so the Wrong quest gets you...... nothing?
quick question for the Dev's
doing the quest in wrong nets you nothing?
is that right?
just wanted to make sure it wasn't broken or something.
cause we went down and got to the body, dd clicked it, it said i gathered it up now make it out.
made it out....... and nothing.
no 'hey you made it'
no title.
no nothing.
is that right, the quest just leaves you with no closure or anything?
doing the quest in wrong nets you nothing?
is that right?
just wanted to make sure it wasn't broken or something.
cause we went down and got to the body, dd clicked it, it said i gathered it up now make it out.
made it out....... and nothing.
no 'hey you made it'
no title.
no nothing.
is that right, the quest just leaves you with no closure or anything?

Edited: I've identified an issue and submitted a fix. We will get this out in a hotfix, in the meantime you should be able to claim your reward once the issue is resolved by approaching the last NPC. Keep an eye on for updates and thanks for bringing this to our attention!
which makes me wonder if i will get the reward once the hotfix goes in?
i only ask because i did it on my character that collects titles, i would be devastated if i could not get this title for him!!!
Treasure Hunters