The donkey that craps on UO
A certain RMT donkey has apparently gotten loose and is spamming general chat on Legends.
I think we ALL KNOW of whom I refer.
Mesanna, Kyronix, Bleak, Misk and the rest of The Dev team: I think I speak for everyone when I say I preferred it better when he was trapped in Help Chat.
If you could trap him in a circle of hell where he had to put up with his own spam 24/7 would be even better!
Last time he was loosed he filled up my blocklist!
Please help GM Chernabog corral him he's been on 25 chars tonight.

Mesanna, Kyronix, Bleak, Misk and the rest of The Dev team: I think I speak for everyone when I say I preferred it better when he was trapped in Help Chat.
If you could trap him in a circle of hell where he had to put up with his own spam 24/7 would be even better!

Last time he was loosed he filled up my blocklist!

Please help GM Chernabog corral him he's been on 25 chars tonight.
On GL it is I think, Avatar #'s 1-25 or so that does the spamming. I was thinking, how could that account not be banned after the first time they spam an advertisement like that. Yet night after night, spam after spam
after spam after spam
after spam after spam....
Yes very annoying!!
I look at it like collecting rares. Eventually I'll have the whole set.
He is hardly a Rare Arroth, but I like your thinking.
Making me want to collect my own set now!
I agree, he is annoying.