Reforging made us start using normal materials. Ship chests have color ingots and wood.
I understand what @ McDougle is saying. But disagree that it should not be that way. Reforging is much better than imbuing armor.
Do you have links to how to reforge that you have written and or use all the time to get what you want. Could you provide screen shoots of some of your items.
@Mariah could we get a sub category under Skills and Stats just for Reforging / Imbuing How Tos
We haven't changed anything so any "all of a sudden" scenario is likely the side effects of RNG. That's not to say there couln't be an issue, but it'd require quite a bit of digging and right now, heartwood on ships isn't a very high priority.
Understood just wanted to bring the lack of heartwood to your attention. And thanks for taking a moment to reply, I would imagine you and the team are on a tight schedule currently.
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
We haven't changed anything so any "all of a sudden" scenario is likely the side effects of RNG. That's not to say there couln't be an issue, but it'd require quite a bit of digging and right now, heartwood on ships isn't a very high priority.
Understood just wanted to bring the lack of heartwood to your attention. And thanks for taking a moment to reply, I would imagine you and the team are on a tight schedule currently.
I have today gotten 25 heartwood logs from a Tokuno style merchant boat in Felucca on Europa. It's not many, but they were there.
We haven't changed anything so any "all of a sudden" scenario is likely the side effects of RNG. That's not to say there couln't be an issue, but it'd require quite a bit of digging and right now, heartwood on ships isn't a very high priority.
Understood just wanted to bring the lack of heartwood to your attention. And thanks for taking a moment to reply, I would imagine you and the team are on a tight schedule currently.
I have today gotten 25 heartwood logs from a Tokuno style merchant boat in Felucca on Europa. It's not many, but they were there.
I just went check my boat - I have 150 logs of heartwood. I'm on Chessy and have been looting garg merchant ships in Tokuno. It's only been about 2 weeks that my boat has been out on the water so it is recent that I got the boards.
We haven't changed anything so any "all of a sudden" scenario is likely the side effects of RNG. That's not to say there couln't be an issue, but it'd require quite a bit of digging and right now, heartwood on ships isn't a very high priority.
Understood just wanted to bring the lack of heartwood to your attention. And thanks for taking a moment to reply, I would imagine you and the team are on a tight schedule currently.
I have today gotten 25 heartwood logs from a Tokuno style merchant boat in Felucca on Europa. It's not many, but they were there.
But do you agree or disagree that the amount Heartwood is too low? in my picture there were 150 of Frostwood and Bloodwood. the other 2 chests on that ship were very close in amounts to that one. over that weekend I put several thousand each of Bloodwood, Frostwood, Agapite,Verite, Valorite and Barbed leather. I put 0 Heartwood. Does this sound right to anyone?
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
We haven't changed anything so any "all of a sudden" scenario is likely the side effects of RNG. That's not to say there couln't be an issue, but it'd require quite a bit of digging and right now, heartwood on ships isn't a very high priority.
Understood just wanted to bring the lack of heartwood to your attention. And thanks for taking a moment to reply, I would imagine you and the team are on a tight schedule currently.
I have today gotten 25 heartwood logs from a Tokuno style merchant boat in Felucca on Europa. It's not many, but they were there.
But do you agree or disagree that the amount Heartwood is too low? in my picture there were 150 of Frostwood and Bloodwood. the other 2 chests on that ship were very close in amounts to that one. over that weekend I put several thousand each of Bloodwood, Frostwood, Agapite,Verite, Valorite and Barbed leather. I put 0 Heartwood. Does this sound right to anyone?
No, and typically "logs" only come in stacks of 25 never more than that, boards would be as many as 150 in a stack. I like someone elses post asking why these aren't just single stacks in the chests. I think the overall thought process for what items appear in the chests wasn't thought out very well, or coded well. Or maybe it's just me and I don't realize the importance of stacks of 550 sand being more valuable than the rarest of boards or ammo supplies.
You and Several Others like this.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
@Mariah could we get a sub category under Skills and Stats just for Reforging / Imbuing How Tos
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I just went check my boat - I have 150 logs of heartwood. I'm on Chessy and have been looting garg merchant ships in Tokuno. It's only been about 2 weeks that my boat has been out on the water so it is recent that I got the boards.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.