Two of my Three Bee Hives Swarmed Today

Two of my three bee hives just up and left over night.  I had them locked down good and tight and unloaded the honey while they were locked down.  I woke up today and they had up and left.  I didn't realize this game was so advanced as to have bee hives swarm.  The next question is... how can I catch a cluster of bees which have already swarmed?  There's got to be trees around with bees in them.  I would guess all you have to do is get a container and click on the bees and then the container.  


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,576
    edited March 2021
    Are you in EC with Transparency on?  Are they in the on mode?

    Bees don't fly away and you do not get them from trees.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    EC has trouble with animated items in houses. It’s really annoying. Happens to soul stones, ovens, fountains of life, etc. sometimes they are there and sometimes they are invisible :/
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    CC FTW!!!!
    *runs off before getting smacked*

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