You know you've been playing UO a long time when....
My loudmouth parrot is 15 and a half years old

It seems like just yesterday this loudmouth wasn't even a year! This makes me feel old!
Feel free to share pics on things you have in the game where you think back about how long ago you've had something.

It seems like just yesterday this loudmouth wasn't even a year! This makes me feel old!

Feel free to share pics on things you have in the game where you think back about how long ago you've had something.
Most telling is, the first character I made on our own account (I pinched a slot on our son's account for 3 months before hubby and I got a shared account between us)
Character name was, and is, Petra Fyde, she is 245 months old. Older than some of today's players!
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Early 80’s 4th grade, picked up Tolkien when my older bro got his books... hooked. Ahh, but I digress...
Know imma old UO fart when I log in my 2nd house ever placed (that used to be a green tent) and see the name on it ‘ Where’d Da Leafs Go?!? ‘. Memories of the only Fel times.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo