Vault Storage Delayed at Launch
I know either Bleak or Kyronix said it somewhere...but the search function on this forum does not work and I know I'm not going crazy, I read it SOMEWHERE....can you clarify that it WILL be released at a later date but was NOT intended to be available on launch day, I'm assuming it's still being tested?

4. We know there has been a lot of discussion related to the amount of storage that Endless Journey accounts will have access to. We are still actively developing means of allowing Endless Journey accounts access to some level of secure storage. These options will not be part of the initial release of Endless Journey and may come at a later time.
"How do I access my bank" is becoming a very common question.
The Endless Journey FAQ is full of useful info, including a link on recovering an account.
The publish notes also mention the no bank access.
and finally there's also a page on the wiki for Endless Journey
The question I have, is.... If an EJ account doesn't have access to the contents of their bank, how exactly would they use their soulstone without Subbing?
the reason I ask, is because when you redeem a soulstone from a token, it's placed in the bank box. so... obviously there's an issue with that.
A player really does not need a house and bank crammed full of items to enjoy UO. A basic suit, and stashing some supplies on their alt, is enough to explore UO, do quests, RP, makes friends to dungeon crawl and go after bosses. There have been a LOT of changes and additions since many of these vets left. Plenty to explore. And a whole new world for new players.
A returning player will obviously be disappointed that they cannot access their banked items - but previously they could not access ANYTHING without subscribing. It's FREE... Perhaps offering suggestions on how to work with the limitations until there is secure storage would be more constructive.
As for the SS issue, that is a problem that needs to be addressed ASAP imo. Change it so the token spawns the SS in backpack, or remove it from the store for EJ are quick fixes that come to mind. For vet EJ accounts with SS stuck in their bank, they are just going to have to wait or subscribe to clean out their bank and prep their account for EJ. Make a new EJ char while they wait for their main account to gain EJ status again.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
In any case, I think they ARE working on it.