New Legacy Stream, very informative and good, thumbs up !!



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    This is beginning to sound intriguing.  Got my attention now, especially with the no powerscrolls part, weeding out the unused skills, etc.  It will be easier for everyone to get to the same level this way.

    Hopefully, (fingers crossed) In addition to doing away with PS's, you will let me mouse over my bow and see:

    A Mighty Bow of Vanquishing.

    Instead of A Compostie Bow
    Insured (hope to see insurance gone as well)
    wt 5 stone
    Hit Lightning 50% \
    Mana leech 50%
    stamina leech 50%
    undead slayer
    damage increase 35
    physical damage 50
    fire damage 10
    energy damage 10
    poison damage 30
    weapon damage 16-20
    weapon speed 4
    range 10

    That's it me, a great part of original UO is the simple easy properties on weapons and armor, the sensible dex penalties as you increase the AR rating...
    Looted armor can be good again, GM smith's can make the best again, no imbuing, reforging, spreadsheets, special ingredients needed.

    Glory Hallelujah and Amen!!!

    Talking about unused skills, considering how it will be, for the most part, a no Recall no Gate Shard, saved a few public Gates, probably Camping to log off in the Wild would be a good idea to give to players.... or, at least, give to New Legacy players a tent which they can carry on themselves (blessed of course), to plant and thus be able to log off in the Wild rather quickly if the have to, and do not have time to go to a Town....
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    As a human I've used camping a lot over the years.  With 0 skill...dbl click the kindling till it lights, wait on the "camp is secure" message, and log.  Don't need any skill points in it.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited March 2021
    As a Siege player, I am already accustomed to the idea of every last pixel being permanently shard bound. I remember having ONE character - before soul stones. I was a tailor mage hybrid. I remember what UO was like before crystal portals, teleport tiles, and ship-gating. I remember running around in handmade leather armor with a handful of reagents. There were plenty of times where I had the skill to gate home after losing or running out of reagents, but had no means to do so and was forced to walk. I still often play without any armor at all and rely on 40 resists from Resisting Spells skill and quick feet.

    Over the years, UO has changed in order to keep the game fresh and new. There has been a power creep issue, and new systems and new properties and lots of quality of life items that people cannot imagine living without. I know people who simply cannot play the game without the convenience of LRC, as an example. I enjoy all of these things - but I recognize them as the luxuries that they are.

    I am looking forward to a simpler Sosaria. It looks to me like New Legacy will be focused on SKILL rather than items. Not just character skill, but player skill. The focus will be on building our characters, completing tasks to 'earn' skills, items, housing plots, etc.

    The idea of everything being wiped at the end was a major turn off for me at first. Still is. But I'm starting to look at it like any myriad of fun things that I have enjoyed in my life where there is an end. Reading a book, or watching a movie. I played Super Mario Bros even tho I knew it would eventually be completed. Then a beloved author would write a new book, or Disney would make a new movie, or Nintendo would make a new Mario Bros, new rules, new characters, etc and I would have fun with that. For a season. That is what I think New Legacy will be. We log in, we enjoy playing the game for the fun of the game itself. Then it completes, and we wait for a new version. Except unlike Nintendo, we can do so with other people - competitively or cooperatively.

    @Kyronix and Devs, please consider making some of the NL rewards account-wide unlocks. Titles come to mind, as one such reward, but any number of vanity items that do not change the Live game but would create incentive to play NL. Something we can keep at the end. Preferably something one claims with a system similar to vet rewards, so that Siege and Mugen are not left out. I'm fine with taking screencaps and making memories for my entertainment, but the reality is that most people do want something a bit more tangible.

    I am looking forward to NL.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,942
    I missed the streaming and would like to ask if the server for Legacy will be located on the east or west coast in the US?
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited March 2021
    Siege is an open PvP shard. While it has similarities to the early years of UO, it too has succumbed to power creep and the crippling weight of complex mechanics. A lot of people are wanting open-world PvP, but the simple fact of the matter is that the vast, overwhelming majority of UO players do not like or want PvP. Or, if they do want PvP, they don't want to lose all their gear in a single battle and have to spend hours farming gear or gold to buy gear. If they did, they would play Siege. In order to survive, New Legacy simply must appeal to the majority.

    It will have PvP for those who want it, but it isn't going to be 'the early days'. It isn't going to be 'Siege/Mugen with a reset'.

    People do like their houses and items and continuity (I am one of them), and none of those things are being taken away. However, there is something to be said for going out to a restaurant for a nice meal instead of always cooking at home. Something new and interesting and different for people to do with their UO friends.
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    Sounds Pre-AOS which was garbage to me.  Only thing good about pre-AOS is the better economy.  The AR rating for armor was stupid, straight GM skills causes pvp to turn into 1-2 templates ever played and boring.  We need a version a little more up to date but without gold inflation and ridic gear.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Pawain said:
    Bilbo said:
    Pawain said:
    Basic equipment like that will be fun for a few weeks.  Another reason a year is too long for a season.  We are not new to online games anymore.  It took months to see a Lord when UO began.
    There will be Lords and maxxed skills in a few days when this hits.

