Character Wont Turn to face door.

Some of my Characters have this issue. Some don't. In classic client, when standing right next to a door, some characters will not turn and face the door while holding right click. My mouse is in the appropriate direction in order to face the door. The characters instead either run/walk parallel with the door or not move at all. Am I missing a setting? Is this a problem others have as well?


  • Max_BlackoakMax_Blackoak Posts: 655
    edited March 2021
    it might have to do with the improved auto navigation around obstacles. I know EC does this too in some cases. Basically the client thinks you hit an obstacle and tries to navigate your char around it.
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    You need to untoggle "enable pathfinding with double right click"

  • no that's a different kind of pathfinding.
    The double click pathfinding will walk automatically navigate your char to the tile you double clicked in CC.
    auto navigation is used to navigate the character around obstacles you still need to hold down the right mouse button for it to move though.
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    edited March 2021
    I know it's not in the description of it but it do help if you want to stand next to a door and looking into it.
  • Thank you! I tried disabling path-finding and it did indeed allow me to face the door. Thank you for the suggestion. Re-toggling path-finding recreates the issue. I had a feeling it was something as simple as that and didn't want to believe it was path-finding. Path-finding is mostly annoying and helpful in rare circumstances. I'm surprised I didn't find this tip anywhere on the forums or google, as I'm sure plenty of people who use the open door macro were a little frustrated every time they misjudged the angle. Thank you again!
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