Global Chat

I wasn't able to test this on TC, it's a bit clunky to use. I would like to see the option to type directly into the chat window instead of having to type ~Comma+Enter~ first...

I'm not sure if that's a viable option but it would be easier



  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    what do you have to type in order to talk to a friend in global chat??  @Kyronix @Bleak
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    I posted it above...first you have to add them as a friend...then you click on the little icon next to their name....then you type in the comma ' and enter...their name will show up at the bottom left of your screen and when you hit enter the text appears in the I said very clunky 

  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420

    I tried that and it doesn't work, plus it keeps going offline randomly

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Yeah mine does that too...sometimes friends names don't show up and sometimes they I logged onto another character...after you've used the global chat..that big honkin window pops up every time I log in...would rather it not do that! of my chars is not accepting global friend matter WHAT I do..

    Once you target a person for global chat...even after you've accepted it, you will get the message ~The chat request has timed out~ even if you've already accepted it.

    I logged into a different character on the same account....was able to add a friend but the name is showing up as the OTHER character..

    Once you have a friend on the list, click on the little icon, it will turn yellow..(You know there's a page in the wiki for this, right? lol)

    And actually now it's not working at all...I am testing it right I think there are still issues with this system...might wanna move this to the bugs section!

  • CyrusCyrus Posts: 49
    Anyone know if there is a way to turn this off?
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    I don't think so....once you open it, you're stuck with it so hide it somewhere on your window lol

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    We cant make it work. There is no place to talk and , puts you in gen chat.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CyrusCyrus Posts: 49
    Larisa said:
    I don't think so....once you open it, you're stuck with it so hide it somewhere on your window lol
    Hide it is what I will do :)  Thanks!
  • BleakBleak Posts: 143Dev
    what do you have to type in order to talk to a friend in global chat??  @ Kyronix @ Bleak
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Pawain said:
    We cant make it work. There is no place to talk and , puts you in gen chat.
    I actually got it to work once....and now it's not working....typing the comma and enter just makes you say ' in normal chat lol :/ 

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094

    So, I got my global chat working in EC.

    Had to check the tick box for GChat on the chat filters.

    Oddly, when I set myself to offline, my "friends" also change to offline. So it is more like you're entering and leaving global chat rather than a friends list that keeps the status of your friends updated (like Steam or BNet).

  • CyrusCyrus Posts: 49
    This EJ launch is turning in to one big embarrassment for UO/BS. 
  • BleakBleak Posts: 143Dev

    So, I got my global chat working in EC.

    Had to check the tick box for GChat on the chat filters.

    Oddly, when I set myself to offline, my "friends" also change to offline. So it is more like you're entering and leaving global chat rather than a friends list that keeps the status of your friends updated (like Steam or BNet).

    You only get friend status updates while you are online. 
  • BleakBleak Posts: 143Dev
    Larisa said:
    Pawain said:
    We cant make it work. There is no place to talk and , puts you in gen chat.
    I actually got it to work once....and now it's not working....typing the comma and enter just makes you say ' in normal chat lol :/ 
    The wiki has been updated to the correct command.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Ahhh I probably hit the space bar without thinking about it....thanks Bleak!

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited April 2018

    Sorry @Bleak bad wording on my part. I initially thought "offline" meant more like an "invisible" mode, where you could be offline but still see your friends status. (But it isn't, which is probably why you called it "offline" and not "invisible", eh?)

    In the EC, I have to go into chat filters and tick the check box for GChat each time I login. This is after logging out to the main menu (without closing the window) to save settings. Is it intended to be that way? 

  • BleakBleak Posts: 143Dev

    Sorry @ Bleak bad wording on my part. I initially thought "offline" meant more like an "invisible" mode, where you could be offline but still see your friends status. (But it isn't, which is probably why you called it "offline" and not "invisible", eh?)

    In the EC, I have to go into chat filters and tick the check box for GChat each time I login. This is after logging out to the main menu (without closing the window) to save settings. Is it intended to be that way? 

    There is no default Global Chat tab in the EC but we will be adding one in the future. The chat filter settings will be saved per character when updating/creating a tab. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Bleak said:
    Larisa said:
    Pawain said:
    We cant make it work. There is no place to talk and , puts you in gen chat.
    I actually got it to work once....and now it's not working....typing the comma and enter just makes you say ' in normal chat lol :/ 
    The wiki has been updated to the correct command.

    To message another player, you must select the symbol by their name. The selected player will be indicated by the updated yellow color.  If a player is online their symbol will be white and the symbol will be black when offline.

    Pressing the “ ’ “ key + Space will allow you to respond to the selected player.

    I do all this. I press apostrophe and I type it above my head for all to see. Shift +' also just types '

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Works for me....when you click on the icon and it turns yellow...type in the '  (The key next to the ENTER key) then SPACE...their name will show up on the bottom left:

    Then hit ENTER and it will go into the chat window:

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Though it's showing Lyndia as online and she's not :/ so it should be black...but it works

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited April 2018
    Larisa said:
    Though it's showing Lyndia as online and she's not :/ so it should be black...but it works

    Is another character from Lyndia's account logged in?