    Go buy your stuff from an NPC now and see how long that fun lasts.
    And for the most part before Age of Shi-t we all used player made equipment and if you had the coin you could afford exceptional made runic gear but loot gear wasn't the best when it came to runic made stuff.  We played that game for a long time and enjoyed the hell out of it.
    And kids used to play outside in the dirt.  Things change.  Nostalgia is not filling 20 years later. 
    Yea kids use to play outside and make things up and now look at them, most are coach potatoes with no imagination, take away the TV and their hand help games and they have no clue what to do or what fresh air is.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 546Moderator
    I have removed many irrelevant postings. Please stay on topic.
  • As a human I've used camping a lot over the years.  With 0 skill...dbl click the kindling till it lights, wait on the "camp is secure" message, and log.  Don't need any skill points in it.
    except the 20 you get for JoAT. :P *eats popcorn and sticks his tongue out at @Rorschach*

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 546Moderator
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    To Bilbo Thanks for the link really wanted to see this.
    To the team much better than last time.  Congratulations.
    Really looks like you will now be running two separate games.  Seems like you are spreading your selves pretty thin simultaneously managing and developing content for two different games.

    Have been playing now about two and one half years and know how difficult it is to raise enough gold to buy scrolls and other top notch equipment.  Don’t think new players on this shard will be able to raise in one year the millions gold they will need to equip them selves when they move to a production shard especially if they have to buy power scrolls.  Really think personal  equipment they are actually using should be account bound. For example, does not appear fair to take away a Mage’s spell books when the mage moves to a production shard.  While older players have books that can replace these books newer players don’t.

    i don’t use any third party programs and am now pretty sure I can grandmaster or come pretty close to mastering 7 skills to create a fighter or spell caster in about two or three weeks (realize a few skills cannot grandmastered in a week or two).  Would expect be more than a grandmaster after playing on this shard for a year.

    Wish you the best of luck but I only have time to play one game at a time.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    It is my impression that the LEET loot will not be on this shard and GM Smiths/Tailors will be in high demand just like before AoS
  • Bilbo said:
    It is my impression that the LEET loot will not be on this shard and GM Smiths/Tailors will be in high demand just like before AoS
    lets hope so, i could get into being an RP smith again.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I loved making armor and seeing my name everywhere and if I repaired something and it broke I made another for free.  It was a great feeling knowing people trusted you with their stuff.
  • AtomicBettyAtomicBetty Posts: 300
    Arnold7 said:
    To Bilbo Thanks for the link really wanted to see this.
    To the team much better than last time.  Congratulations.
    Really looks like you will now be running two separate games.  Seems like you are spreading your selves pretty thin simultaneously managing and developing content for two different games.

    Have been playing now about two and one half years and know how difficult it is to raise enough gold to buy scrolls and other top notch equipment.  Don’t think new players on this shard will be able to raise in one year the millions gold they will need to equip them selves when they move to a production shard especially if they have to buy power scrolls.  Really think personal  equipment they are actually using should be account bound. For example, does not appear fair to take away a Mage’s spell books when the mage moves to a production shard.  While older players have books that can replace these books newer players don’t.

    i don’t use any third party programs and am now pretty sure I can grandmaster or come pretty close to mastering 7 skills to create a fighter or spell caster in about two or three weeks (realize a few skills cannot grandmastered in a week or two).  Would expect be more than a grandmaster after playing on this shard for a year.

    Wish you the best of luck but I only have time to play one game at a time.

    They said very clearly multiple times that content developed for New Legacy will likely be content available on live shards. So not really spreading themselves thin at all.
  • ActionEllyActionElly Posts: 175
    It all sounds good, but I hope it won't be too old school. :D
  • ltankhsdltankhsd Posts: 1
    Kyronix said:
    This is beginning to sound intriguing.  Got my attention now, especially with the no powerscrolls part, weeding out the unused skills, etc.  It will be easier for everyone to get to the same level this way.

    Hopefully, (fingers crossed) In addition to doing away with PS's, you will let me mouse over my bow and see:

    A Mighty Bow of Vanquishing.

    Instead of A Compostie Bow
    Insured (hope to see insurance gone as well)
    wt 5 stone
    Hit Lightning 50% \
    Mana leech 50%
    stamina leech 50%
    undead slayer
    damage increase 35
    physical damage 50
    fire damage 10
    energy damage 10
    poison damage 30
    weapon damage 16-20
    weapon speed 4
    range 10

    That's it me, a great part of original UO is the simple easy properties on weapons and armor, the sensible dex penalties as you increase the AR rating...
    Looted armor can be good again, GM smith's can make the best again, no imbuing, reforging, spreadsheets, special ingredients needed.

    Glory Hallelujah and Amen!!!

    That’s the idea :)
    Sounds good to me. I'm an original UO player and have now tried twice to come back and the loot system is so confusing it is discouraging. 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “Will people be able to play UONL using the non official client?
    perhaps this should be restricted to official clients since the aim of the game is to give a classic feel”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
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