"New" Doom Dungeon Stealables Locations?

I just read the notes for Publish 96 from 2017.  Ok.  Looks like there are "new" stealables.  And yet, I can't find a single mention of their locations anywhere.  Does anyone have a map?

Incense Burner


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,576
    edited March 2021

    Map Here

    Info Here

    The ruined painting and incense burner are quite valuable. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    I noticed there was a "new excavation" area.  I haven't been able to reach it yet.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    I knew something spawned at the location of the incense burner... I just didn't know what. 
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    I don't think I've found some of the rooms pictured. 
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    Ohhh that's Bedlam not Doom.  I still have't seen it yet.  That's next.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    Ohhh you have to do a quest to enter it.... I've never seen that place before.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,576
    Ya bedlam quest isn't difficult.  The Torture Rack from Wrong is very cool!
    Also you can get a bar of soap from lifting the bedrolls in Wrong.  I've never got one but I tell others and they get one pretty quick.

    Luckily I have a couple players with thieves that supply me with things.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    I must have to do the quest to gather elf ears before I can do these quests.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,388Moderator
    edited March 2021
    This page has stealable locations

    oops. sorry @Pawain I didn't notice you had already provided that link. :)
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    edited March 2021
    SO, the mayor had only one quest--to gather elf ears... and yet no indication of where I can find elves to kill... Great.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,388Moderator
    edited March 2021
    That is not the mistaken identity quest chain.

    Mistaken IdentityDeliver 1 Tuition Reimbursement Form to Gorrow the Mayor in LunaAernya Mistress of Admissions, UmbraAccess to the 2nd quest
    You Scratch My Back Obtain 1Unicorn Rib, 2 Ki-Rin Brains and 5 Pixie Legs Gorrow the Mayor, Luna signed tuition reimbursement form
    Not Quite that EasyObtain 1 Signed Tuition Reimbursement Form from Master Gnosos the Necromancer in BedlamAernya Mistress of Admissions, Umbraaccess to the 4th quest

  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    To Galluccio

    Go to the Malas bank where you got the quest, and run out of the city using the path that goes past the moongate.  Keep running until you get to the end of the land mass where the mountain range ends.  You will find the elves in that area.  They have some tents setup.  You can also find some if you take road out of Umbra heading towards the mountains.  They are alongside the forest in an encampment on the side of the road.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Not sure if that’s really the quest you wanted but that’s were the elves are.  Mostly the Mayor rewards you with things you can use to obtain cleanup points but he does give out the good stuff once in awhile.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2021
    I"ve never liked the fixed location of the stealables and them being limited to one per spawn moment. I would have rather there been a questline for thieves, make it extensive so the items still have value, but every character should have the opportunity to steal every stealable not just camp one for days, or script it, or be forced to buy it from someone who steals them all. Is anyone aware of any quest offer available to thieves ? I'm not. Imagine the possiblities if there were quests . The highest items ie; ruined painting, inq res, etc..being tied to a nice quest chain that culminates in an "opportunity" notice I didn't say instant reward, but an opportunity to steal that particular item. That's game play, at least in my opinion.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Galluccio said:
    I noticed there was a "new excavation" area.  I haven't been able to reach it yet.

    By this do you mean the area just off of the Bone Daemon spawn room? If so, you can't get into that. It was part of a quest. Look close and you'll see that that's the tomb of long-dead King Wolfgang. When the quest was active you could use it to time travel to a cathedral, during the time of Wolfgang's reign.

    (I can guess that's an in-character reason the area is closed off...Can't have masses of people time travel together and muck things up. Also I guess can't have many people mucking up an archaeological site. Would be nice to have some content there at some point though.)
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