    That is what is happening for me. It shows one of my characters online, but it is really a different character from that account that is online.

    Which makes sense, since it is Global Chat. You only have to friend one character from someone's account and you can talk to them regardless of the character/shard they are playing on.

    You will still only see the name of the character they allowed you to friend though.

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Larisa said:
    Though it's showing Lyndia as online and she's not :/ so it should be black...but it works

    Is another character from Lyndia's account logged in?

    That is what is happening for me. It shows one of my characters online, but it is really a different character from that account that is online.

    Which makes sense, since it is Global Chat. You only have to friend one character from someone's account and you can talk to them regardless of the character/shard they are playing on.

    You will still only see the name of the character they allowed you to friend though.

    No Lyndia is my EJ account and I didn't even have a second client running at the time

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    Hmm, don't know @Larisa. Ghosts in the Machine.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    ok  Press ' Then press space.

    The wiki says '+ space.

    Thanks. I got it to work.

    Works when they go to another shard also.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    They meant type in the ' and a they should write ~Type in the apostrophe and then space...or something like that so no one hits the plus sign like apparently you did

  • PureLifePureLife Posts: 54
    Bleak said:

    Sorry @ Bleak bad wording on my part. I initially thought "offline" meant more like an "invisible" mode, where you could be offline but still see your friends status. (But it isn't, which is probably why you called it "offline" and not "invisible", eh?)

    In the EC, I have to go into chat filters and tick the check box for GChat each time I login. This is after logging out to the main menu (without closing the window) to save settings. Is it intended to be that way? 

    There is no default Global Chat tab in the EC but we will be adding one in the future. The chat filter settings will be saved per character when updating/creating a tab. 
    your not actually going to invest more time into global chat are you? just chalk it up as a loss and move on.
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I'm using the EC with Pinco's UI, I have not a clue how to use the new chat, does it even work in the EC? Why is everything so complicated? Most other MMO's you just type /tell name and a message....  :/
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,230
    Remember they are working with 20 years of code that has been man-handled by MANY people...they have to work with what they have and I think they are doing a good job considering. 

    The system is a bit clunky, but it works so hopefully we won't get a lot of HEY LARISA ARE YOU ON??? in gen chat...just look at the list and bam, you'll know! Once they get the bugs out ;) So it's a really great concept, I am happy they put it in.

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited April 2018

    jaytin said:
    I'm using the EC with Pinco's UI, I have not a clue how to use the new chat, does it even work in the EC? Why is everything so complicated? Most other MMO's you just type /tell name and a message....  :/

    This entire thing is written in humorous Monty Python voice, so take a deep breath, have a drink, and enjoy!


    Hi @jaytin! Yes Global Chat (GChat) does work in the EC. It just takes some finagling.

    This is the wiki link explaining GChat, but it doesn't really take you into how to get it working.

    So, here is a step by step guide, in two parts.

    Part 1:

    Left click the round orange icon (Chat) in your menu bar. This will open the Global Chat window.

    Left click Add Friend in the Global Chat window.

    Target the character in game you want to add.

    Have them accept your friend request.

    Left click the small round orange icon beside where you enter text to talk to people.

    Left click the left pointing arrow beside "/Select Friend" to open a drop down menu.

    From the drop down menu click the name of the character you want to talk to.

    That character name will now appear in brackets prior to the text you type where you talk to people. It would look something like this [Arroth Thaiel]:

    Type in text to talk to that person.

    Still not working? No, I didn't think so. :(

    Part 2:

    Right click the small round orange icon beside where you enter text to talk to people.

    Untick the check box for "Auto-Hide"

    Your System and Journal tabs should now show.

    Right click the System tab and choose "Chat Filters".

    Tick the box for GChat under "Chat Filters". It is the last filter in the list.

    Click Accept.

    Now you can see your GChat text in the System tab chat window.

    Repeat this process for the Journal tab if you want to see GChat text in the Journal tab chat window.

    Part 3: Wait, what?

    As a bonus, if you log out to the main menu, then log back in with the same character, the GChat filter in both System and Journal tabs will be unchecked. That means you get to re-tick the check box for the GChat filter in both the System and Journal tabs every time you log in. Regardless of whether you are logging in with the same character or not.


    Right click on the System tab and choose "New Tab".

    Right click on the new tab, choose chat filter, and you will see that GChat is already ticked.

    Skip using GChat in the System or Journal tabs and just switch to the new tab when you want to use GChat.

    Don't try to name the new tab where Global Chat is working "Global Chat" though, that name is too long.

    And there you go, GChat is working, in 18 easy peasy steps! :p


    I'm guessing part 2 and part 3 are unintended and Bleak has something planned for the future as well, so I'd give it a patch or two. 

    Hope this helps!

  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    @Arroth_Thaiel OH. My. God! I found that just a tiny bit frightening....I will just wait a while until Pinco comes along and makes it all work with his magic wand...  :o
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