/huntmasters-challenge/ )
    • Cutting corpses should create cut leather - piles of leather are no use - extra step to get cut
    Harvester's Blade (https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/gameplay/huntmasters-challenge/ )

    • Boards are too heavy.  I can hold 2,000 ingots but not more than 300 boards? Boards need to be 1/2 the weight they are now.
    Lumberjack's Satchel (https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/gameplay/huntmasters-challenge/ )
    • Copy rune book option where it copies all the runes in a book to the next book. Uses runes from pack.
    Pen of Wisdom (Origin Store)
    • If i tell a pet to stop and follow me- make them follow me not run back and fight the monster killing them.  I'm trying to get them to safety.
    This should already be true? it is for my tamer.
    • Runics for tinkering so we can make magic jewelry and tinkering weapons besides imbuing.
    Tinker weapons can already be re-forged using a smith hammer
    • Tailor runics should add properties to cloth hats - you can't craft a magical hat but you can craft a magic leather hat.
    You can reforge such a hat

  • GwenGwen Posts: 210
    edited March 2021
    Danpal said:
    No one has said the biggest best QOL.   Drop down from house menu. Search all for item
    Yes, something like VS but for your own house will be awesome.

    Also want options in VS:
    1- can be used by gargoyles (current gargoyles only is not good)
    2- Can be altered

    Filtering option in jewelry boxes
    Filtering in Davies locker

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,232
    @TimSt trash barrels hold unlimited weight

    *I wish to secure this*

    Jewelry boxes, if you are moving them from one location to another in your house, use the relocated container option...you can then go anywhere in your house to relocate it...from the roof to the bottom floor, no need to take things out.

    Hacking a tree irl makes logs...or wood chips lol not boards which is why, as Mariah said, we have the harvester weapons for logs/leather because I know if you hack up a cow in real life you do not get nice piles of cut leather ;)

    It's the Real Life immersion of some things that some people still enjoy about this game.

    I am beginning to develop arthritis :( but I still gather cotton to spin into thread to make into cloth...THAT is a lot of clicking! But I enjoy it.

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    Mariah said:

    • If i tell a pet to stop and follow me- make them follow me not run back and fight the monster killing them.  I'm trying to get them to safety.
    This should already be true? it is for my tamer.

    my white tiger does this...

    i will tell it to follow me and it comes to me.
    I feed it and tell it to follow me.
    then whatever it was attacking will take a step towards it.
    And it will go right back to fighting again.
    (i will repeat above & tiger will go back to target again,
    until it dies)

    my giant beetle does this sometimes too,
    but when it does it, I just hop on.
    you can't do that with a tiger
    (which is why people have asked for them to be rideable)
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,232
    Do you tell it to stop first? All Stop *should* erase the pets memory. I haven't had to in awhile but I used to have to All Stop, All Stay, All follow me a few times...one of my Cu's is very flighty; there will be 3 mobs, one really close and  2 across the screen. He'll go after the one that's the furthest away, but first he'll take a bite out of the closest one then continue on to the others. :/

    The Pet AI is  super wonky!

  • GwenGwen Posts: 210
    Cinderella   Use "All Stop" than All follow Me. 
    All follow works in when no hostiles around. If you use it with pet fighting something- pet will return to fighting. 
  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    Larisa said:
    @ TimSt trash barrels hold unlimited weight

    *I wish to secure this*

    @ Theo
    Jewelry boxes, if you are moving them from one location to another in your house, use the relocated container option...you can then go anywhere in your house to relocate it...from the roof to the bottom floor, no need to take things out.

    Hacking a tree irl makes logs...or wood chips lol not boards which is why, as Mariah said, we have the harvester weapons for logs/leather because I know if you hack up a cow in real life you do not get nice piles of cut leather ;)

    It's the Real Life immersion of some things that some people still enjoy about this game.

    I am beginning to develop arthritis :( but I still gather cotton to spin into thread to make into cloth...THAT is a lot of clicking! But I enjoy it.

    Jewelry boxes in the house yes but moving to a new house? I have 7 of them all with more than 250 in them each. It was the hardest and most annoying thing to move. Everything else was easy including 30,000 bods. 

    I disagree that clicking a tree then clicking a stack in my pack WITH the same tool is real life immersion. It’s just an extra step that favors scripted.  Scripting that is a snap. 

    Yes there are harvester blades and the like but you have to ask why?  Why is it even this way?  QOL was the point. I don’t want to carry an extra item on every player to make up for poor design. That’s the point.

    The fact that these sort of QOL issues are fixed with band aids is why we have only 50+ year olds hanging on to this game and few young players.  Newer games are designed better.  If you continue to fix with band aids instead of root cause you will always get the same thing. 

    Is the goal to grow the game? If not then forget all of these. If so then think about the time spent in game and what is fun vs tedious. Remove tedious. 
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Harvester axe should be like the harvester blade: unlimited uses. Seriously no reason not to. You can’t even use it as a normal axe when the charges run out. 
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    Quality of life to me? Easy. I would like the classic client to not rely on a 3rd party program that charges money per account to get BASIC CLIENT FUNCTIONALITY. This game survives on veteran players and nostalgia, so why is the classic client going on 24 years without being able to use modern keybindings LIKE MOUSEWHEEL, while the new client has LITERAL BUILT-IN SCRIPTING.
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